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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [QuickShare] text appearing on main blog page instead of imagesThank you Nick.
If there is a way round this (albeit inelegant) I am very happy to give it a go as long as it is in very basic step by step approach.
Failing that, keeping fingers crossed for an update soon!
thanks so much for the customer support. Outstanding. And very much appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: quickshare – can you choose thumbnails to share?Thanks so much for that, Nick
I know that the nextgen gallery has various disadvantages, and clearly this is one of them. The trouble is that it does do a very good job of displaying my images in a way that i can understand and in a nice, simple layout.I have added a featured image to but it doesn’t seem to have any impact on the image shown in Facebook share
I am probably doing something wrong but I have cleared browser settings and cleared page cache on W3 super cache….
ps thanks for comments about my site. I don’t have a developer. It is just me and I am probably in over my head in all this!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: quickshare – can you choose thumbnails to share?when you click on the share button it gives a selection of 5 or 6 images from my gallery that you can choose to share, a couple of those are the icons of the other social media. the actual images from my site that it chooses unfortunately are not ones I would choose and I would very much like to be able to select 5 or 6 images of my choice.
If you look at you will see what i mean – it offers 3 images, 2 of which are social media icons and 1 image from my gallery and click on the facebook share icon it offers you 3 images to share
what i would love to be able to do is select the images it offers to share. Is that possible?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [QuickShare] css for changing colour for genericonsPERFECT! Thank you so much, Nick
Could you possibly advise how I avoid the text coming up on the front page of the blog:
if you look on you can see that the text:
Share: Facebook Twitter Linkedin Google+
comes up immediately after the text about the blog, in the same typeface so that it is a little confusing for the visitorIs there any way either to disable the text at that point or have the icons instead?
Likewise, Like button not shown on my first page:
could you possibly advise?Also, is there any way i can alter the like button so it is a different colour so can be more in fitting with my theme? Maybe even just desaturate it a little…?
thank you very much
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: is W3 code for minifying reversible?Have 19 blocking script resources and 25 blocking CSS resources which, according to Google page speed are causing a delay in rendering my page.
it says:
None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML. and then suggests I remove render-blocking Javascript of 19 js scripts and Optimize CSS delivery of 25 css filesIs minifying JS and CSS in W3 Total Cache the solution? Am slightly nervous of enabling and using the minify wizard as it embeds code into the head of the relevant file, and I guess there is a chance that it might not work on my server.
Is it reversible? Ie, if I try it and it doesn’t work, and I disable the minify of JS and/or CSS will the code be removed? Should I perhaps back up the relevant files first?
any advice gratefully received
Likewise on my site. Google analytics coming up with Remove render-blocking JavaScript; and Optimize CSS Delivery.I have W3 installed and have unchecked the box about “removing caching of objects after settings change”
and have also put the following code into functions.php
‘function _remove_script_version( $src ){
$parts = explode( ‘?ver’, $src );
return $parts[0];
add_filter( ‘script_loader_src’, ‘_remove_script_version’, 15, 1 );
add_filter( ‘style_loader_src’, ‘_remove_script_version’, 15, 1 );’no change
The problem was that it wouldn’t generate new thumbnails. Error message kept coming up. It’s a problem I had before, maybe because I have quite a lot of images, and it was solved by increasing the php memory limit, deleting the images that were not working and reimporting them. All done.
So sorry to have bothered you, but it’s all sorted now.
thank you anyway
Done it! Found the code again.
sorry to both you. All sorted
zw.bear could you possibly tell me how to increase the php of nextgen?
I had this problem with the previous version when it wouldn’t resize my thumbnails of new imported images and i resolved it by increasing the php. but i can’t remember how to do it.
so sorry to be such a royal pain.I’m learning! Albeit slowly.
thanks to a great teacher!
thank you so much w.bear
what a truly super superstar you are
thank you so very very much
zanchitdone it!
i had to re-add the code you sent me earlier. It is marginally different from the code that was on there already.
.ngg-galleryoverview {
}and i added
html {
}hurrah hurrah hurrah. party time methinks!
you remain my hero
thank you so very very very very much, w.bear.iPad perfect not a scroll bar in sight.
phone perfect
laptop does show a scroll bar.
.ngg-galleryoverview {
code is still in ngg style sheet. is that right? or should I put it in functions.php?I think that has worked!
have added the text to the theme function.php as above
and have removed the text from the nextgen editor (have saved the text i removed onto a word file just to be safe)
scarcely dare to breathe with excitement!
do you want to double check it for me.thank you w.bear, my superhero!
i wait with bated breath for mobile solution.
you are a GENIUS!