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I don’t have any forms in “Trash”@mansurahamed Sorry, I don’t understand.
Is this code to functions.php?add_action( 'um_after_user_updated', 'my_after_user_updated', 10, 3 ); function my_after_user_updated( $user_id, $args, $userinfo ) { // your code here to send the custom email }
// your code here to send the custom email
what code i mustinput here?
@champsupertramp yes.
attached document is not display.
User status (radio field) is currently display now.@champsupertramp
yes, but this fields are not display in profile view@champsupertramp
Thank you fof your answer.
I want something like this display (like in code 1)
In edit form i can see this fields. But in prosile page i don’t see this (code 2)!CODE1
<div class="um-profile-body main main-default"> <div class="um-row _um_row_1 " style="margin: 0 0 30px 0;"><div class="um-col-1"><div id="um_field_75_confuser-status" class="um-field um-field-radio um-field-confuser-status um-field-radio um-field-type_radio" data-key="confuser-status"><div class="um-field-label"><label for="confuser-status-75">Форма участия<span class="um-req" title="Обязательно">*</span></label><span class="um-tip um-tip-w" original-title="Выберите один из вариантов"><i class="um-icon-help-circled"></i></span><div class="um-clear"></div></div><div class="um-field-area"><label class="um-field-radio um-field-half "><input type="radio" name="confuser-status[]" value="Устный доклад"><span class="um-field-radio-state"><i class="um-icon-android-radio-button-off"></i></span><span class="um-field-radio-option">Устный доклад</span></label><label class="um-field-radio um-field-half right"><input type="radio" name="confuser-status[]" value="Стендовый доклад"><span class="um-field-radio-state"><i class="um-icon-android-radio-button-off"></i></span><span class="um-field-radio-option">Стендовый доклад</span></label><div class="um-clear"></div><label class="um-field-radio active um-field-half "><input type="radio" name="confuser-status[]" value="Слушатель" checked=""><span class="um-field-radio-state"><i class="um-icon-android-radio-button-on"></i></span><span class="um-field-radio-option">Слушатель</span></label><div class="um-clear"></div></div></div><div id="um_field_75_user-document" class="um-field um-field-file um-field-user-document um-field-file um-field-type_file" data-key="user-document" data-mode="profile" data-upload-label="Загрузить"><input type="hidden" name="user-document-75" id="user-document-75" value="file_95f88390_781a8fd2338f2765a72c35017618fc6daf719327.doc"><div class="um-field-label"><label for="user-document-75">Ваша статья</label><span class="um-tip um-tip-w" original-title="Загрузите текст вашей статьи. Перед загрузкой ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с правилами оформления статей."><i class="um-icon-help-circled"></i></span><div class="um-clear"></div></div><div class="um-field-area" style="text-align: center;"><div class="um-single-file-preview show" data-key="user-document"> <a href="#" class="cancel"><i class="um-icon-close"></i></a> <div class="um-single-fileinfo"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <span class="icon" style="background:#2C95D5"><i class="um-faicon-file-text-o"></i></span> <span class="filename">Правила оформления статей для школы-конференции_3.doc</span> </a> </div></div><a href="#" data-modal="um_upload_single" data-modal-size="normal" data-modal-copy="1" class="um-button um-btn-auto-width">Изменить файл</a></div><div class="um-modal-hidden-content"><div class="um-modal-header"> Ваша статья</div><div class="um-modal-body"><div class="um-single-file-preview"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="cancel"><i class="um-icon-close"></i></a> <div class="um-single-fileinfo"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <span class="icon"><i></i></span> <span class="filename"></span> </a> </div> </div><div class="um-single-file-upload" data-user_id="2" data-timestamp="1620739998" data-nonce="c33edfed17" data-icon="um-icon-android-attach" data-set_id="75" data-set_mode="profile" data-type="file" data-key="user-document" data-max_size="999999999" data-max_size_error="Этот файл слишком большой!" data-min_size_error="Этот файл слишком маленький!" data-extension_error="Извините, это некорректный тип файла." data-allowed_types="doc,docx" data-upload_text="Перетащить файл" data-max_files_error="Вы можете загрузить только один файл" data-upload_help_text="Загружая файл вы возлагаете на себя ответственность за ее авторство. Допускается формат файлов DOC и DOCX.">Загрузить</div><div class="um-modal-footer"> <div class="um-modal-right"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="um-modal-btn um-finish-upload file disabled" data-key="user-document" data-change="Изменить файл" data-processing="Обработка..."> Сохранить</a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="um-modal-btn alt" data-action="um_remove_modal"> Отмена</a> </div> <div class="um-clear"></div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> <input type="hidden" name="user_id" id="user_id" value="2"> <input type="hidden" name="profile_nonce" id="profile_nonce" value="350355665f"> <input type="hidden" name="form_id" id="form_id_75" value="75"> <p class="um_request_name"> <label for="um_request_75">Only fill in if you are not human</label> <input type="hidden" name="um_request" id="um_request_75" class="input" value="" size="25" autocomplete="off"> </p> <div class="um-col-alt"> <div class="um-left um-half"> <input type="submit" value="Обновить профиль" class="um-button"> </div> <div class="um-right um-half"> <a href="/user/2/?profiletab=main" class="um-button um-alt"> Отмена </a> </div> <div class="um-clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div>
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Not clickable buttonsI was fix the settings, and find the problem.
System settings > Disable Thrid Party Includes > Bootstrap – Dashboard (remove the flag)
So, the plugin works good now! Thank you for hint!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Not clickable buttonsWhen I push the button, in “network” I see only this:
admin-ajax.php 200 xhr jquery.js:4 567 B 500 ms
send @ jquery.js:4
ajax @ jquery.js:4
n.(anonymous function) @ jquery.js:4
(anonymous) @ memphis-documents.min.js?ver=389daec…:1
dispatch @ jquery.js:3
r.handle @ jquery.js:3Request URL: ***/admin-ajax.php
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 200{“mdocs-categories”:null,”post-tags”:””,”gmdate”:”\u041e\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043e 01.02.2019 11:23″}
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Problem with open filesYou are right that now, files are uploaded in the same way everywhere. I checked my server, and I can say that the standard WordPress-uploader works on the same principle, with at least December 2016. However, before it was a bit different. Look at the picture – I did a comparison of screenshots.
By the way, a pop-up list of my works only in the admin panel. I thought that it should be. After clicking on the address bar is added to the # symbol, but nothing happens.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Problem with open filesI do not see the last uploaded files in PDF format on your hosting (they are converted to JPG-images), before it was possible to get a direct link to a file in PDF format. Now everything is different.
Hide documents just not necessary – they are all publicly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Problem with open filesHello! I do not understand what happened. Previously I am using the plugin you uploaded the files to the server my site. Now, the server only uploads images from PDF files, and the file is stored, as I understand it, on the Google server. I am absolutely not satisfied with this option. I place the files that are checked in the Ministry and other public services. Please return the load on the site server. Or make a choice.
And also, going back to the previous problem … Maybe an upload any file optimization? Is it possible to disable this feature?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Problem with open filesAdobe Acrobat Reader DC 2015Release version 2015.023.20053
The fact that the original file is opened in the version of adobe, but after sharing and downloading the file via a plugin – file becomes damaged. So plugin makes any changes to a file. But why?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Problem with open filesOS windows7
Today I re-uploaded files, which can not be opened using Adobe Reader. Prior to this, I checked the originals – they open correctly. Once downloaded, these files can not be opened in Adobe Reader.