Hiya ??
1) Very good ??
2) Well, in my case the passwords were hashed with md5 and the salt was stored in it’s own database column. If i select md5 as hash, i get the choice “Not salted”, “salt after” and “Salt before”. But there is no way to select “Salt in given column”. I don’t have much experience with cryptography, so i fear i won’t be of much help there…
3)You’re right. You know, it was late and stuff… Actually i was looking for an OAuth solution for a while, but as this seemend incredibly tedious (and to be fair, a bit overwhelming for me, since all my programming knowledge is self taught) i looked for other possibilities.
In the end i decided to change the software completely, as there was an existing solution.
But this way, i got to know some nice people ??
To cut a long story short: I won’t need the plugin anymore, but i?m still happy to help with improvements if i can ??