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  • your first twitter sidebar item may indeed be at the heart of the problem

    change this

    ...<div class="twittertext" style="overflow:auto; height:165px; width:250px"><li>
    <ul class="twittercopy" id="twitter_update_list">...


    ...<div class="twittertext" style="overflow:auto; height:165px; width:250px">
    <ul class="twittercopy" id="twitter_update_list"><li>...

    regarding the DIVs:

    The second is a search form, which is not a list at all, nor is it enclosed in a UL. Then the third is enclosed in LI and UL.

    they are inside <ul id=”sidelist”> but they are not inside LI tags – they should be

    yeah yeah IE sucks and all that – however the problem relates to your coding not some weird IE bug – its just luck that non IE browsers render it how you wanted.

    1. You have at least 2 instances of the ID “sidebardivs” – you can only have 1 instance of an ID on a page. Change the IDs to a class – “.sidebardivs” in the CSS and change the HTML to class=”sidebardivs”
    2. The 2 DIVs currently with ID of “sidebardivs” are not enclosed within LI tags – they must be if they’re inside a UL

    add to #rap


    theres also some unrendered PHP in righthand side

    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'); ?>

    like whooami says fix the validation errors or at least have a very close look at the righthand sidebar code – lots of unclosed / badly nested tags – I think thats whats messing it up

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Drop Down Menu

    theme dosent support subpages:

    <?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&title_li='); ?>

    depth=1 – changing/removing that would include the subpages but you would need to also add CSS and javascript to give the drop down functionality

    its a really nice clean theme

    You’re forgetting to include the li tags. Should be:

    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" title="Home">Home.</a></li>
    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: IE and margins

    a typo in your stylesheet – line 333

    #sidebar {
    	font: 1em 'Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;

    close the quotation around the font names or remove the first one.

    Somewhat unique – normally its IE thats more tolerant of dodgy entries in stylesheets and Firefox would usually not render it.

    I pretty much agree with bdphoto regarding the look of it. Not sure where you’d be squeezing a logo into either

    anyway assuming your logo is about 80px x 80px, and assuming you’d like it to the left of your site title – changing the below would do it.

    #logo {
    	display: inline;
    	float: left;
    	margin-left: 100px;
    	margin-right: 20px;
    	margin-top: 20px;
    	background-image: url(images/logo.gif);
    	background-repeat: no-repeat;

    adding the below would make the blog title and description disappear if you wanted to make some more room.

    #logo h1, #logo .description{
    	display: none;

    having trouble understanding the crux of your problem

    One observation that might assist is that many wordpress tags want to print/echo out the return value immediately. In many cases you can prevent this by passing a value to the tag. eg:

    $flashvariable = the_title();

    wont work as the the_title will print out as soon as its encountered – $flashvariable cant be manipulated.

    $flashvariable = the_title('before', 'after', FALSE);

    works as $flashvariable can now be manipulated in PHP to prepapre for its insertion into flash. (before, after can be changed or set to empty)

    Perhaps better than that there are also other tags that are better designed for returning values to PHP. eg

    • the_title_attribute() rather than the_title()
    • get_permalink() rather than the_permalink()

    set the objects height then give overflow property

    	overflow: auto;

    This will place scroll bars automatically if content exceeds 400px


    	height: 400px;
    	overflow: scroll;

    This will always place scroll bars on the object – dimmed out if content doesnt exceed the height.

    well thats one way to solve the problem….

    as Mores says might need more code…

    ..but perhaps you’re thinking Worpress will magically render the flash also? You above code references the path of the swf but you’ll need to place it inside some OBJECT/EMBED code to actually display it. is one way

    or just use the flash generated code

    Assume your having issues with IE6

    this line would cause probs:

    #sidebar {
     padding:20px 0pt 10px;

    Best to avoid giving width and a margin or padding value if considering IE6.

    Change to:

    #sidebar {
     padding:20px 0pt 10px;

    the float removes the need for the big margin (but may introduce other prbs..! )

    Add the below and it should work. They key is to having consistency in your naming conventions and your approach, then apply that naming convention to the CSS.

    	//holds meditation man, give it some height to push the lower menu items down
    #daikos-text-1 DIV.DaikosText{
    	//position meditation man absolutely on the screen

    kubrick is a fixed width theme – you’d need to tinker to get it do that

    as a minimum the following image files would need editting and expanding to match your new width:

    but I think you’ll find there’ll be lots of other things needing adjustment also…

    perhaps best you find another theme closer to the width you’re after

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