[20-Nov-2024 15:41:16 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $avatar declared before required parameter $id_or_email is implicitly treated as a required parameter in \plugins\avatar-manager\avatar-manager.php on line 1041
Can you fix it for new version of WP ? Thanks.
]]>The plugin seems to work OK, but it is logging heaps of these messages:
[16-Dec-2023 04:15:47 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null in /home/wcipporg/public_html/wp-content/plugins/avatar-manager/avatar-manager.php on line 1144
This is on WordPress 6.4.2 and PHP 8.1.26
]]>First off great that this plugin works, doesn’t cause download of huge images to display as small avatars, is supported and seems to work well ??
Your links to “https://codex.www.ads-software.com/How_to_Use_Gravatars_in_WordPress” should go to “https://www.ads-software.com/documentation/article/use-gravatars/”.
The popup for deleting uploaded avatars is ridiculous as it doesn’t even say what you are about to do, remove the image from the user or delete the media or both. Testing seems to imply it only detaches the media from the user therefore unlike what the popup says it can be also be undone (without much pain). For starters, I’d change “Delete” to “Remove from User” (and lose the popup) or remove the option altogether, the user can use the gravatar radio button or upload another (or some combination).
[bun….com.au says]
You are about to permanently delete these {{really, what is THESE?}} items from your site. This action cannot be undone.
This plugin is great !
I can not see the Avatar edition area in User edit page, only for some users, who are not ‘subscriber’, but who are ‘customer‘ or ‘contributor‘.
I have ‘customer’ role because WooCommerce is installed.
What can I do to display Avatar management to every users ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Good afternoon,
the plugin works correctly both in the user page and in the blog post view.
The authors’ avatars are correctly taken from the images set manually in the users panel.
However, Elementor’s author box only searches and loads Gravatar images (as per WordPress default).
However, unfortunately, not everyone uses Gravatar and, in this case, the Elementor author box does not display any images.
Elementor support wrote that they cannot step in and ask for support from third party developers, in this case, your plugin.
Is there a way to manually intervene with PHP code in the WordPress functions.php file, or on your plugin?
]]>I honestly can’t believe I can’t find anything like this out there already. Just want to be able to upload a handful of images to be randomly assigned to users’ avatars. Say I upload 20 images, and when a user is registered a random image from the 20 gets assigned to the user if they don’t already have a social/Gravatar avatar.
Any way this plugin can do that or can we work towards making it happen? I would think people would love to utilize such a feature.
]]>The js and css for this plugin is included on all pages, when as far as I can see it only needs to be on the edit profile page.
When the scripts are queued on line 419, this:
if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'IS_PROFILE_PAGE' ) )
Should change to this
if ( ! is_admin() || ! defined( 'IS_PROFILE_PAGE' ) )
and it will only be included on the edit profile page.
or possibly line 444
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'avatar_manager_admin_enqueue_scripts' );
should just be removed? Is there a reason why the front end needs this?
]]>Hi I would like to add a picture to an account programmatically but how?
So I can create my custom forms on the frontend to update this picture.
Trying to get property ‘ID’ of non-object in /XXX/wp-content/plugins/avatar-manager/avatar-manager.php on line 1144
]]>When i upload a custom avatar to a user profile, it is added fine as a custom picture but the main profile picture above is still the randomly generated one, how come? i am using the latest version
I don’t see avatars in the users profile. Users have access to the profile generated by woocommerce. how can I do ?
Avatar Manager is great, but I have an issue as I’m trying to build my own theme for my website.
Whenever I use the get_avatar method, I can’t add a class to the generated image like I should.
For instance, this doesn’t work, the class “rounded-circle” doesn’t get added to the img:
get_avatar( $comment, $args['avatar_size'], '', '', array( 'class'=>"rounded-circle" ) )
Thanks for reading me,
Hope this’ll get fixed ??
My client is trying to serve all author info, including avatar and bio, from the local source and not have the profile image come from Gravatar. Your plugin works well when opting for a custom avatar and creating an ‘Authors Page’. However, when clicking on a specific author’s link to see his/her archives, the image is displaying the gravatar source and not the custom avatar.
The author’s archive page was build with Elementor using its “Author Box” widget.
Avatar Manager Custom User Image
Author’s Archive Page Shows Gravatar
Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi C?t?lin,
is it possible to store the uploaded Avatars in child theme folder?
What changes are necessary?
Thank you!
So I noticed after installing the plugin on a fresh bbPress installation that on the Profile page the radio boxes are ill formatted. They are scaled 60%, look like rectangles and there isn’t any indication that they are either clickable or being selected. My suggestion would be to add custom classes to the plugin specific code and provide css to override the default settings coming from bbPress to provide a working solution out of the box.
]]>hi, I am looking for a plugin where if the user doesnt set their avatar then it assigns one randomly form a pool of possible gallery images – does this plugin do that?
Is this plugin compatible with WordPress 5.3.1? Or plans to make it compatible?
Right now I’m seeing “Compatible up to 5.1.4”
Thank you very much!
Is there a reason for the CSS and JS being loaded sitewide on the frontend or is it only needed in the WP admin dashboard?
Please, can you add a feature for simple editing of avatar images? It’s will be very helpful.
Best regards.
Someone asked this question a while ago, but in the forum it was never answered; however, I find myself needing an answer to the same question. So, here it is…
I would like to give access to users to upload their profile pic from front-end when they register on my site during checkout. How can I hook the action to woo-commerce register form here: https://baim.tv/checkout/.
]]>is it posible to reposition the avatar upload option on top of the profile edit page ?
]]>Is there is a way to add the upload avatar in custom page for user to upload their own avatar, instead of doing from the admin page only?
Iam tryin with something like this
<legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e('Select Image','avatar-manager'); ?></span></legend>
<label class="description" for="avatar-manager-upload">
<?php _e('Choose an image from your computer:','avatar-manager'); ?>
<input name="avatar_manager_import" type="file" id="avatar-manager-upload">
<input name="avatar_manager_submit" type="submit" class="button" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Agregar Imagen Seleccionada','avatar-manager'); ?>">
<?php if(current_user_can('upload_files')&&did_action('wp_enqueue_media')): ?>
<label class="d-none description" for="avatar-manager-choose-from-library-link">
<?php _e('Or choose an image from your media library:','avatar-manager'); ?>
<?php $modal_update_href=add_query_arg(array('action'=>'update','avatar_manager_action'=>'set-avatar','user_id'=>$profileuser->id),self_admin_url(is_profile_page?'profile.php':'user-edit.php')); ?>
<a class="button d-none" data-choose="<?php esc_attr_e('Choose a Custom Avatar','avatar-manager'); ?>" data-update="<?php esc_attr_e('Set as avatar','avatar-manager'); ?>" data-update-link="<?php echo wp_nonce_url($modal_update_href,'update-user_'.$profileuser->id); ?>" id="avatar-manager-choose-from-library-link">
<?php _e('Choose Image','avatar-manager'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
User avatar is not showing in amp for wordpress
When I use a sharp profile picture of 350x350px with 300 dpi from my media library and I choose it as my avatar, the picture looks blurry and very compressed. Is there a way to avoid this loss in the picture?
Thank you!
Is this plugin compatible with WordPress 5? Or plans to make it compatible?
Right now I’m seeing “Compatible up to 4.9.9”
Thank you very much!
Now, I have SSL in my site, but authors avatars have error in our URL (https://) and I need (https://).
How I fix it?
Screenshot with reports – https://www.dropbox.com/s/642hixfjapsvujs/avatar.png?dl=0
]]>Hi there,
Cool plugin – but I do not get the ‘Custom Default Avatar’ checkbox under the Discussion Settings. ‘Anyone Can Upload’ is there though.
Any idea why this may happen? I had a plugin which displays a custom default avatar, I thought that this may be causing it, but disabling this didn’t help.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hello i activate wp debug and have this issue, could you help me with it?
Version: 2.0.0-beta
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /site/wp-content/plugins/uni-profilini/uni-profilini.php on line 121
In 121 i have
120-> $icons = get_option(‘uni_profilini_fa_icons’);
121-> $icons_array = $icons->icons;
122-> $uni_profilini = array(
‘fa_icons’ => $icons_array,
‘avatar_settings’ => array(
‘width’ => 500,
‘height’ => 500,
‘flex_width’ => true,
‘flex_height’ => true
On my end avatar size seems not working. I always get the default 92×92 avatar.
Any help would be appreciated
hi @cdog
the first: i am using your plugin on my website and this is very usefull, thanks a lot for that.
but i have a question about this plugin.
i want to echo a custom avatar image url (just url) on a template php page.
for example, if an user dont want to use Gravatar:
he can set a custom avatar on the profile page. and i want to echo this spesific avatar url to echo somewhere. just url, for examle: “example.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/example.jpg”
i tried a lot of method but i can’t get any solution.
is there any option about that?
thanks for interest.