Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Where my visitors are coming fromMaybe it′s because the main audience you′ve attracted are your friends, family and you yourself? You know, the website feels when you enter it. Your visits also count.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: background for content i twenty tenEsmi: Thanks for the useful tip and link! I′ve made certain modifications in the header.html of twenty ten, do I have to save the modified file in the child theme as well?
123milliseconds: Thank you,I will try that.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Reviews are Apprecited. & Any Questions are Welcome!!Azad, your site is cool and I cen tell you′ve put much effort into it. How about doing more with colors? ?? you seem to have a nice green thing going. I like colors.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: The results of six weeks in a darkened roomThe fact that the right column isn′t moving is kind of creeping me out. Scrolling feels touching the center of my eye with my finger. :S Wierd, you know? But the site looks great.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Two new themesI think they′re beautiful but I wonder where the blog-posts can be found on the first theme. Maybe the first one isn′t supposed to be a blog… but if it is you should put the posts up front so that site-visitors doesn′t have to go look for them.
Other than that, you should design your sites to send a clear message about the sites purpose. Does the site contain designs by others? Do you sell design-related services? Is it an exhibition of sorts, like Deviantart? Is it a turtorial-site for the designers of the future? You can never be too specifik. ??Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Is WP overkill for a single-page site?Do you have Dreamweaver? If it′s just one page you could throw together a simple html-document pretty quickly.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Home recording blogLooks great but a few shapes and patterns would be nice. A blank grey is boring i the long run. Try adding colorful frames to your divs or headlines. May I suggest a color-scheme? Black and white! The colorful instruments in your header could be made grayscale and the background could have shifts of white. That would be awesome.
Other than that; well organized, well done.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: my first wordpress theme: just enough is more.Both practical and simple. A straight-to-the-point-theme. Good job. Kind of big font though, don′t you think? Reduce some of the headlines and you could fit more text onscreen.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My first WordPress BlogThe page looks nice, I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. I think you should try to fix a more specific color-template though. Right now it looks like your colors are kind of jumbled up. I guess this is mostly due to the ads. They don′t exactly blend in.
I try to keep a consistent colorscheme of blue and yellow on my own page
Here′s a good site for developing colorschemes.
https://kuler.adobe.com/Best of luck to you!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New one column theme, feedback appreciatedThis is beautiful. Did you make this by yourself? Do you make your own themes?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Advice please1. I don′t think your page-names are difficult to read. Lightgrey on black, it looks clear enough. The reason you have so much blank area is probably just that you write so long page-names. They don′t fit in the confined menu so they jump down to the next row, leaving a big bland space behind them.
2. Can′t help you. Have you checked your widget-settings? A possible explanation could be that the recently-widget simply has a top-limit of 15 posts. In that case there really isn′t much to do about it, except to look for a modified version.
3. I′m not good with boats but if I was I would probably find this site useful. It has a lot of detailed information regarding kayaks and their prices. I rate it 7/10, for good information. Some improvements would be to organize the information better. Going to the site I feel like a tsunami of boat-history is flooding me. Another improvement would be to post your sources of information in your articles. Thirdly I would recommend using a more unique theme. Even though it′s hard to tell that you′re using twenty twenty it would appear more professorial. If you′re using your boat-site for business you might want to consider having a professorial designer fix something for you. ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My First WP SiteYour site had some great pics! Did you hold the camera yourself, as the pictures were taken? ?? As for improvements I think you′ve missed a few words in the copyright-notice.
“Photographs on this website are copyright…”. That′s what it says right now.
I think you want it to say “Photographs on this website are protected by copyright…”
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Math Tricks and Tips WebsiteHi! Your site looks great. My first idea for improvement would be to allow people to make comments without registering. I wanted to make a comment on the horse-thingy but I felt that it would take too long. I know that registering probably would be a quick procedure but it just doesn′t feel very smooth to have to set up an account, you know?
Btw, I think I have the answer to your horse riddle! The horse can reach the water… with his leg! Right? By reaching out with his leg. He can′t drink it but he can touch it and that counts as “reaching” it ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: adding intro pageOh, I guess I misunderstood then. My bad.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: adding intro pageYou mean an animated intro? Like a short “welcome-movie”? Alright, to do that you′re gonna need a program to animate. I recommend adobe flash. Once you′ve made an animation in flash you save it as an swf-file (That′s the normal file for flash-products). I think you can upload an swf-file to a site just like you would upload an image but I′ve never tried it so I′m not sure.
But listen, let me give you an important advice. And this is a big advice. In fact I think it might be one of the most relevant pieces of advice that you will ever get from this thread. Do I have your attention? Ok. Do not make an intro-page. If you look up enough top-10 lists of bad things to out on a website you will find intropages has ranked high more than once. Intro-pages are cool the first time you go to a page but in the long run they just become annoying. They consume time for the page-viewer. Page-viewers don′t like to have to wait when they go to a site. In case your client has already made up his mind then ok, that′s the clients problem, not yours, but try to talk him out of it.