Thanks for your quick response on this topic. I followed the instruction in the message reply, but I still get the same error message returned.
Probably I should provide details to ease support purpose.
1) I downloaded wordpress and install it.
2) Download WP-Email-Users and activate it.
3) And I able to see “WP Email Users” now, I expand it and access into SMTP Configuration.
4) I filled in SMTP configuration with the following setting:
– User SMTP: No
– SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com
– Type of Enciption: SSL
– SMPT Port: 465
– SMTP Username: <example>@gmail.com
– SMTP Password: <examplePassword>
5) Access into Send Email, filled in info as shown below:
– From Name: test
– From Email: <example>@gmail.com
– Send Email By: User (Select one of users created)
– Template: none
– Subject: test
– Message: test
6) Error message returned – Sorry,your message has not sent.
Can you advice on any mistake or step miss out in order to send email?