Forum Replies Created
Okay. Thanks for that but what am I supposed to use so that someone with Editor role can edit the navigation items? Under type specific capabilities I selected Navigation Menus, checked the boxes but still nothing is showing up for the Editor role.
screenshotsHi. Sorry. Obviously I wasn’t clear. To rephrase: I have “Manage Links” in PublishPress checked for the Editor user type. However, a person who is assigned the role of Editor can’t see the Menu option in the admin backend. It used to be there but recently it isn’t. The site is on the latest version of WordPress. screen shot 1
Screenshot 2Okay. Will try redoing the authentication
Okay. That is making sense. Because I’m logged into the SmugMug account all that info is there. From what I can see. I do have authentication set up in Phototonic. I have values in place for:
SmugMug API key
SmugMug API Secret
Access Token
Access Token SecretAm I missing something else?
For your reference:
Okay. So this probably isn’t what you are expecting but when I chose an image via the API, the ArchiveUri was not blank. I checked multiple images and indeed, they all had ArchiveUri values. And when I clicked on the link for the ArchiveUri, it did indeed start the download process. So it does appear that things are okay at SmugMugs end of things.
Could the problem be with the lightbox I’ve chosen?
Thank you very much for this info. This is a big help. I didn’t realize that I could access images this way. I will see what I can find out.
Sorry. I misunderstood your question. They did not ask me to provide any information. They seemed more interested in putting blame elsewhere than problem solving.
If you go to the actual album on SmugMug, the download link is there and it does work successfully.
Hi again. I got in touch with the API people. They weren’t very helpful and, as expected, because I’m using a WordPress Plugin, they are pointing any problems at it, and not them. They are telling me that there is nothing at their end that would cause the ArchiveUri to be blank.
I can see the download icon there in the lightbox but clicking on it just opens a new browser tab and shows the same image, in the same size, directly in SmugMug. But there is no download link on that page. I’ve tried turning password protection on and off and that makes no difference.
So, not sure what to do next.
I will try again. Thanks so much for this. Will let you know if round 2 is any more successful than round 1.
These images I’m loading are in a password protected folder. I removed the password protection and made it accessible to everyone. No changes in the behaviour. So that wasn’t it.
Yes. I told them that. No. This isn’t a thread on DGrin. I contacted SmugMug directly through their Contact page.
Here is the response from SmugMug, which was completely useless:
Thanks for your email.
The person who built the plugin you use may need to update their plugin. I am not sure how their plugin is supposed to work, which links it uses to post the images to WordPress, etc. So if they need help, they can email us at [email protected] and we can assist them with questions regarding our API.
I confirmed the .htaccess had no affect. I have a ticket in with SmugMug and will let you know what the response is.