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  • We did it together! Without even knowing what the code means.

    For those of you who can decipher Dutch:
    someone else has been tackling the same problem and has taken it a little further,

    (1) The filtering-out of pictures in WP 3.0.5 is a safety measure, not a bug.
    (2) If you are the only admin of your WP, and your visitors are not given more status then ‘subscriber’, and all plugins are bonafide, then it is safe to amputate the piece of code. Safe enough for me anyway.

    Is this ‘topic resolved’ now? What do you folks think?

    I was wrong! Leave the obovementioned line in place.

    In default-filters.php of WP305
    under “// Kses only for textarea admin displays”
    replace , 'comment_text'
    by /* , 'comment_text' */
    (or remove it altogether if you like)

    Now the pictures in admin comments show up again!

    Take care, I did not check for any side effects of this amputation.

    Sorry, no real help here.
    The only difference in “default-filters.php” seems to be one extra line in the 3.0.5 version: it is the second line starting with “foreach” just after “// Keys”. If Stealingisbad is right the temporary cure might be narrowed down to just commenting away this line.
    (I haven’t yet checked this thoroughly.)

    foreach ( array( 'pre_post_status', 'pre_post_comment_status', 'pre_post_ping_status' ) as $filter ) {
    	add_filter( $filter, 'sanitize_key' );
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