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  • Thread Starter xivos01


    Hi, yes please go ahead. Unfortunately I had to move away from crowdsec as it didn’t work out. Will happily check back at a later time… In the meantime thank you for your support!

    Thread Starter xivos01


    I found that you added this check on the favicon file:

    returnFavicon() {
            if (!this.uipress.isObject(this.uiTemplate.globalSettings)) {
        return false;

    So I added it on the beginning of the returnTitle function in the uip-pro-site.js and .min.js file.

    The error is now gone, but the template is still not loading on the front end…

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Thank you, I see the error now mentions:

    TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'options' in 
        at Proxy.returnTitle (uip-pro-site-title.min.js?version=308:1:325)
        at (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:5560)
        at get value [as value] (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:13792)
        at Object.get [as returnTitle] (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:33138)
        at Object.get (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:31316)
        at Proxy.getSiteTitle (uip-pro-site-title.min.js?version=308:1:599)
        at Proxy.render (eval at ou (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:120024), <anonymous>:9:29)
        at mn (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:17353)
        at fe.fn (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:48617)
        at (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:5560)

    Before it had an issue with favicon.min.js

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for the quick update. V 3.1.1 fixes the issue with the toolbar dropdowns ??, but I am still getting the same errors with the admin-bar on the front-end.

    I tried in safari as well and got the following displayed on the front-end (via toaster message):

    TypeError: “” is not an Object. (evaluating ‘”options”in this.uiTemplate.globalSettings

    Console in Safari says:

    TypeError: "" is not an Object. (evaluating '"options"in this.uiTemplate.globalSettings')
    returnFavicon — uip-pro-favicon.min.js:1:230
    run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
    value — vuejs.min.js:1:13796
    get — vuejs.min.js:1:33138
    get — vuejs.min.js:1:31317
    getFavicon — uip-pro-favicon.min.js:1:500
    mn — vuejs.min.js:1:17358
    (anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:48620
    run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
    P — vuejs.min.js:1:48896
    R — vuejs.min.js:1:47331
    F — vuejs.min.js:1:45494
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42593
    w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
    O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
    w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
    O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
    (anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:48625
    run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
    P — vuejs.min.js:1:48896
    R — vuejs.min.js:1:47331
    F — vuejs.min.js:1:45494
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42593
    w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
    O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
    w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
    O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
    w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
    O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
    (anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:48625
    run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
    P — vuejs.min.js:1:48896
    R — vuejs.min.js:1:47331
    F — vuejs.min.js:1:45494
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42593
    (anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:48625
    run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
    P — vuejs.min.js:1:48896
    R — vuejs.min.js:1:47331
    F — vuejs.min.js:1:45494
    h — vuejs.min.js:1:42593
    Q — vuejs.min.js:1:53755
    mount — vuejs.min.js:1:38030
    (anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:120638
    (anonymous function) — uip-app.min.js:1:4647

    on Chrome it’s still saying:

    TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘options’ in with the same console error.

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Amazing thank you so much!

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Sorry forgot about the second part of the message :D, yes it is re. the drop downs on the toolbar element. Happy to hear you are aware of it ??

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Hi Mark, you’re right, I found it logged as an info message, I was filtering for errors by default.

    The message reads:

    TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'options' in 
        at Proxy.returnFavicon (uip-pro-favicon.min.js?version=307:1:226)
        at (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:5560)
        at get value [as value] (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:13792)
        at Object.get [as returnFavicon] (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:33138)
        at Object.get (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:31316)
        at Proxy.getFavicon (uip-pro-favicon.min.js?version=307:1:500)
        at Proxy.render (eval at ou (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:120024), <anonymous>:9:29)
        at mn (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:17353)
        at fe.fn (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:48617)
        at (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:5560)
    Thread Starter xivos01


    Not sure if this is related, but the dropdowns do not seem to work correctly. For example: in the admin section if I want to create a new page using the top menu link, if I hover over “new”, nothing happens. If I click on “New”, the dropdown opens but it takes me to create a new post. I noticed the same thing happens if I launch a new demo on

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for your reply, and for the template. I tried it and it’s similar to what I thought initially.

    But the front end still loads without an admin bar. I think this may be a bug.

    In terms of themes, I am using Elementor Hello 2.6.1 together with Elementor and Elementor Pro.

    I don’t see any console errors, but I do get a toaster notification saying “TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘options’ in”

    No PHP Errors either…

    Thread Starter xivos01


    How would auto-prepend work in a multisite setup? .Since the plugin saves the settings to a file, does that mean that all websites would have the same settings? I would actually not mind that one bit

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Yes, I have LSCache enabled as well as using Cloudflare. (added the proxy IPs in the accepted X-Forwarded for IPs

    Thread Starter xivos01


    I enabled Debug on the plugin to have a look at the logs:

    2023-02-15T17:03:23.984691+00:00|100|Instantiate client|{"type":"CLIENT_INIT","configs":{"api_key":"***","auth_type":"api_key","tls_cert_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../tls/","tls_key_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../tls/","tls_verify_peer":false,"tls_ca_cert_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../tls/","api_url":"https://localhost:8080","api_timeout":120,"user_agent_version":"v2.0.1","user_agent_suffix":"WordPress"}}
    2023-02-15T17:03:23.986362+00:00|100|Instantiate cache|{"type":"CACHE_INIT","configs":{"memcached_dsn":"memcached://localhost:11211"},"adapter":"Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\Adapter\\MemcachedAdapter"}
    2023-02-15T17:03:23.986843+00:00|100|Instantiate remediation engine|{"type":"REM_INIT","configs":{"fallback_remediation":"captcha","stream_mode":true,"clean_ip_cache_duration":60,"bad_ip_cache_duration":120,"geolocation":{"enabled":false,"type":"maxmind","cache_duration":86400,"maxmind":{"database_type":"country","database_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../geolocation/"}},"ordered_remediations":["ban","captcha","bypass"]},"cache":"CrowdSec\\RemediationEngine\\CacheStorage\\Memcached"}
    2023-02-15T17:03:23.987321+00:00|100|Instantiate bouncer|{"type":"BOUNCER_INIT","logger":"CrowdSec\\Common\\Logger\\FileLog","remediation":"CrowdSec\\RemediationEngine\\LapiRemediation","configs":{"use_curl":true,"debug_mode":true,"disable_prod_log":false,"log_directory_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../logs/","forced_test_ip":"","forced_test_forwarded_ip":"","display_errors":false,"bouncing_level":"normal_bouncing","trust_ip_forward_array":[["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""]],"cache_system":"memcached","captcha_cache_duration":86400,"hide_mentions":true,"custom_css":"","excluded_uris":[]}}
    2023-02-15T17:03:23.987694+00:00|100|Detected IP is allowed for X-Forwarded-for usage|{"type":"AUTHORIZED_X_FORWARDED_FOR_USAGE","original_ip":"","x_forwarded_for_ip":"[IP Redacted]"}
    2023-02-15T17:03:23.988437+00:00|100|Cache result|{"type":"LAPI_REM_CACHED_DECISIONS","ip":"[IP Redacted]","result":"hit"}
    2023-02-15T17:03:23.988487+00:00|100|Decisions have been sorted by priority|{"type":"REM_SORTED_DECISIONS","decisions":[{"0":"ban","1":1676483523,"2":"cscli-ban-ip-[IP Redacted]","priority":0}]}

    It seems that the bouncer itself does show the ban decision but I can still freely browse the website.

    The bouncing level is set to Normal, so I would expect my test device to be blocked.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Further testing, I added a decision to block an IP, then tried accessing one of the websites which has the Crowdsec Plugin installed, and I can still access the website via that IP address.

    I added the decision using:
    cscli decisions add –ip x.x.x.x –duration 1h –type ban

    I was expected to be blocked…

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Hi Thank you so much for bearing with me while I figured this thing out. I will run some more tests and update the ticket if I find anything else

    Thread Starter xivos01


    Hi, I’m guessing we responded at the same time. I was able to run the commands you suggested and got the correct output.

    The stream mode was set to on when I ran the command. I have several subsites running on the same server, some with a subdomain and some with a mapped domain.

    The crowdsec plugin is turned on for only 3 out of 10+ subsites on this network.

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