Forum Replies Created
I got the notification emails working but I have another question: how can customise the translation of these emails? I have the Dutch .po files but the text strings in the notification emails are not handled by that file. Please advise.
Thank you.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Doneren met Mollie] bevestigingsmailAh, ik zie dat dat alleen een bevestigingsmail betreft naar de beheerder van het account. Ik bedoelde een bevestigingsmail naar degene die via iDeal betaald heeft, dus de klant. Is dat ergens mogelijk?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Doneren met Mollie] bevestigingsmailOké, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Doneren met Mollie] Contact Form 7 en dropdownHoi Nick,
Dank voor de snelle respons. Jammer dat ik het niet kan integreren in CF 7. Zoek me een bult naar mogelijkheden daarvoor, maar kom niet verder dan de dure opties van Gravity Forms.
Radio Buttons: die zijn enkel voor de betaalmethodes. Ik bedoel die buttons ook voor meerdere bedragen: die komen nu in dropdown.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Doneren met Mollie] Knop tekst aanpassenJ kunt een map ‘languages’ aanmaken in je Child Theme en daar ook je nl_NL.po en .mo in zetten. Vervolgens in functions.php van je Child Theme dit zetten: `add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘load_child_language’ );
function load_child_language() {
load_child_theme_textdomain( ‘__x__’, get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/languages’ );
}`Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Two fieldsThanks for the reply. I checked Skins out but it is a payed solution and not cheap either. Instead I found this work-around: https://www.wpsnippet.com/creating-responsive-two-column-form-using-contact-form-7/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Box showing decapitated infoThanks for the reply, and for the otherwise excellent plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Box showing decapitated infoI don’t think that is the problem. In the Dutch .po-files it is properly translated. It just truncates ’25 keer gedownload’ to ‘eer gedownload’.
Alas, experiencing the same problem. Also the plugin has been updated at least once everyday for the last week. I do update, re-authenticate and the next day the same message appears again.
Please, fix this annoying bug. Manually doesn’t cut it for me because then it won’t give a dashboad view of stats.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EasyRotator for WordPress - Slider Plugin] Can't installAh, my bad. Also video doesn’t work without the Pro version ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EasyRotator for WordPress - Slider Plugin] Can't installHi, found the manual install, thanks. However, I get the message that something is breaking the rotator. I tried the [raw] workaround and also disabled all plugins but I still get the message. I use Sterling Theme. The URL is: https://test.clooser.nl/wp-clooser/