Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [A-Z Listing] change coloursHi there!
Are you talking about the boxes on the top in which A-Z letters are listed?
If yes, try adding this code-.az-letters ul.az-links li a { color: #2e0819; }
Hope this helps and let us know if you have any more questions.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upload images not showing in Media LibraryHi Simon,
When you open the media library, are you selecting “All Dates” and “All media Items” from the drop-down?
It might be that you have uploaded to a different folder and you are viewing different date in the media library. By default WordPress stores images in year and month based folders inside uploads directory, like this: /wp-content/uploads/2018/04/.
Please refer to this article for media settings.
YashitaForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot Edit wordpress site on GodaddyHi bs161,
Try deactivating all plugins and if it resolves the issue, then activate each plugin one by one. you will be able to find which plugin causes the issue.
Please check the below link. It discusses the similar issue.
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/cant-edit-pages-after-wordpress-update-to-4-8-1/Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem copying code into a siteHello blandfordp,
I understand that you are not able to enter Javascript code in the WP Editor text area. The issue is that WordPress editor both autoformats your text and restricts the types of tags that are inserted into your content. So by default, it does not allow Javascript tags in the editor.
In case if your website is used by multiple authors, they may insert malicious code in your website through the editor. This feature is there to protect you.For certain cases, you can get around this problem.
Please go through the following article to get around this issue in WordPress.
YashitaForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Footer Image – I can’t change the imageHi leaman,
What I understand is that you don’t want your logo in the footer to be clickable.
It shouldn’t link to any page.If I am right, then I would like to know how are you changing the logo in the footer?
Does your theme have the option to update in the customizer.
Or you are modifying the code files.If you have access to code files, then you can change the code :
This is the code generating the logo in the footer:<a href="index.html" class="logo"><img src="https://www.leamanmattei.com/wp-content/themes/leaman-mattei/images/footer-logo.png" alt=""></a>
You can change it to :
<img class="logo" src="https://www.leamanmattei.com/wp-content/themes/leaman-mattei/images/footer-logo.png" alt="">
YashitaHi luctoren123
You can try adding the following CSS to your styles.css
OR Go to Customiser-Additional CSS, and add this code there
.description_tab {
display: none;
}It hides the description tab.
See the result https://imgur.com/a/9sDDeRJRegards
YashitaForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Choosing correct image sizes/dimensionsHi slimmyweight
WordPress 4.4 will add native responsive image support by including srcset and sizes attributes to the image markup it generates.
Please read https://make.www.ads-software.com/core/2015/11/10/responsive-images-in-wordpress-4-4/Ques 1.
It depends on your theme/plugins. Usually, your theme should be registered with different image sizes. When you’re uploading images to your media library, WordPress automatically creates copies of resized images. And if your theme is well designed it will use a suitable image for each device.Otherwise, you can try to adjust it yourself. There are no strict recommendations on image sizes, the main thing that they shouldn’t be very large so they won’t be scaled in your content, as this will cause issues with site performance. Example, if the image on your site is displaying with dimensions 200x200px, then its real size should be no bigger than 200x200px
I think it would be useful to read the following article:
https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/compress-resize-images-wordpress/Ques 2.
In such cases, you probably have to use an original full-size imageQues3.
That depends only on your needs. If you need images in this proportion, then yes. If you don’t care about proportions you can upload any imagesThanks
YashitaForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: FTP from FileZilla/white pageHi frenchalacarte,
I recently installed Filezilla and entered the URL of my site in host and WordPress admin credentials in username and password. It connected perfectly.
As you mentioned, you are not able to connect, you can also login to cpanel of your hosting account. Go to File Manager and the folder where your files are there. Go to wp-content/themes and rename the theme you are using.
Now WordPress will use the basic theme to display your website. If the white screen goes away, it means there is some problem with your theme.If you are aware what changes caused this then try renaming that file and look into the issue.
YashitaForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customize Category HeaderHi Sarouna,
Can you please give more details of the issue and attach some screenshot to understand it better.
I think you want a separate header for each category. There is no already existing option for this in the customiser. You need to create separate header files and add the code as you want the display to be.
Please have a look at this page. https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/easily-add-custom-header-footer-or-sidebar-for-each-category/
They tell you how to attach separate headers for different sections.Regards
YashitaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Responsive Slider] Genesis slider does not displayI have identified the issue.
When WooCommerce is deactivated, following scripts load (View-Developer-Source)<script type='text/javascript' src='https://localhost/wp-content/plugins/genesis-responsive-slider/js/jquery.flexslider.js?ver=0.9.5'></script>
And when WooCommerce is activated, following scripts load,
<script type='text/javascript' src='//localhost/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/flexslider/jquery.flexslider.min.js?ver=2.6.1'></script>
As the jquery.flexslider.js for Genesis Responsive slider does not load when WooCommerce is activated, the slider does not work.
So, I have dequeued the Woocommerce flexslider,wp_dequeue_script( 'flexslider' );
I manually copied the js for Genesis Responsive slider in my theme and included in
wp_enqueue_script( 'genesis-res-slider', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/js/jquery.flexslider.js", array( 'jquery' ), CHILD_THEME_VERSION, true );
Now the slider is working fine.
Please tell me a clean way to include the js for Genesis Responsive slider. Do I need to do it manually.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Responsive Slider] Genesis slider does not displayGenesis Responsive Slider is still not displaying. Upon searching I found that, WooCommerce interferes with the sliders sometimes.
So I want to conditionally load the WooCommerce scripts and styles.
I have found the handle of all the scripts and styles loaded using the code:# Finding handle for your plugins
function display_script_handles() { global $wp_scripts; if(current_user_can('manage_options') && ! is_admin()){ # Only load when user is admin foreach( $wp_scripts->queue as $handle ) : $obj = $wp_scripts->registered [$handle]; echo $filename = $obj->src; echo ' : <b>Handle for this script is:</b> <span style="color:green"> '.$handle.'</span><br/><br/>'; endforeach; } } add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'display_script_handles' );
Script Handles found for WooCommerce:
Handle: wc-add-to-cart Handle: woocommerce Handle: wc-cart-fragments Handle: flexslider
Style Handles found for WooCommerce:
Handle: woocommerce-layout Handle: woocommerce-smallscreen Handle: woocommerce-general Handle: genesis-sample-woocommerce-styles
I am trying to remove these WooCommerce handles conditionally using the code:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'child_manage_woocommerce_styles', 99 ); function child_manage_woocommerce_styles() { //remove generator meta tag remove_action( 'wp_head', array( $GLOBALS['woocommerce'], 'generator' ) ); //first check that woo exists to prevent fatal errors if ( function_exists( 'is_woocommerce' ) ) { //dequeue scripts and styles if ( ! is_woocommerce() && ! is_cart() && ! is_checkout() ) { wp_dequeue_script( 'wc-add-to-cart' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'wc-cart-fragments' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'woocommerce' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'flexslider' ); wp_dequeue_style('woocommerce-layout'); wp_dequeue_style('woocommerce-smallscreen'); wp_dequeue_style('woocommerce-general'); wp_dequeue_style('genesis-sample-woocommerce-styles'); } } }
Even after removing all the WooCommerce scripts and styles on the homepage, Genesis responsive slider is not working.
Please suggest what can be the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Responsive Slider] Genesis slider does not displayHi
Yes, giving the slider widget title, clears up the error. Thanks.
But the slider is still not displaying
I have included the shortcode in Custom HTML widget now and it is working perfectly.
Thanks for your help.
I updated Akismet plugin on my website and it resolved my problem. ‘Our Clients’ section is now showing the logo slider.
Can you please explain this behaviour.