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  • ?? For me its the WP Plugin. The SF script works ??

    I have contacted the SF Support. They told me to try the SF web to lead html scrpit on our homepage.
    I tried this script and it works. So SF says that they have no problem in saleforce. The Problem comes from the WP plugin.
    What can I do now?

    <!– ———————————————————————- –>
    <!– HINWEIS: Fügen Sie das folgende <META>-Element zu Ihrer <HEAD>-Seite –>
    <!– hinzu. Bearbeiten Sie ggf. den Zeichensatzparameter, um den –>
    <!– Zeichensatz Ihrer HTML-Seite anzugeben. –>
    <!– ———————————————————————- –>

    <META HTTP-EQUIV=”Content-type” CONTENT=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″>

    <!– ———————————————————————- –>
    <!– HINWEIS: Fügen Sie das folgende <FORM>-Element zu Ihrer Seite hinzu. –>
    <!– ———————————————————————- –>

    <form action=”; method=”POST”>

    <input type=hidden name=”oid” value=”:-)_OUR_SF_ID_:-)”>
    <input type=hidden name=”retURL” value=””&gt;

    <!– ———————————————————————- –>
    <!– HINWEIS: Bei diesen Feldern handelt es sich um optionale Elemente für –>
    <!– die Fehlerbehebung. Kommentieren Sie diese Zeilen aus, wenn Sie einen –>
    <!– Test im Debug-Modus durchführen m?chten. –>
    <!– <input type=”hidden” name=”debug” value=1> –>
    <!– <input type=”hidden” name=”debugEmail” value=”[email protected]”> –>
    <!– ———————————————————————- –>

    <label for=”first_name”>Vorname</label><input id=”first_name” maxlength=”40″ name=”first_name” size=”20″ type=”text” />

    <label for=”last_name”>Nachname</label><input id=”last_name” maxlength=”80″ name=”last_name” size=”20″ type=”text” />

    <label for=”email”>E-Mail</label><input id=”email” maxlength=”80″ name=”email” size=”20″ type=”text” />

    <label for=”company”>Firma</label><input id=”company” maxlength=”40″ name=”company” size=”20″ type=”text” />

    <label for=”city”>Stadt</label><input id=”city” maxlength=”40″ name=”city” size=”20″ type=”text” />

    <label for=”state”>Bundesland</label><input id=”state” maxlength=”20″ name=”state” size=”20″ type=”text” />

    <input type=”submit” name=”submit”>


    Thank you and sorry for so much text ??
    But I dont know how to send you a screenshot ??

    I have made a text copy of the settings and wrote everything exactly as in the plugin settings in WordPress.

    “my_mailadress” is of course an email-address ??

    That ist the content of the mail I get:

    Betreff: Salesforce Web to Lead Submission
    debug: 1
    Email: “my_mailadress”
    debugEmail: “my_mailadress”
    Lead Source: Lead von der ict GmbH Website

    I will nor try to change the field named Email in email. I did choose Email because the fieldname in SF also is named Email.

    OK, here we go.
    In WordPress -> Settings -> Salesforce

    in the “Settings” Tab:
    >>> SETTINGS
    Your Organization ID:
    [OUR SF ID] (more than double checked)

    all fields empty

    Success message after sending lead to SalesForce:

    Error message shown when required fields are not filled out:
    [Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Kontaktaufnahme!]
    Error message shown when email field is invalid:
    [Bitte geben Sie die fehlenden Daten ein.]
    Default: The email address you entered is not valid.
    [Die eingegebene Mailadresse ist ungueltig.]
    Error message shown when captcha is invalid:
    [Der eingegebene Text stimmt nicht mit der Anzeige auf dem Bild ueberein. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.]
    Default: The text you entered did not match the image.
    Error message when connection fails:
    [Failed to connect to]

    [x] Allow user to request a copy of their submission

    Request a copy text:
    [Bitte sende eine Kopie an mich.]

    Email subject:
    [Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Kontaktaufnahme bei %BLOG_NAME%]
    Use %BLOG_NAME% to auto-insert the blog title into the subject

    [x]Send blog admin an email notification

    Submit button text:
    [Nachricht an Firma senden]

    Required fields text:
    [Diese Felder duerfen nicht leer bleiben.]

    [x] Use CAPTCHA?
    Learn more about CAPTCHAs at Wikipedia

    [x] Use Default CSS?
    [x] Use WPCF7 CSS integration?

    [ ] Create a lead when an approved comment is published
    [ ] Replace the “Name” field on the comment form with “First Name” and “Last Name”

    Using first and last name fields allows for cleaner Salesforce leads, otherwise the “first name” on the lead will contain the full name, but it may create issues with some WordPress themes.

    Our Form in the Form Editor:
    all Fields empty

    only active:

    Field: debug
    Operations: Enabled[x] Required[ ] Delete[ ]
    Type: Text
    Label/Value: Label:[debug] Value:[1]
    Options: [empty]

    Field: Email
    Operations: Enabled[x] Required[x] Delete[ ]
    Type: Text
    Label/Value: Label:[Email] Value:[ ]
    Options: [empty]

    Field: debugEmail
    Operations: Enabled[x] Required[x] Delete[ ]
    Type: Text
    Label/Value: Label:[debugEmail] Value:[“my_mailadress”]
    Options: [empty]


    Form Type:
    [x] Web to Lead
    [ ] Web to Case
    Note: Daddy Analytics does not support cases at this time.

    Lead Source:
    [Lead von der Firma Website]

    Lead Source (up to 40 characters) to display in, use %URL% to include the URL of the page containing the form (need more characters? See the FAQ). You can also use a field above to set the lead source (this value will not be used if a field named lead_source exists).

    Daddy Analytics will populate the Lead Source field with the web source of the Lead (such as Organic – Google, Paid – Bing, or Google Adwords). Daddy Analytics will also populate the Salesforce Address field with the estimated GeoLocation of your Leads.
    Leave the Lead Source field blank if you have a subscription to Daddy Analytics.

    Return/Thanks URL:
    [ -empty- ]

    Success Message:
    [Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Kontaktaufnahme! Wir werden uns kurzfristig bei Ihnen melden.]
    Overrides the default message for this form.(leave blank to use the global setting)

    Submit button text (override):
    [Nachricht an Firma senden]
    Overrides the default message for this form.(leave blank to use the global setting)

    Required fields text (override):
    [Diese Felder dürfen nicht leer bleiben.]
    Overrides the default message for this form (leave blank to use the global setting).

    [x] Use global setting
    [ ] Enabled for this form
    [ ] Disabled for this form
    Overrides the default captcha settings for this form.

    Required Fields Text Location:
    [x] Below Form
    [ ] Above Form
    [ ] None

    Label Location:
    [ ] Top Aligned
    [ ] Left Aligned
    [ ] Placeholders Organization ID (override):
    [our SF ID]
    Overrides the default org_id for this form (leave blank to use the global setting).

    I think thats all. Do you need more? Hope you can help me.

    I have done the upgrade to 2.4.4 . But it sill does not work ??

    Hi Nick,
    where can I find the check the box “Enable Salesforce debugging emails”?
    Is it in Salesforce or in Wodpress?

    Hi I have the same problems as you.
    Did you find a solution?
    Hope you have good news. ??

    Thread Starter XMAS


    I will ask my collegue. debugEmail does also not work in our Salesforce.
    We will now contact SF User Support to fix that.
    What SF Edition do you use? We use the group edition.

    Thread Starter XMAS


    in the wp-plugin you have to insert a new field
    name: debug
    operations: enabeld
    type: hidden
    value/label: debug/1
    options: “blank”

    then you can find the debug information in Salesforce:
    Setup -> überwachen -> Protokolle -> Debug-Protokolle

    Hope I could help!

    Thread Starter XMAS


    I have added debugEmail but the mail will not arrive in my inbox ??

    Thread Starter XMAS


    Thank you. Its still not working.
    Now I can see this the debug in SF:

    15:52:14.037 (37785915)|EXECUTION_STARTED
    15:52:14.037 (37831380)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|VisualForce View State
    15:52:14.046 (46249095)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|VisualForce View State
    15:52:14.047 (47841905)|EXECUTION_FINISHED

    Does that help?

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