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  • Looks cool and organized. Looks like you put a lot of work into it. Gj.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: my site

    Hi, I liked your site a lot. It appeared very professorial.
    Here′s what I′m gonna suggest for you;
    It′s obvious the site is about diabetes, we can all see it, but I still think it would be nice to have some kind of quick and simple site-description. you know, like an “about”-page. Maybe it′s just me but when I go to a new site I like to read something like “Hey and welcome to this site, which is about blah blah blah!”

    I think the header has some really good colors too. If you′re going to change it then at least keep some nice warm colors, like red, or brown, or off-white. And whatever you do, don′t make the header green. Green is by far one of the most unsettling colors in the spectrum. ??

    Funny thing, I′m making a humor site as well.
    I don′t fully agree with not having original content necessarily being a bad thing. You seem to have a fine taste in humor.
    As I see it there′s 2 ways to go about it:
    1. Write your own gags. The only thing that′s really important at such a time is to develop your own style. The jokes doesn′t have to be perfect as long as they have your own touch.
    2. You can collect quality humor that′s written by others. If you′re gonna do this you can′t gather any crap you find, you have to select the best things. That′s what′s important: quality.

    Good luck to you!

    Also: Remove the porn-spam.

    I may be out of line here but may I suggest removing the ads anyway? The fact that all the other gamesites does it isn′t motivation for you to do it as well, in fact it′s rather the opposite. You have the chance to brand yourselves as “The single game site that doesn′t annoy people”. I don′t recommend the idea of starting of poorly and hold your improvements for later. That′s like saying you won′t try to get an education until you have a job. You′re doing things in the wrong order.
    You have to be of from a good start. Then quality will carry you forward.

    This is awsome! I′ll be using this in the future. But what′s with all the flashy comercials? All the bleeping and sparkling banners are kind of… distracting pherhaps?

    Thread Starter Loke


    Thanks a bunch! ??

    Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: traffic

    Use the seo all in one plugin. It′s free. Google it.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: We're Ghosts!

    I don′t get this. What is this? It appeared to be about music at first but there was no music avaible.

    Thread Starter Loke


    Can I get some help, please? I need to block this spammer. ??

    Thread Starter Loke


    No, I′m not marking anything at all, because the options-page doesn′t allow me to mark anything else than single words.

    However, the options I have… they may be from Akismet but I′m unsure. How do I check? I remember reading the name akismet somwhere on the optionspages.



    Holy hobbies!

    That looks so professional! Trust me, you don′t need a webdesinger.

    Thread Starter Loke


    Thanks everybody ?? Samuel, it seems you noticed the penguin-post, huh? ??
    dogcollarmedia, that means a lot



    New? You′ve got like a hundred entries. I′m new. I′ve written like 5.

    I′m always dazzled by this kind of effort.

    For improvements, you can alter the “about”-article do it isn′t an exact copy of the homepage.

    Great job ??

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: website gone live


    I wish I could make something like this.

    You have 2 home buttons. I guess you could do without one of them?

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: My Free NGP Website


    My biggest critisism to this page is that I don′t belive a single thing I see on it. Sure, I saw the “proof it works”-page and I read that thing you wrote about CNN but you have to keep in mind that scams can be impressively well executed. People are critical. I think a bit help in getting past this is to explain on the front page why these things would be given away free. You know, the catch. Because there′s obviously a catch. Giving away free gameconsoles doesn′t sound like a profitable business plan. It would make the users less suspicious.

    By the way, what is the catch?

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