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  • Plugin Author Optin Revolution


    See below:

    <!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->
    <div id="mc_embed_signup">
    <form action="" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate>
    	<label for="mce-EMAIL">Subscribe to our mailing list</label>
    	<input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="email" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="email address" required>
    	<div class="clear"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"></div>
    <!--End mc_embed_signup-->

    Your need to use the areas that are bold in the below.

    The Action will be different for you don’t add the https://

    An example:

    Thread Starter protrainer1


    Thanks for the reply.

    The bolded areas are going where? In the “U” area in the Mailchimp setup? Also, will the ACTION be the same, but without the https://?
    Sorry for not getting it initially.. It’s a great plug in and I have everything else set up.

    Plugin Author Optin Revolution


    Yes in the mail setting select MailChimp, go and create your form in MailChimp then all you will need is the url in the in the form:

    Add the xxx part of u=xxxxx to the u area not u=xxxxx but the variable everything after u=

    Same for id add the xxx part of id=xxxxx to the u area not id=xxxxx but only the variable which is everything after id=

    Add this part to the action input: <= this will be different may be us2 or us3 you need to get this from the form that generated by MailChimp.

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter protrainer1


    Ok.. just one more question:

    Why would I have a form created in Mailchimp if the Opt-in Rev. form is being used to get the prospects info?? Wouldn’t creating a form in Mailchimp for the list I am using be redundant?

    Plugin Author Optin Revolution


    Optin Revolution integrates with email marketing services, Optin Revolution allows you to create cool looking optins with text and graphics without having to code. Without an email marketing service like MailChimp or Aweber then it won’t work.

    The email marketing services allow you to follow-up your email list. They are the ones that allow you to manage the email address that you have by using Optin Revolution on the front end.

    The look and feel is created by Optin Revolution but the email address and/or name is passed back to your email marketing service.

    Thread Starter protrainer1


    I have a mailchimp account. I have a list already set up with subscribers. You mentioned that I had to create a “form” in mailchimp, which I have done for 2 other lists I have. But isn’t the opt-in rev pop-up already a form, similar to mailchimp? Why would I create another form to capture their e-mail address, for instance, if I already obtained that from my Opt in rev form?

    Plugin Author Optin Revolution


    @protrainer1 your question was already answered

    Optin Revolution integrates with email marketing services, Optin Revolution allows you to create cool looking optins with text and graphics without having to code. Without an email marketing service like MailChimp or Aweber then it won’t work.

    The email marketing services allow you to follow-up your email list. They are the ones that allow you to manage the email address that you have by using Optin Revolution on the front end.

    The look and feel is created by Optin Revolution but the email address and/or name is passed back to your email marketing service.

    Optin Revolution is not a email marketing services it is a plugin for WordPress that allows integration to email marketing services.

    Richard Gaspa


    I been trying for hours to get this plugin to work with MailChimp but can’t no matter wahat I do. I never had this much trouble with a plugin. Support files not to well written. I followed evey item over and over.

    I am also not able to get this plugin to work with MailChimp. Is there a shortcode we have to use, or does the popup happen automatically on all pages? Anyone?

    Plugin Author Optin Revolution


    There is no short code make sure it’s enabled on the setting page. If the optin popup is disabled then it won’t work. By default it is disabled on the setting page.

    There are 2 setting one to turn off the optin revolution like a master switch and the other is for optin revolution popup 1 both on these need to be on.

    Plugin Author Optin Revolution


    Check out the video tutorials

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