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  • updates: as for me the problem persisted…so as a work around i have set up a cron job to reinstall WP corefiles on hourly basis…so far this seems to solve the problem i was having. Cheers

    To troubleshoot file tree problems, try the following

    1)Backup your WP-database and WP Directory (if needed)
    2)Disable all plugins
    3)Go to Dashboard -> Updates ->Reinstall-Now (This will reinstall WP core files)
    4)Now test out WP-Filebase File Browser and it will load.
    5)Enable one plugin at a time and test it out

    I had similar problem.The file browser did not work and also when i am adding a file, the post ID did not work.I had some Ajax errors. Just disabling all plugins except WP-filebase did not solve for me initially and this made me believe the problem was not caused by other plugins. Only after disabling all plugins and then reinstalling WP core files (step 3 as above) it solved my problem. Since i did not believe the problem was caused by other plugins, i reactivated them and the problem came back a day later after i activated the plugins as if there was some cron job running once a day!

    After reinstalling core files, the File browser worked well. So it means, WP-Filebase works well as long as WP files are in original state. It also means another plugin should be the culprit. Eventually i found my culprit! The plugin WP-Better Minify was the cause. Disable and uninstall the plugin and reinstall WP core files once more solved the problem once an for all…

    Good luck


    you can use Widget Context plugin to solve your problems. This plugin allows you to hide certain widgets from certain pages.

    Step 1: Install and activate Widget Context plugin
    step 2: go to the apperance->wiget setting page
    step 3: on the side bar, click on the widget you want to hide. Now you will see the plugin in play and you will see the plugin options
    step 4:on the Widget Context options select > Hide on selected
    Step 5:on “or target by URL” enter the full url of the pages you want to hide the widgets.

    For example, if your domain is and you want to hide the widgets on the shop pages, then enter as follows**

    Step 6: Save and close the settings

    Check the page and the widget should be gone.

    Good luck!

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