Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Wow Icons] Shatters the menuI do not ask for support. I am reporting problems. I deinstalled this plugin.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Cannot find the grid customizerDas Problem habe ich auf allen 5 Websites, die mit dem Theme customizr Pro laufen. Vor zwei Wochen wechselte ich den Provider und installierte WP komplett neu. Die Datenübernahme machte ich dann mit dem WP-Plugin Updraft Plus.
Ich bin heute unterwegs. Morgen schaue ich mir das genauer an. Kann ich einfach das Theme l?schen, herunterladen und neu installieren und aktivieren? Das Child-Theme kann dabei aktiv bleiben?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Cannot find the grid customizer@hage Hallo Hans-Gerd, erstmal herzlichen Dank für deine übersetzungen. Sch?n, dich hier zu treffen.
Ich hab mal ein Bild gemacht von den Layout-M?glichkeiten: https://imgur.com/UgXloav
Im Customizer ist das unter Hauptinhalt > Beitragsliste: Blog, Archive, … > Gestaltung Beitragsliste.
In diesem Dropdown-Feld gibt es folgende Eintr?ge. Die Bezeichnungen sind nicht ganz klar, weil doppelt:
Alternatives Vorschaubild-Layout
Einfaches Layout
Einfaches Auszugs-LayoutAuf meiner Website https://web-und-computer.info sieht das so aus:
Nur das obere Raster-Layout (es gibt diese Bezeichnung ja zweimal) ?ffnet weiter unten die M?glichkeit, den Grid-Customizer zu aktivieren. Das Alternative Vorschaubild-Layout und die letzten 3 Layouts zeigen den Grid-Customizer nicht an.
Bild: https://imgur.com/nxuFm3kAuf meiner Website https://bikeaway.info ist es anders. Da ist das alternative Vorschaubild-Layout aktiv und trotzdem habe ich darunter den Grid-Customizer
Bild: https://imgur.com/nxuFm3kForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Cannot find the grid customizerKlar, ich bin Chef meiner Websites und bekomme die Mails.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Cannot find the grid customizer@aschiffer Sorry, ich komme nicht drauf, wie man hier eine PN schicken k?nnte. Ist das echt nicht m?glich?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Small pictures shown in the gridI work a lot with the CSS inspector in Firefox. This is not a problem for a beginner. I can show a gif in it’s original size with the element tag. As soon as I implement it in the customizer, it has no effect. So far I could not find out how to resize the grid or position a small gif in the right place. In the internet I find a lot of infos for cases, where the picture is too big. I cannot find any information for my case, where the picture is too small. The size is between 50 px and 250 px.
Maybe I can find someone here who is a CSS specialist?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Small pictures shown in the gridThanks Ford thé Links. I did not explain properly. My pictures, animated gifs, are too small. They fit easily in the grid. I do not want them to get bigger. I want them to be shown in the original size. Is that possible?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Cannot find the grid customizerOK, I found out. I chose the wrong layout. I thought all options were grid layouts. The german translation is a bit unclear. “Alternatives Vorschaubild-Layout” has no grid-customizer.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] New Mobile usability issue detected-Google consoleI get similar mails from Google Search Console from time to time, regarding different websites created with the same theme.
The following problems were found on your website:
Content wider than screen
Text is too small to read
Clickable elements are too close togetherCannot find any solution. Do I have to make changes in the CSS ?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Problem with fancyboxThat was it! Thank you so much.
You know, a search function for the themes customize section would be great. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Problem with fancyboxThe links works fine with another theme like Twenty Eleven.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] No scrollingIt is definitely this plugin. Scrolling worked fine until today. I deinstalled the plugin logitechsmoothscrolling, and, tataaa, scrolling works again. Even no restart necessary.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] No scrollingYes, it was this plugin.
But – I installed it again now (just because I was curious, an it works fine now.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] No scrollingI own 8 websites. 6 of them are build with customizr. On these 6 I cannot scroll the page. No problem with the backend. It’s only the real website that I cannot scroll. And only my sites. The rest of the worlds websites scroll fine.
Discovered a few days ago.
Checked my firefox, cleared the cache and cookies, then started firefox in safe mode -> and it worked fine. Found the plugin. It was Logitech Setpoint (or so). Deinstallated the plugin and everything works fine.
Thank you for your patience. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] No scrollingI cleared the cache with no results. 1 turn on the scroll wheel will move the page maybe 1 mm.