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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Not remove html or images in blog postsEdit:
I didn’t create a child template. I just edited index.php. My theme had this code:
<?php get_the_featured_excerpt($excerpt_length=200); ?>I changed it to:
<?php the_content();?>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Not remove html or images in blog postsThanks, that did the trick!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Please help with simple posting in bloggI stoped using visual editor cuz it sucks. Problem solved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Serious n00b problems with postingI solved it by removing a line in the code that used a regular expresstion and removed these characters. Now it looks good. But I guess that all will have this problem since it’s right there in the code.
you mean change the event-manager.css file?
Found it and changed it. Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unwillingly different language??Thanks
I solved it by deactivating the plugin, deleted all files in the language directory and then reactivated the plugin again. Then it didn’t translate anything and I’m happy again =)
If I deactivated the plugin, deleted all files in the “language”-folder and then reactivate the plugin again, it doesn’t translate anything. Puh what a releave.
I solved it.
The plugin creates “pages” that I could remove from the normal place where you edit your pages. I didn’t realize that the “Eventspage” actually were ordinary pages.
Second thing with the language. If I deactivated the plugin, deleted all files in the “language”-folder and then reactivate the plugin again, it doesn’t translate anything. Puh what a releave.
It’s the other way around. I DONT want it to be in Swedish. My site is in English and this plugin is also in English, but for some reason gets this particular plugin translated without me wanting it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unwillingly different language??It’s Event Organiser by Stephen Harris. Is there a better calendar plugin where you can enter planned events in future with a calendar widget?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Serious n00b problems with postingAddition:
I’ve tried many editors like different TinyMCE implementations, FCK Editors, Preserve HTML, PS Disable Auto Formatting e.t.c, e.t.c.
If I look in HTML view I see this
<p>How are you? I'm fine.</p>The ! and the , is there. “‘” is encoded to '
Please help me!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Please help with simple posting in bloggThanks. I’ll try that.
Too bda with the Visual editing. Everyone should have problems with it ?? ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Please help with simple posting in bloggThanks for reply
I’ve played around with the table and width and everything and went back to absolut basic table with no styles or <thead / body> or anything. It still is messed up.
Another thing; how can it be that the “Visual” messes the code up? If I were to create a WordPress software, editing text would be the primary use-case and put all my effort into that to start with. Howcome this not work?!? Is there a better editor out there? I’ve tried a few like TinyMCE or and other WYSIWYG but none have really made me happy.
Lastly, what do yo mean with putting my text and img (float to right) within <p>? I don’t know how to do that? If I use <p> (paragraf) the block with create a linebreak at </p>.
Thanks again! ??