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I dropped the template and tried on called sliding doors that is like it but uses pages rather than posts for its images and so far so good everything is working happily. I now need to work out my page structures so hoping the galleries will work how I want them to. I have avoided categories for the moment :O)
Thanks Again for you help without it I would have given up :O)
You havent heard of any good watermarking plug ins have you :O)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sliding Door] Sliding Door missing (just) one featured imageYes and that was my home page as I am using a sepeate page for my posts.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sliding Door] Sliding Door missing (just) one featured imageI fixed mine my first page was home and as it wasnt a page but a link back to its self it wasnt showing. I made my front page a home page instead of a post page and its now working.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sliding Door] Sliding Door missing (just) one featured imageHi
I have exactly the same problem with my site but you ahve resolve but no solution could you post the solution please it would help me greatly. The first feature image doesnt display.
I went right through the site yesterday and totally removed everything even from the database there was no remanants of the softwrae at all I also deleted /home/sites/shamrock-media.com/public_html/wp-content/uploads/catablog so I dont understand how killarney was still there short of deleting the whole site and starting again but that seems a bit drastic. I have cleared out the duplicates an now its back to showing just 4. The posts that you see with killarney are not related to catablog they are 4 seperate blog posts that carry the 4 images on the front page. The catablog images are on a seperate page. I will try the template you use and see what happens. Is there any known issues with jetpack?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columnsHi I have replied on the new ticket as this one was closed. I have added 8 images to the gallery and all 8 are added to the catergory to. the short code is [catablog_gallery id=”252″ limit=”15″] it is a reinstall after having the same issue before. I have totally stripped out the plugin and all references to the plugin in the database before reinstalling but still ahve the same issue.
I had another ticket open regarding this but we thought it was resolved and though that me starting from scratch would fix the issue the title was to do with 2 and 3 colum pages and this image issue reared its ugly head at that point. I didnt know how to reopen the ticket so started a new one.
The short code on the horse racing page is this
[catablog_gallery id=”252″ limit=”15″]
The images come up on the page but only four show its the exact same issue I had before I reinstalled it all. I reinstalled becasue there were issues with the images and it got confused so i thought a fresh install would be a good idea but I still only see 4 images even though I have uploaded 8. I emailed you my wordpress admin details yesterday.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columns.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columnsThank you very much I will close this as resolved and sort out thae catergories. Again than you for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columnsAhh I see now I thought the limits was how many to have showing at once I would like 15 per page please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columnsSorry got a bit confused I will remove the categories I dont need and just have the two. Can you add linmits of 500 please or is that too high?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columnsIts seems we are stuck at 6 this time and its not dispalying above that. Would you mind trying to set the limit at say 500 each for me please as I still get the error message of incorrect id when I do it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columnsJust noticed that all the waterfall images on land are showing but not the lake side ones there must be a corruption somewhere.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columnsWould I be better deleting all photos and starting again reuploading them?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CataBlog] [Plugin: CataBlog] Making 2 or 3 columnsOh thank you so very much. I will change the category names I think and instead of having palce I will stick to racing and landscapes it will make life much easier and should then put the horse back where he is meant to be. Was my order number problem caused by the categories.
I take it the previous and next options will stay greyed out as on test sites I have looked at they dont seem to work either.
Again Thank you for you help.