Hi Robin,
Thank you so much for the quick answer!
For the
- it works perfectly.
But I have an issue with the
I have tested by replacing manually one file of your plugin :
It looks like it doesn’t work for me as I’m using a shortcode.
The div string comes from the “inner_before” of that piece of code :
private function get_defaults() {
$setting = $this->get_setting();
return array(
'before' => '<div class="scriptlesssocialsharing">',
'after' => '</div>',
'inner_before' => '<div class="' . $this->get_button_container_class( $setting ) . '">',
'inner_after' => '</div>',
'heading' => $setting['heading'],
'buttons' => '',
in the file /includes/output/class-scriptlesssocialsharing-output-shortcode.php