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  • Sorry, I misunderstood the above comment. Please remove the script in section 5 from the header.

    I found embedding a monit plug-in script from installing the plug-in downloaded from a free download website.

    When installing the plug-in or the theme mentioned There will be a monit embedded in your website.

    The script checks and stores the IP address of the admin by choosing not to show advertisements to administrators. And those entering the website directly via the URL

    The script will only show ads to people searching for websites via search engines.

    The checking and fixing methods I found.

    1. Do not install plugins from 3rd party
    2. Check the URL by going to
    http: // ____ your URL ____ / wp-admin / options-general.php? page = monit
    If your website has scripts it will display this page.

    3. Go to the folder wp-content / plugins, admin_ips.txt and monit.php will be found.
    4. Delete messages within the file without deleting the file to prevent rewriting And set the permission is read only
    5. Insert this script in the header of the website to close the monit script.

    <script type = “text / javascript” src = “//” async data-cfasync = “false”> </script>
    <script src = “; data-cfasync = “false” async> </script>

    Examples of files that I found to include scripts



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