Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Progressive Web Apps] Push notifications are not workingAh thanks, that did the trick. I didn′t know, that I′ve to subscribe to the onesignal push.
Is there any limitation to the ability of push compatibility right now, like iOS?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Progressive Web Apps] Push notifications are not workingThanks, how can I disable extra text and read more? Although I′ve removed the string, they are displayed on frontend.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Progressive Web Apps] iOS banner / android bannerHi,
thanks for your explanations.
1)iOS devices: but it could be possible to display a banner for iOS clients with a link to a short documentation how to do it? Would it be possible for you to implement a little media screen / javascript check for iOS devices and provide a little banner text / link field everytime a client visits my page via an iOS device? I think this would be great for a better iOS community support till apple has full pwa support.
2) Android problems: I′ve had installed the pwa earlier, but removed it from my android by settings => apps => uninstall. Since this time the banner overlay of your plugin is gone on the same page. On other pages, which I′ven′t visited so far it works.
3) works again. Perhaps you could tune the banner a little bit: if the page is in another language than your browser language you get the translate banner first at chrome, which is overlapping the pwa button. Also the pwa banner shops up after I exited the language banner at chrome. Would it be possible for you to tune this?
4) Is it possible to donate an amount for getting specific features developed for the community?
5) Will it be possible to have more pages at offline pages than only one page?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP GoToWebinar] Multiple instances of wp_editor()Hi,
thanks for your explanation – so your plugin is compatible with advanced custom fields?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce] Hook for after tabsAh found it by myself:
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'product_custom_content', 10); function product_custom_content() { echo do_shortcode( 'whatever' ); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce filter not appliedHi,
I′ve inserted the code in my child theme, but it doesn′t work also.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Accessibility] Pronunciation / IdiomsYes, textual explanation is a think, which could be covered by your plugin, because there′s still no nice solution, where I can set these explanations in the editor for each word (except directly behind the word). An explanation could look like:
You see a word linked. When you click on the word a box with the explanation appears.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA] PHP ShortcodeThanks for your answer, wp_footer() was missing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Statify] 500erHi,
thanks, seemed to be a temporarely caching issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Cancel Order] Cancel Button is not shownAh it seems, that only specific user roles can view this button. Can I change this with the Pro plugin version?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: oEmbed privacy@jdembowski: Thanks for your reply.
The GDPR going live is a good milestone in getting a different view on a software, which has evolved for years.
It′s a great idea, that the WordPress core has to be fast, easy to use and should be online within minutes, BUT the GDPR shows, that software has to be rethought in parts. And one part is, how we interact with frameworks. Do we load all interesting stuff from elsewhere and third parties or should we try to ensure, that the software is fast, easy and save (also for privacy and jurisdiction). And privacy IS beside safety one of the biggest problems of web applications.
I know, that GDPR is mainly bullshit, but there are some thoughts, which should give us a new view on the WordPress Core also. WordPress has developed / inserted a few great tools like oEmbed. It works great so far, but the time has changed and we′ve to discuss, if the wordpress core features needs more further development. Up to me, e.g. oEmbed is only developed for a basicly use and so other features also. If inserted a two click feature for embeds it seems to be very relevant. Also it would improve page speed of the core.
Other features, which also need to be developed further? Using Avatars – till now there is no local avatar functionality – is this really stuff for third party plugins?I think, WordPress could break a few traditions before it′s losing its power on the market, because users are too frustrated of searching und replacing third party plugins. And this has even recognized google.
And yes, it would be great, if I could send you patches, but I′ven′t still the skills for doing so. If there is a great docu / training in getting a WordPress developer / coder let me know.Regards,
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Suggestion: new rating option pagespeed impactNo, my suggestion was not about any score, which is automatically calculated, but a new given category for rating. Till now you can write your review and give an overall rating. I think the reviews / ratings could benefit from different categories, which you can rate plus write a review text.
I think there should be any GUI, which tells us more about the important infos, which I have to know for running a great website with WordPress.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Suggestion: new rating option pagespeed impactHi,
I know, that I can use plugin profiler etc. It′s not about measuring, but rating to visualize how well you can expect using a plugin before you′ve installed it.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by benhartwich.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by benhartwich.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wpDirAuth] Disabled directory listing – Now no domain users can login.I′ve got the same problem. At the latest version no user can log in via ldap (ssl bind). Error: credentials are wrong. After rollback to 1.9.4 all things are running again.