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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] og:description showing meaningless wordsi take it you’re using this plugin (there are several with the same name)?
i installed the plugin and got the almost the same behaviour, it showed the description from my post, but “comments comments” was appended to it. in the settings of the facebook comments plugin you can remove the appended text (see “title” and “comment text”.) if the behaviour persists, i’d actually contact the author of that plugin since it seem to interfere with the wordpress excerpt/post text. i don’t think it would be right, if i added an option to my plugin that interferes with/disables the functionality of another.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] og:description showing meaningless wordsany chance you can nail down the plugin that could be responsible for this? i looked at the source of your website, but since i don’t read hebrew i can’t make much of it… ??
ps: the custom description is supposed to work on the front page only
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Media embeds & custom post typesbtw, you will notice that the new version (0.7.9) no longer has those adjustments i made. however, i added those changes to the custom built i posted before – just download that one until i apply a permanent solution!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Cannot activate plugini found this, but after applying the fix i got the very same error – and i didn’t get it before :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Making OGraphr Workit would be helpful which settings you use for the plugin, which version of php etc.
by default, the plugin generates open graph tags whenever you create a new post (with a fallback for existing posts) and all services are enabled by default unless they require an api key.
thank you for not replying ??
i’m developing this in my free time and respond to support requests whenever i can. it’s weekend, so give me a break! if you expect instant support, you’re probably better left of with a commercial plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Cannot activate plugini can’t install php 5.3.18 on my server, but the plugin runs fine with php 5.3.19. i do get a warning (see below) on the plugin page after activation, but no problems in functionality.
The plugin generated 260 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
i’m pretty clueless, but i’ll investigate a little.
edit: found the problem for the warning, but it’s probably not related to your problem (you can give it a try though:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Cannot activate plugintry a manual install of the plugin and see what happens. i found several class errors on the wordpress support pages and that fixed it most of the time.
Fatal error in the output generally indicates either your theme doesn’t like your version of WordPress, you have a plugin that doesn’t like your version of WordPress, or you have an incomplete install/upgrade.
i tried reproducing the problem on a clean wordpress installation, but to no success. also, i got it running on several other sites that i recently upgraded to the latest wordpress.
hope we can nail this down!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Media embeds & custom post typesok tim, since 0.8 is going to be rewritten in large portions, i made you a custom quick fix that should work for your needs.
let me know if there are any problems. the next major release will get support for custom fields!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Cannot activate plugini’m assuming you’re using the latest plugin version and do not run wordpress in debug mode? php version? logged in as admin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Media embeds & custom post typesmaybe you could just send me a screenshot with an example of that custom field
ah that’s great, thanks for letting me know!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Media embeds & custom post typeshmm, do you use the premium version of shaken grid? i can’t seem to find such a custom field in the free version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OGraphr for WordPress] Media embeds & custom post typesso do you use this custom field for video urls only or also for images? this custom field, is it created by your theme or do you need an extra plugin for that?
should be quick to implement and others might need it as well. just waiting for your reply and i’ll get going ??
i’d had to deep dive into the code, but basically both modes run the same functions. there are currently two things to do and both involve waiting.
1. see if it’s a wordpress bug and hope it will get fixed at some point
2. see if ographr 0.8 will do any change, as i plan on rewriting the main functionality of the plugin entirelyphew, it’s probably not cause by my plugin, there are quite a couple of reports on similar problems with wordpress 3.5 a look at your .htaccess file