Sweet Captcha
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Force click instead of drag and dropHi David, we’d consider this as a feature on our roadmap.
Thanks for using FREE sweetCaptcha
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Does this work with WP 3.9.1?We’ve released an update, you’re invited to upgrade ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Sweetchaptcha.com is downHi guys, thanks for reporting. We monitor the services closely, however hiccups may occur as in any other service out there. To ensure a high security level, the signature process is made by negotiating with our servers with policies that change seamlessly often. As for going down permanently, sweetCaptcha is a free service so first we might suggest you put a donation to make sure this won’t happen anytime soon ?? secondly, we would notify every user if anything of that nature should ever occur – hopefully not!
Thanks for using sweetCaptchaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Calling and verifying from javascriptWe’re afraid not, moving the signature validation to the client side would void any security measure, the validation should happen server-to-server after the user has submitted his answer and before processing his request as valid on your end. See https://github.com/sweetcaptcha/sweetCaptcha-sdk-php/blob/master/example.php for an example
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Crashes WordPressHi Lee, we hate to see you had a bad experience … as you can see, thousands of users enjoy sweetCatpcha every day, we’d be happy if you gave us another shot.
James @ sweetCaptcha
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Requested image not included in optionsThanks for the feedback Marisa, however the screenshot you have attached is not of sweetCaptcha but some other service maybe … We suggest you try the real thing and install sweetCaptcha ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] AnnoyingIndeed, as a security product you need to register to get your private credentials (keys) and be given a viable captcha service.
We’d be happy if you given sweetCaptcha another try and join our thousands of satisfied, spam free WordPress users ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Text on Reset is messed upPlease send us an email with a screen shot to [email protected]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Only English on mobile devices?Desktop translations (drag the solution) are different from mobile translations (click the solution, or other syntax), so yes, sometime you may get a translation for the desktop version which doesn’t exist for the mobile version. Contact us at [email protected] and we’d love to get your translation contribution ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Is it working with "Fast Secure Contact Form" ?sweetCaptcha supports Contact Form 7 and our own contact form provided with the plugin
have a sweetDay!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Plugin deleted but the form still shows upIf you have deleted the plugin it should not appear on your website anymore — it is possibly however you are using a caching plugin and the captcha is cached as part of your forms and posts. It this case, try flushing your cache.
Contact us on [email protected] if this issue persists.
Have a sweetDay!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Only English on mobile devices?If the language defaults to English it’s because we’re missing translations. All of sweetCaptcha’s translations are donated by it’s community, we’d be happy to get your translations so you could use the plugin in Chinese. Kindly contact us on [email protected] to follow up on this.
Have a sweetDay!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Option not to display for registered users not workingPlease contact us on [email protected], please provide a link and screen shots if applicable.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] Mobile and tablet support?Yes, sweetCaptcha is designed to work on mobiles and tablets. You are asked to click on the right answer instead of dragging it like on desktops.
Have a sweetDay!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sweet Captcha] SweetCaptcha doesnt work on SafariThere’s a known issue with Safari on Windows. We’ll post an update on this issue soon.