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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Skip “Lazy load”I agree with you, @percal, and, in fact, so does WordPress (see below)! Featured images on blog posts (and pages) should not be lazy-loaded.
Also, on the home page, e.g. https://demo-hueman.presscustomizr.com, which includes a list of blog posts, the first (big) featured image should not be lazy-loaded. Yet, with Hueman even this is lazy-loaded. The featured image of the first post is unfortunately lazy-loaded, and surprisingly has both
attributes attached to it, which seems contradictory and strange to me (but I’m not an expert). What do you think, @nikeo?
On @percal’s main page (https://eltrapezi.com/), the featured image of the first post is lazy-loaded, as it is on my own site. It has the loading=”lazy” attribute, but not the no-lazy attribute that Hueman’s demo site has.
Anyway, there is a very large number of people asking for ways to fix this issue. After extensive googling, it seems part of the problem could be related to WordPress core.
In this WordPress core development post I found this very interesting paragraph:
So far, fine tuning which images and iframes should be lazy-loaded or not has been possible using the wp_img_tag_add_loading_attr and wp_iframe_tag_add_loading_attr filters, and these are still available as before. However, to improve the performance out-of-the-box without requiring a developer to customize the behavior, WordPress will now skip the very first “content image or iframe” on the page from being lazy-loaded. The term “content image or iframe” here denotes any image or iframe that is found within content of any post in the current main query loop as well any featured image of such a post. This applies to both “singular” and “archive” content: In a “singular” context the first image or iframe of the (only) post is not lazy-loaded, while in an “archive” context the first image or iframe of the first post in the query is not lazy-loaded.
So, featured images should not be lazy-loaded, yet they are… In the comments section of the above-mentioned post, there are several experienced developers pointing out the fact that lazy-loading does not work properly.
The Hueman theme’s original developer, Alexander Agnarson, even writes:
I also experience issues with disabling lazy loading on homepage. Breaks all my themes that uses Flexslider on home in 5.9.
Of course, Hueman also uses Flexslider.
(Lazy-loading issues was part of why both my home page and pages/blog posts were missing the featured image and therefore messing up my site, as described here.)
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by yallaman.
Thank you very much for the reply. Great to hear that you have logged it! (I had to ask again, since I never got a confirmation here, and Hueman’s GitHub page does not list this bug as one of the known issues.)
I also hope you will be able to look into the problem with excessive font loading in Safari (with Hueman, the browser loads 11–12 font files every time!). Full details are in this thread.
To theme author @nikeo:
Half a year ago I reported this bug, which is easily visible on Hueman’s official demo site when viewing the latest/most recent/newest blog post.
Can you please have a look at this post on your own site and acknowledge that you have logged the bug and aim to fix it?:
Problem: The “NEXT STORY” navigation area appears on the most recent post, which means there is no title/link below “NEXT STORY”. The “NEXT STORY” navigation area should not be displayed at all in this case, because obviously there is no next post. This bug is present on all Hueman sites I have checked, including mine.
The bug was introduced some time after Hueman 3.7.4 – please see details in previous posts. I have also written emails (with screenshots) to you/presscustomizr and described the bug in full detail.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Slider is gone after update wordpress@hanyseyedy: Did the recent Hueman update (ver. 3.7.21) fix the slider problem for you?
The update have only one “fix”, but it is, in fact, related to the slider (in Safari):
Fixed : post featured slider in safari browser
I had to disable lazy loading, i.e. the “Load images on scroll” setting in Hueman, in order to avoid problems with missing featured images on both the front page and on posts/pages (details here). I have not yet tried the new update because I need to translate the text strings to Norwegian first.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Slider is gone after update wordpressOther users have reported the same problem earlier, i.e. featured post with slide show does not work anymore – see this thread.
Hopefully the theme author will take a closer look at it.
There are also other issues with Hueman, for example 1) this issue with featured images and Safari, 2) this potential issue with missing categories, date, author, and 3) this confirmed bug relating to links to “Next story” when viewing the most recent blog post.
Hueman has not been updated since December last year, so an update would be greatly appreciated.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by yallaman.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Header black@nikeo: You asked this question five days ago, along with two other questions ??
Please see my reply above, and also read my following updates. In the end, I found a temporary fix by disabling Hueman’s “Load images on scroll” setting.
In short: The standard free Hueman theme, with zero plugins, exhibited the problem in Safari on iPad (latest iPadOS version, i.e. 15.5) and mac (macOS Catalina 10.15.7). It happened every time I tested. FYI: No problems in Firefox and Chrome on the same mac.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Header blackUpdate with a temporary “fix”:
The problem with missing images always occurs with the first image (not including the header), e.g. the image of the featured post at the top of the front page or the featured image at the beginning of a blog post. When running stock Hueman (no plugins!) the problem is present when using Safari on both my mac (latest Catalina version) and my iPad (latest iPadOS version). There is no problem in Firefox (only tested on my mac).
After further testing I suspected that the problem could be related to lazy loading, specifically the “Load images on scroll” setting in Hueman. After disabling this feature, both my front page and blog posts load normally. So far I have not encountered any missing images in Safari.
I’m not an expert, but my tests over the last few days indicate that the issue could be related to Hueman’s own implementation of lazy loading.
In the past, I believe Safari did not support lazy loading, which is why the theme included its own method. Maybe something have changed regarding Safari and lazy loadning…? I have no idea, but I wanted to report back in case my findings can help the author pin down the problem. It would be great to have lazy loading also in Safari on iOS/iPadOS and macOS.
@bobobaldini: If you still have problem with the featured post (with slide show) on your website, try disabling “Load images on scroll” in Hueman’s settings.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Header blackThanks for looking into this. It is very strange, indeed.
The user in the current thread had a problem with the header. However, others have issues with the first post and/or the featured post on the front page. For example:
In this thread the user reports that the featured post with slide show (at the top) on the front page has disappeared. I checked his website on both my iPad and my mac, and indeed, the featured post is completely missing. The featured post is however visible on my old mac running macOS High Sierra from 2017.
In this thread the user reports that the thumbnail of the first article on the front page is not displayed correctly.
I don’t know if all these problems are related, but they all involve the first post – usually the featured post (with or without slideshow) – on the front page.
However, in addition I have problems with some featured images missing from normal blog posts as well – on both iPad and mac. And the featured images are not only missing, there is also a huge, empty area above and below the place where the featured image should be.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Header blackUpdate: I just tested my website with Safari on my mac, running the latest version of macOS Catalina (not the latest macOS, I know).
The problem with missing featured images and big white/empty areas near the top is the same also on my mac! ?? Both the front page and blog posts with featured images are affected. Something must be wrong with the way the featured image/post is displayed …
I like a light-weight WP installation, and beside WP Super Cache I don’t use any plugins. No other modifications to Hueman. Disabling the cache plugin does not fix the issue.
I have no idea why Hueman is currently not working with Safari on either my iPad or my mac. I have never had any issues like this before.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Header blackI, and other users like e.g. @bobobaldini and @bl4d30r, are reporting problems when using Safari on iPads. I guess some also have problems with Hueman on iPhones, but I don’t know personally, because I only have a very old iPhone (with old iOS).
At your request I have now deleted all the cache from WP Super Cache as well as the cache from my browser. I also test in Private mode, which forces the browser to load all files from scratch. (I also did all this earlier this week, including disabling the cache plugin completely.)
New tests on my iPad reveal that the problem persist.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Header blackThanks for the speedy reply!
1. Standard/free Hueman, versjon 3.7.20. (FYI: I’m running WordPress 5.8.3 because Hueman, as you know from the forum, has other issues with 5.9.)
2. himmelkalenderen.com
3. No Nimble Builder plugin. I only use a single plugin, WP Super Cache, on my website. Disabling it did not have any effect. No other plugins.
Two of the problems can easily be seen on these screenshots from my iPad Mini 5 running the latest iPadOS (comments in green and red on the screenshots have been added in Photoshop):
* Front page: https://prnt.sc/xMVQdZFQlMUU
Big empty area at the top, much larger/taller than the missing featured image.
* Blog post: https://prnt.sc/Ug_jRfKy6PjF
Big empty area between the post title and the body text, much larger/taller than the missing featured image.
I have never seen any problems like this before. Also, like I mentioned above, I have not made any changes recently to the code or in the admin settings of Hueman.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Header blackHueman no longer works with Safari on iOS/iPadOS, which is a major issue since so many people are using iPhones and iPads. The front page on my website has very large white/empty areas, and the featured image is also missing. Sometimes the other posts (i.e. below the featured image) is also affected. FYI: I have not made any changes myself to Hueman’s code.
@nikeo: You referred to a more than three year old forum message (not from this forum) regarding a potential “fix”. But the link/image in your post does not describe what files need to be modified and what the actual code is.
Can you give us more details, so people can try to fix this problem themselves (if they are comfortable with editing WordPress files)?
PS: The Hueman theme has not been updated for more than six months. There are also other issues that should be addressed, like e.g. this one. I love the theme (I’ve used it since 2014!), and I hope the problems will be fixed soon.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by yallaman.
I already shared website link with you in this thread as well as by email (with screenshot) on 31 January this year.
Just have a look at Hueman’s official demo site (latest post):
https://demo-hueman.presscustomizr.com/gabrielle-aplin-with-the-power-of-love/The bug with empty “NEXT STORY” field/link affects the latest/most recent/newest blog post on your demo site as well as other user’s websites running Hueman. However, there is no point giving links here to specific blog posts on other user’s websites, because when they publish new posts, the empty “NEXT STORY” problem will not appear on that particular post, and I worry that you will not see the issue and ignore this bug.
The bug always appears on the latest/most recent/newest blog post.
Note: I updated from version 3.7.4 directly to 3.7.20, and that is when I saw the bug. But I think the problem could have been introduced earlier (possibly even in March 2021 with version 3.7.5). See details in my original explanation above.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by yallaman.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Categories/Date/Author in main page is not visible.What worries me a bit is that theme author @nikeo has not provided support for many months. And Hueman has not been updated in three months, which is unusually long for this particular theme.
@sandrocav: I can see that also your website (like everyone else, I suppose) are affected by the problem/bug related to empty “NEXT POST”(“ARTICOLO SUCCESSIVO” in Italian) when viewing the latest blog post, in your case this one.
You can read about the details of the bug in this thread.
Hopefully the theme author will look into these various issues soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] Failed to load pluginYeah, the plugin has not been updated in a year, and there is currently no support.
The plugin is completely free, so I and other users can’t really complain. We should be grateful to the developers for all the years we have been able to use it.
If the plugin actually has been abandoned, it would be very helpful if @azaozz or @automattic could let us know, so we can look for alternatives or help elsewhere.