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  • Thread Starter zarintasnim


    Hey Roxanne,

    Please add this product to the cart then you will see there are 2 lunch product coming where it’s supposed to be 1 only. Here is the screenshot and I wanna solve this.

    Thread Starter zarintasnim


    May I know how to open a support ticket directly? @niklasinpsyde

    Thread Starter zarintasnim


    hi @niklasinpsyde I tried that version but still the same issue, in the mollie setting I even can’t see the labels for some payment options but the same theme I am using in another website where mollie is showing all labels, may I know what could be the reason behind this?

    Thread Starter zarintasnim


    I updated the mollie but only ideal and credit card icon shows up, other icons doesn’t show up. @aweissinpsyde

    Thread Starter zarintasnim


    I see there are some lines of code is missing in paypal and bank transfer label part, can you guys please fix that?

    Bank transfer Label:

    <label for="payment_method_mollie_wc_gateway_banktransfer">

    Paypal Label:

    <label for="payment_method_mollie_wc_gateway_paypal">

    Ideal Label:

    <label for="payment_method_mollie_wc_gateway_ideal">
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