Forum Replies Created

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  • Hi!

    I did some changes in the default code, so the result is something like this:

    1. Italo Calvino: Végül arra száll egy holló
    2. Ráth-Végh István: A k?nyv komédiája
    3. Ulrich Plenzdorf: Die neuen Leiden des jungen W (suhrkamp taschenbuch)
    4. Bárczi Géza: A Halotti Beszéd nyelvt?rténeti elemzése
    5. Gulya János: A vízimadarak népe: Tanulmányok a finnugor rokon népek élete és m?veltsége k?réb?l

    “indexnumber.<tab>Author:Title” for each line, where “Title” is the only link to the item (but i can change it for you if needed) and it doesn’t shows the image of the item you uploaded.

    So, the changes in /includes/short_codes.php should be after “default:”:

    	$result .= '<span class="weblib-item-brief weblib-item-info weblib-item-element">';
    	$result .= $item->author();
    	if ($item->callnumber() != '') {
    	  $result .= '<br />'.__('Call Number:','web-librarian').'&nbsp;'.$item->callnumber();
    	$result .= ': ';
    	if ($moreinfourl != '') {
    	  $result .= '<a href="'.add_query_arg(array('barcode' => $barcode),
    	$result .= $item->title();
    	if ($moreinfourl != '') {$result .= '</a>';}

    and changes in the /css/front.css should be:

    .weblib-item-index {
      font-size: 100%;
      padding: 0px 4px;
      text-align: left;
      width: 5%;

    I reduced the index number’s size cause it looks better when you have shorter lines.

    Please, let me know if it’s okay for you!

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