Forum Replies Created
Hi @mikeyboo. Apologies for the delay – I just tried to reproduce the issue and it was gone. Must have been a one-off thing apparently. I will ping you on the contact form if it ever re-occurs. Thanks!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] Been using it for yearsTo generate graph labels, you run:
select concat(y.reference_ID, ‘ [label=”‘, replace(regexp_replace(p1.post_title, ‘[^0-9a-zA-Z ]’, ‘ ‘), ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘), ‘”]’) ptptpt
from wp_yarpp_related_cache y
join wp_posts p1 on y.reference_id = p1.ID
where p1.post_type = ‘post’
select concat(y.ID, ‘ [label=”‘, replace(regexp_replace(p2.post_title, ‘[^0-9a-zA-Z ]’, ‘ ‘), ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘), ‘”]’)
from wp_yarpp_related_cache y
join wp_posts p2 on y.ID=p2.ID
where p2.post_type = ‘post’;Then you need post connections in a DOT format, so you run:
select concat(y.reference_ID, ‘ — ‘, y.ID)
from wp_yarpp_related_cache y
join wp_posts p1 on y.reference_id = p1.ID
join wp_posts p2 on y.ID=p2.ID
where p1.post_type=’post’ and p2.post_type=’post’;Finally you wrap it in a nice .DOT file, starting with something like:
graph {
node [nodesep=2.0; fontsize=11; shape=box];
graph [overlap=false; splines = true;];then your labels
then your connections
then a closing curly bracketThe last step is to process the .DOT file with GV:
sfdp ./myfile.dot -Tsvg > result.svg
Of course you can automate the entire process. Then parametrize it with post_id, or enrich the label with tags and/or categories (using “record” label type, possibly), or build a separate map for each category (rather than post), or show links between tags (for tag-heavy websites), or build a bigger map and use it as a light post background. And so on, and so forth. The sky is the limit really.
By the way, I am not a WordPress developer but am happy to help with the graphs if you ever need a hand. No strings attached.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] Been using it for yearsBy querying wp_yarpp_related_cache, then processing results with graphviz, you can build pretty cool blog maps, like this one for instance: https://i.imgur.com/ZOqszbZ.png
Of course you need to fine-tune YARPP settings first as well as pick the right GV layout engine and parameters, but the results can be visually stunning.
I can also see a potential for extending YARPP functionality with a “local map” feature that displays a small map of the blog with the current post at the center, then connected posts (and their connected posts, up to 2-3 levels) as a graph rather than a list.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by xpil.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [SS Infinity] Show main menu on mobile devicesYes, this is exactly the case. There are two locations (primary and footer), the menu works fine in both locations on desktop but on mobile only the footer one is visible (the primary is not displayed at all).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] WP Super Cache v1.5.0 .htaccess issueSame here.
I updated the .htaccess file manually and all seems to be working fine but the bug should be resolved asap.
Btw I am wondering how this code was tested (if at all).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] no https support?Michael, it’s a “proper” SSL certificate purchased from a publicly verifiable organization but this is not the point. The point is that without YARPP I get the green padlock icon in the address bar while after installing YARPP the padlock gets an exclamation mark and when you scroll through the details you clearly see that the only non-https resource is the one from YARPP, pointing to some yarpp.com/pixels/… image.
Replacing https:// with https:// in YARPP’s source code solves this only partially. The green padlock is back (yay!) but it will only last until the next update of the plugin…
Thanks – this is exactly what I’ve already done.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Quotes rotator in blog description?This one is giving me errors during installation. Could be that it is incompatible with WordPress 4.4 or something like that… Will keep searching.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Quotes rotator in blog description?Thanks for the Perfect Quotes link. I found this plugin before but it lacks the ability of placing the quote in the blog description field which is something I am specifically looking for.
Anyone else?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Nice looking and easy to useHi. Would you know by any chance if I can activate a single license on two separate domains? One of them is my live production domain, the other one is just a technical domain where I test various bits and pieces.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Upgrade to 5.0, Poll Erased!I am extremely disappointed! I had over 50 polls, after upgrade to 5.0 they are all gone!
I do have a daily db backup so I am hoping to be able to fix this but still, these things should not happen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [iQ Block Country] A workaround for a single countryI agree and I have just experienced such performance issue. I moved the list of blocked IPs out of the .htaccess file and configured iptables instead. Huge improvement!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-FFPC] Unable to uninstallI commented out:
unlink ( $this->acache );
(line 257)and
$this->plugin_options_delete ();
(line 261)and it uninstalled correctly. Not sure if there is any garbage collection required though.
Well, we are going to run in circles here. I already confirmed the issue three times. You claim it’s been fixed. I still see an issue on my end (would you like a screenshot?), you are unable to reproduce it on your end.
So it seems to me that it MUST be something with my Apache / WordPress / config / whatever, right?
I guess I will simply ignore the issue for now. I am not expecting you to log in to my server and analyze its config. You have a life, too ??
Maybe you could get me a version that produces some kind of a detailed debugging log so we could see exactly what happens here, step by step? Hm?
Actually, a friend of mine will be setting up a brand new WordPress instance in the next couple of weeks. A new domain, different hosting. I’ll ask him to install and test the plugin. We’ll see.
Thanks for all your responses so far. Truly appreciated.
Ahh, apologies, indeed, this thread is about some feeds not working.
Well, I am still having this issue – some feeds (examples above) do not work with WP RSS Aggregator although they work perfectly with any other RSS reader (I tried Feedly, NewsBlur and MS Outlook – no issues). As mentioned above, I also tried them on a different hosting, different domain and with no other plugins / customizations. Same issue.
Other feeds work flawlessly (except some rare duplicates) and I am generally happy with the plugin.
If you want, I can spare some time to help you out debugging the issue. Just let me know.