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In that case I would use the Cart Products tab. There is an option there to List variations as separate products, Enable it. Then under the Individual products section exclude the physical products.
Under the general settings, Email sending trigger please change the option to “On user register” then test again.
Kindly let me know if that works for you.
Yes this would be possible, if you use categories for physical and virtual products. You can then set maximum limits by category.
Alternatively you can also use the Cart product options in the plugin’s settings and exclude all virtual products from limits.
Could you please make sure in the plugin’s settings, General tab, Minimum cart amount, you have set the right amount. This should be the minimum amount a customer will need to have in the cart before the notice is displayed.
Please let me know if you continue having trouble with this and in that case if you could provide more details or screenshots of your setup.
We just updated the plugin with a new option:
Messages > Clear previous messages
Can you please check if it fixes the duplicated notification issue?
The version we just released is 2.0.9
I just tested the plugin thoroughly with W3 total Cache plugin and was unable to re-create the issue.
Could you please give me more details on how you have setup up your Email Verification for WooCommerce plugin.
Here are a couple of things that you could try though:
1. Under general settings use the Send verification as a separate email option.
2. Under general settings email sending trigger, please try and change that option
3. Under advanced settings enable the custom logout functionHi,
Can you also please confirm if you are using a cache plugin. Sometimes there are issues with certain cache plugins and they cause the issue of having to activate twice. If you are using a cache plugin, can you try and disable it and try again?
Hi Jordan,
For your first issue where the client activation fails the first time. Under the General settings of the plugin, can you try and enable Send as a separate email option. This will ensure the activation email is separate from the WooCommerce new account email.
For your second issue, I am not sure of your registration process. Is is from the my account page or when checking out on the WooCommerce checkout page. Is it that the users registers and is logged in automatically, or not? You can enable the prevent login after register option from the plugin’s Advanced settings. Also In the Advanced options cany you try and enable the Custom “logout” function
Also in the advanced options can you try and change the option Authenticate Filter This will depend on your setup.
It is not bugs as such but just getting the settings right according to your setup. ??
If you continue having trouble with this, is it possible for you to share screenshots of your plugin’s setup and errors.
In the?Messages tab, you can use a shortcode such as:
[alg_wc_ev_translate lang=”EN”]Text for EN[/alg_wc_ev_translate][alg_wc_ev_translate lang=”DE”]Text for DE[/alg_wc_ev_translate][alg_wc_ev_translate not_lang=”EN,DE”]Text for other languages[/alg_wc_ev_translate]?
This way you can translate the text for various notices in the Messages tab. However, multi-language in the email text will not work.?
In the?Messages tab, you can use a shortcode such as:
[alg_wc_ev_translate lang=”EN”]Text for EN[/alg_wc_ev_translate][alg_wc_ev_translate lang=”DE”]Text for DE[/alg_wc_ev_translate][alg_wc_ev_translate not_lang=”EN,DE”]Text for other languages[/alg_wc_ev_translate]?
This way you can translate the text for various notices in the Messages tab. However, multi-language in the email text will not work.`
Under the General settings tab, there is an option for Logout unverified users on every page. If you enable it, users will who have not verified their emails will not be able to log in.
Under the messages tab, you can set the message under the Error field. By default it reads: “Your account has to be activated before you can login. You can resend the email with verification link by clicking here.”
I have forwarded your request to our development team. They will let you know if this is something that can be done.
This might be possible, through workarounds. There is no option to add extra costs based on shipping classes. But there are options to add Extra costs based on shipping methods and shipping zones.
You will need to enable these options from the Extra Costs: Shipping Methods tab from the plugin’s settings. In this tab you will find an option to enable shipping.
There are also options to add extra costs per order based on handling fees or shipping fees.
1. Yes you can recalculate costs and profits for historical orders.
2. When you change the sale price, the historical orders are not affected.
The license is only required for automatic updates. The plugin should work just fine without the license.
You can either set the license up on your staging site first and once done with development, you can use the license on your live site. Or you could simply install the plugin on the staging site without the license and only use the license on the live site.
Remember if you decide to change your domain name, you need to re-generate the key from here.