Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Daily Prayer Time] Enhancements to improve usage and adminFor point 1, maybe make it optional. Enable a perpetual timetable through selecting a tick box and that then ignores the year value and simply wraps the same values for the current Gregorian month each year. Or, maintain the timetable manually each year, which is the current default setting. That way you don;t lose the functionality that is there now, but you allow for the ‘lazy’ admin option as well. ??
The hijri date idea will be handy because it’s always confusing trying to determine if the date is referring to tonight after Maghrib, or today because it changed last night after Maghrib. ??
Jzk for being so responsive and open to suggestions. And remember us in your duas as well. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Daily Prayer Time] Enhancements to improve usage and adminWslm…I understand the effort implications on your part for point 1. The challenge with the update of the times each year is that maintenance of that data is usually left to a volunteer admin. So by coding that logic into the plugin, it eliminates the need to ever maintain the times after the initial upload, with the exception of the setting of the Hijri date relative to agreed moon sightings (where applicable), and activating the Ramadaan calendar. Strictly speaking, even the activation of the Ramadaan calendar is possible to code based on the Hijri dates, but the randomness of decisions around the preferred salaah times for Ramadaan probably negates such coding because it will be open to changes for a lot of the mosques.
I’ll check the page templates available in the theme. Jzk for the reminder. ??
Looking forward to seeing the progress on the digital board. Wish I could assist in some way, but coding was never a strength of mine. ?? So I’ll remain focused on giving you ideas for coding instead. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Daily Prayer Time] Enhancements to improve usage and adminWslm…Jzk for the feedback.
For point 1. Is it not possible to build the logic for the leap year calc into the plugin, and then simply extrapolate the values for the 29th Feb from the values for the 28th? If the admin wants to change it (although I can’t see why a single day’s movement will be critical enough to change it), they can make the change through the Quick Update tab that you already have in the plugin.
For point 4. If it drops the sidebar on this page, that will be a good compromise because on mobile, the table is extending behind the sidebar, so it is being overlapped. The theme I’m using doesn’t allow for sidebar config, and my CSS skills are very limited. ??
For point 5. I’m looking forward to seeing the masjid board functionality. Very excited about this! ?? One popular feature for this functionality, besides the masjid notices, is to be able to post ahadith or verses of the Qur’an from a list that is collated by the trustees/imam. Not sure if this will be catered for.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Daily Prayer Time] Very impressive feature setWa Alaykumusalaam,
I think as a start, this is how I would like to see a mobile app experience play out:
1. Allow me to ‘subscribe’ to updates from the local masaajid in my area. To be able to view salaah times for a masjid close to where I work, and another close to where I live, would be beneficial. Obviously with the assumption that both of them are utilising your WP plugin on their websites. So I would need to be able to list more than one mosque as a favourite on the mobile app.
2. Depending on ease of design, you could either make the timings available offline and sync it whenever there is a data connection, or have it pull the timings only when the device is online.
3. Each mosque listing should have a simple bulletin board type of feature that allows push messages to be sent. The push messages could possibly be linked to the daily messages you have on the plugin already. However, if I recall correctly, the current plugin only allows the allocation of a message/notice to be associated with the day of the week, and not a specific date.
4. Ideally, the WP plugin should have a feature that does not require admin privileges but be available to site editors or authors where they could set a simple notice with a start and end date/time. Once saved, the widget and the mobile app should display that notice in the daily views for the applicable time period. A simple text format message should be good for launch of this feature.If possible, attach an alert notification on the mobile app to the notice if the notice is time sensitive, like a specific event taking place after Esha, or something like that.
Some ideas for the future roadmap could include integration with a common WP calendar plugin. The one I’m using on the site is All-in-One Event Calendar. The free version has rich integration with various email provider calendars like Gmail and Hotmail, and is easily sync’d with the calendar app on my mobile device. This allows me to see any upcoming events for the masjid directly in my calendar view alongside my other personal or business appointments. I don’t think this can replace the basic notice functionality because there will be a need to push a general notice, like notification of a salaah time change, or a fund raising campaign, etc. that may not be tied to a specific date/time. Unless we find an intuitive way to integrate that type of message into the calendar as an all day event. (Sorry, just thinking out loud).
Hope that’s useful feedback, insha-Allah.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this.