Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CrowdSec] Stream Mode ErrorHi, yes please go ahead. Unfortunately I had to move away from crowdsec as it didn’t work out. Will happily check back at a later time… In the meantime thank you for your support!
I found that you added this check on the favicon file:
returnFavicon() { if (!this.uipress.isObject(this.uiTemplate.globalSettings)) { return false; }
So I added it on the beginning of the returnTitle function in the uip-pro-site.js and .min.js file.
The error is now gone, but the template is still not loading on the front end…
Thank you, I see the error now mentions:
TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'options' in at Proxy.returnTitle (uip-pro-site-title.min.js?version=308:1:325) at fe.run (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:5560) at get value [as value] (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:13792) at Object.get [as returnTitle] (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:33138) at Object.get (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:31316) at Proxy.getSiteTitle (uip-pro-site-title.min.js?version=308:1:599) at Proxy.render (eval at ou (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:120024), <anonymous>:9:29) at mn (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:17353) at fe.fn (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:48617) at fe.run (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.1:1:5560)
Before it had an issue with favicon.min.js
Hi Mark,
Thank you for the quick update. V 3.1.1 fixes the issue with the toolbar dropdowns ??, but I am still getting the same errors with the admin-bar on the front-end.
I tried in safari as well and got the following displayed on the front-end (via toaster message):TypeError: “” is not an Object. (evaluating ‘”options”in this.uiTemplate.globalSettings
Console in Safari says:
TypeError: "" is not an Object. (evaluating '"options"in this.uiTemplate.globalSettings')
returnFavicon — uip-pro-favicon.min.js:1:230
run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
value — vuejs.min.js:1:13796
get — vuejs.min.js:1:33138
get — vuejs.min.js:1:31317
getFavicon — uip-pro-favicon.min.js:1:500
mn — vuejs.min.js:1:17358
(anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:48620
run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
P — vuejs.min.js:1:48896
R — vuejs.min.js:1:47331
F — vuejs.min.js:1:45494
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42593
w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
(anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:48625
run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
P — vuejs.min.js:1:48896
R — vuejs.min.js:1:47331
F — vuejs.min.js:1:45494
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42593
w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
w — vuejs.min.js:1:43876
O — vuejs.min.js:1:45241
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42529
(anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:48625
run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
P — vuejs.min.js:1:48896
R — vuejs.min.js:1:47331
F — vuejs.min.js:1:45494
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42593
(anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:48625
run — vuejs.min.js:1:5563
P — vuejs.min.js:1:48896
R — vuejs.min.js:1:47331
F — vuejs.min.js:1:45494
h — vuejs.min.js:1:42593
Q — vuejs.min.js:1:53755
mount — vuejs.min.js:1:38030
(anonymous function) — vuejs.min.js:1:120638
(anonymous function) — uip-app.min.js:1:4647
promiseReactionJobon Chrome it’s still saying:
TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘options’ in with the same console error.
Amazing thank you so much!
Sorry forgot about the second part of the message :D, yes it is re. the drop downs on the toolbar element. Happy to hear you are aware of it ??
Hi Mark, you’re right, I found it logged as an info message, I was filtering for errors by default.
The message reads:
TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'options' in at Proxy.returnFavicon (uip-pro-favicon.min.js?version=307:1:226) at fe.run (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:5560) at get value [as value] (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:13792) at Object.get [as returnFavicon] (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:33138) at Object.get (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:31316) at Proxy.getFavicon (uip-pro-favicon.min.js?version=307:1:500) at Proxy.render (eval at ou (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:120024), <anonymous>:9:29) at mn (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:17353) at fe.fn (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:48617) at fe.run (vuejs.min.js?ver=3.1.0:1:5560)
Not sure if this is related, but the dropdowns do not seem to work correctly. For example: in the admin section if I want to create a new page using the top menu link, if I hover over “new”, nothing happens. If I click on “New”, the dropdown opens but it takes me to create a new post. I noticed the same thing happens if I launch a new demo on uipress.co.
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your reply, and for the template. I tried it and it’s similar to what I thought initially.But the front end still loads without an admin bar. I think this may be a bug.
In terms of themes, I am using Elementor Hello 2.6.1 together with Elementor and Elementor Pro.I don’t see any console errors, but I do get a toaster notification saying “TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘options’ in”
No PHP Errors either…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CrowdSec] Stream Mode ErrorHow would auto-prepend work in a multisite setup? .Since the plugin saves the settings to a file, does that mean that all websites would have the same settings? I would actually not mind that one bit
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CrowdSec] Stream Mode ErrorYes, I have LSCache enabled as well as using Cloudflare. (added the proxy IPs in the accepted X-Forwarded for IPs
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CrowdSec] Stream Mode ErrorI enabled Debug on the plugin to have a look at the logs:
2023-02-15T17:03:23.984691+00:00|100|Instantiate client|{"type":"CLIENT_INIT","configs":{"api_key":"***","auth_type":"api_key","tls_cert_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../tls/","tls_key_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../tls/","tls_verify_peer":false,"tls_ca_cert_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../tls/","api_url":"https://localhost:8080","api_timeout":120,"user_agent_version":"v2.0.1","user_agent_suffix":"WordPress"}} 2023-02-15T17:03:23.986362+00:00|100|Instantiate cache|{"type":"CACHE_INIT","configs":{"memcached_dsn":"memcached://localhost:11211"},"adapter":"Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\Adapter\\MemcachedAdapter"} 2023-02-15T17:03:23.986843+00:00|100|Instantiate remediation engine|{"type":"REM_INIT","configs":{"fallback_remediation":"captcha","stream_mode":true,"clean_ip_cache_duration":60,"bad_ip_cache_duration":120,"geolocation":{"enabled":false,"type":"maxmind","cache_duration":86400,"maxmind":{"database_type":"country","database_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../geolocation/"}},"ordered_remediations":["ban","captcha","bypass"]},"cache":"CrowdSec\\RemediationEngine\\CacheStorage\\Memcached"} 2023-02-15T17:03:23.987321+00:00|100|Instantiate bouncer|{"type":"BOUNCER_INIT","logger":"CrowdSec\\Common\\Logger\\FileLog","remediation":"CrowdSec\\RemediationEngine\\LapiRemediation","configs":{"use_curl":true,"debug_mode":true,"disable_prod_log":false,"log_directory_path":"/home/wordpress/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/crowdsec/inc/../logs/","forced_test_ip":"","forced_test_forwarded_ip":"","display_errors":false,"bouncing_level":"normal_bouncing","trust_ip_forward_array":[["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""],["",""]],"cache_system":"memcached","captcha_cache_duration":86400,"hide_mentions":true,"custom_css":"","excluded_uris":[]}} 2023-02-15T17:03:23.987694+00:00|100|Detected IP is allowed for X-Forwarded-for usage|{"type":"AUTHORIZED_X_FORWARDED_FOR_USAGE","original_ip":"","x_forwarded_for_ip":"[IP Redacted]"} 2023-02-15T17:03:23.988437+00:00|100|Cache result|{"type":"LAPI_REM_CACHED_DECISIONS","ip":"[IP Redacted]","result":"hit"} 2023-02-15T17:03:23.988487+00:00|100|Decisions have been sorted by priority|{"type":"REM_SORTED_DECISIONS","decisions":[{"0":"ban","1":1676483523,"2":"cscli-ban-ip-[IP Redacted]","priority":0}]}
It seems that the bouncer itself does show the ban decision but I can still freely browse the website.
The bouncing level is set to Normal, so I would expect my test device to be blocked.
Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CrowdSec] Stream Mode ErrorFurther testing, I added a decision to block an IP, then tried accessing one of the websites which has the Crowdsec Plugin installed, and I can still access the website via that IP address.
I added the decision using:
cscli decisions add –ip x.x.x.x –duration 1h –type banI was expected to be blocked…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CrowdSec] Stream Mode ErrorHi Thank you so much for bearing with me while I figured this thing out. I will run some more tests and update the ticket if I find anything else
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CrowdSec] Stream Mode ErrorHi, I’m guessing we responded at the same time. I was able to run the commands you suggested and got the correct output.
The stream mode was set to on when I ran the command. I have several subsites running on the same server, some with a subdomain and some with a mapped domain.
The crowdsec plugin is turned on for only 3 out of 10+ subsites on this network.