Forum Replies Created
because of error finding I only use the standard
there because it’s the same problem/effect. Have a look at
first. You see an empty green line on 22th with an event permalink. Then log in and have a look at event calendar options / full calendar options / event title format:
Normally it should work like the private event on 21th. Or is there anything I missunderstood?
thank you – and the files are on the way. ??
zweneNo, I made a clean install of wp 3.6.1. And because to prevent not good coded own conditional functions I only test {logged_in}.
So, I give up: An other webhoster with an other webspace – and the same problem. What I make wrong that abolutely no conditional is working for me and don’t replace the (perma)link and the colored event lines? ??
So: Downgrades to 3.6 and 3.52 don’t change anything. And edit the php version from 5.3.x to 5.2.x and 5.4.x, too. ??
I’m astonished that I’m the only user with such problem.
The function returns the correct value. Her’s the custom function code:
add_action('em_event_output_condition', 'my_em_user_access', 1, 4); function my_em_user_access($replacement, $condition, $match, $EM_Event){ if( (get_field('acf_access_event', $EM_Event->ID) == 'alle') ) { $replacement = '#_EVENTNAME'; } elseif( (get_field('acf_access_event', $EM_Event->ID) == 'angemeldet') && is_user_logged_in() ) { $replacement = '#_EVENTNAME'; } elseif( (get_field('acf_access_event', $EM_Event->ID) == 'schulintern') && current_user_can('edit_events') ) { $replacement = '#_EVENTNAME'; } else { $replacement = ''; } return $replacement; }
In the options under “Full Calendar Options” I have the following event title format:
This results in empty, background colored lines with permalinks if the event title is replaced with ”.
Now I have a corresponding problem:
All replacements I made with my own or every standard conditional like logged_id replaces the title, but not the (perma)link (colored bars with event link) so the so replaced events are visible furthermore. Is this a bug or am I making something wrong with e. g.
{ logged_in }content{ / logged_in }
{ logged_in }#_EVENTNAME{ / logged_in } ?
I tested it with fullcalendar and integrated calendar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] Admin Bar cachingHatte eben ?hnliche Ph?nomene, da die Admin Bar auf der Seite auch für nicht eingeloggte Besucher verfügbar ist. Einzige L?sung, die mir am Ende einfiel und scheinbar etwas gebracht hat: Redirect für die Seite nach dem Ein- und Ausloggen auf die Startseite einstellen und diese vom Cachen ausschlie?en. Oder halt jede andere beliebige ungechachte Seite. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Access Areas] Examples for post_view_capAhhh, now I found out after a look in your plugin code. Wouldn’t it be better to put a reference of your wpaa conditional functions somewhere on the plugin page …?
After reading for a while I test it with
wpaa_user_can( 'read', $EM_Event )
wpaa_user_can( 'read' )
but this don’t work ($EM_Event is an event id from an event calendar). ?? In the moment I can’t match a wpaa conditional for a specific page like
current_user_can( 'read', $post->ID )
Ah, thanks, that make it more clear for me. Now I understand why the only working way at the moments are user capatilities.
Because of your explanation I look a bit around and found
which uses virtual user groups by using conditional capatilities. In this way the em user condition works fine:
add_action('em_event_output_condition', 'my_em_user_access', 1, 4); function my_em_user_access($replacement, $condition, $match, $EM_Event){ global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $user_can2 = current_user_can('read', $EM_Event->ID); $user_can = current_user_can('post_view_cap', $EM_Event->ID); if( current_user_can('userlabel_1_schueler', $EM_Event->ID) || current_user_can('userlabel_2_lehrer', $EM_Event->ID) ) { $replacement = '#_EVENTNAME'; } else { $replacement = '(gesperrt)'; } return $replacement; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Access Areas] disabling commentsHi,
I get back to topic, allright? ??
First, it’s a very good alternative to UAM because you use virtual group caps which I can simple use with current_user_can near everywhere.
But I miss role capabilities for the meta box aceess. One capabitlity for each part of the metabox would be a great improvement, e. g. assign_access_read, assign_access_write and assign_access_comment. Not all roles should have the right to assign read oder write access to the content.
And are you planning to implent simple conditional logic shortcodes so we can save to install one additional plugin?
zweneSooooo – I have an update for you:
After installing a clean WP with pure WP FullCalendar … all works well with post type = post. All user groups get only the events they have access to.
And then I installed a clean Events Manager, changed in WP FullCalendar post type to event, create an event for one user group – and nothing worked well anymore. The problem is back.
Oh, and the events are visible to all in the event list with the same problems.
Strange …
Thank you. ??
No, I simply want to restrict access of some events to members of diffent user groups. I test it with UAM, Groups and PressPermit – no chance. ??
If you are user of a user group or with special capatilities, you get the following mystery:
1. User with read access to the event
- can see event name and permalink in fullcalendar grid
- can enter the event page by clicking on the event link in the fullcalendar grid
2. User without read access to the event
- can see event title and permalink in fullcalendar grid too
- can not enter the event page by clicking on the event link in the fullcalendar grid and get’s an error page instead
Isn’t it crazy? You can’t enter/read a page, but you can read the event title with permalink to it in the fullcalendar grid. ??
Can it be a bug in wp fullcalendar? If I only test it with simple WordPress Posts I get the same result.
Ah, thank you. After a little testing I can say that
$events_page_id !0 $EM_Event->ID
But it doesn’t change something:
- event is restricted to one of two user groups
- restriction for showing in the fullcalendar (both the included and wp fullcalendar) $user_can = current_user_can(‘read’, $EM_Event->ID);
- guests can’t read it -> event entry isn’t showing -> correct
- users from user group who should read the event -> event is showing -> correct
- users from user group who shouldn’t read the event -> event is showing -> not correct ??
Here my acual code:
add_action('em_event_output_condition', 'my_em_user_access', 1, 4); function my_em_user_access($replacement, $condition, $match, $EM_Event){ $events_page_id = get_option ( 'dbem_events_page' ); $user_can = current_user_can('read', $EM_Event->ID); if( !$user_can ) { $replacement = '(gesperrt)' . ' ' . $EM_Event->ID; } else { $replacement = '#_EVENTNAME' . ' ' . $EM_Event->ID; } return $replacement; }