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This is how it shows the license in my received order page.
I need each items (email address, password, serial number, id key and secret code) in different lines.
It’s showing like: ” email address: [email protected] password:123456 serial number: abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop id key: 987 security code: ABC ” all in one line.
but I wan’t it like :
” email address: [email protected]
serial number: abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop
id key: 987
security code: ABC ” each one in a new line.
I also tried changing
<input name="license_key" id="single__license_key" class="regular-text" type="text">
in plugin folder > templates > licenses > page-add.php to
<textarea name="license_key" id="single__license_key" class="regular-text" rows="4" type="text"></textarea>
but did’t change how it is shown in recieved order or the email sent.