Well I ended up figuring out how to do it. It wasn’t an issue with the coding I was attempting. It ended up being an issue with how I configured the child theme.
I used the Child Theme Configuator plugin and checked the box to make a seperate CTC style.css and for whatever reason no matter where I plugged in the changes to #athena-feature style.css or ctc.css it wouldn’t translate to the page.
I ended up re configuring the child theme (because I broke the site and had to roll back to the original theme haha I guess that’s one reason why we use child themes) and this time I did not seperate the style sheets for all of the second loaded style sheets in your theme. When I plugged my code into that configured sheet it worked like a charm!
Now I’m wondering how I can change the customizer.php file as I want to add more granularity to the jumbotron height setting. Any help on this tid-bit would be appreciated!
Thank you again!