Check the permissions on “wp-content/cache/”!
We are running WordPress 3.1, WP Super Cache & Windows Server 2003 and although Super Cache appeared to be serving cached pages – I could see the “Dynamic page generated” & “Cached page generated” comments in the HTML source – I couldn’t quite believe it as the cached page generation time was always the current time!
Plus debugging mode showed the same messages as shagazulu was getting above.
And whats with all those random name TMP files in “wp-content/cache/”?
Well, Super Cache is meant to re-name those to “.html”, which ties in with the mod_rewrite thats occurring in the .htaccess file in the root of your install.
The up-shot?
You need to add modify (as well as write) permissions to the “wp-content/cache/” directory. So, for IIS that is your Internet Guest Account (IUSR) account.
And to know that Super Cache is serving these cached files, you should see something like this in debugging:
18:54:11 /en/ wp-cache file exists: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XXX\en\wp-content\cache\wp-cache-7eb37da74eb275522b441bca7bc4d02e.html
18:54:11 /en/ Serving wp-cache static file
18:54:11 /en/ exit request
Otherwise it aint happening!