i want to display the events in 24 hour time format instead of 12 hour time format.
In Facebook the events show in 24 hour format.
In the wordpress settings the time is set to 24 hour.
Still the plugin shows events in 12 hour format.
How can i change that?
I am trying to find the issue for no events loading on my page. It was working well in last year or so, I think it might be some settings of Facebook API, but I am able to locate the correct place to debug it. Can somebody help? Thanks!
]]>Wordpress recently upgraded automatically to v 4.9.5. After that, preview images stopped loading on fb events. Anyone else having this issue?
]]>Whenever I try to Get Facebook access token, it says “Can’t Load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains.”
I have already put the URL of my website in the settings of the app so I’m not sure what the issue is. Can someone help? Thanks!
]]>Hello everybody
Does anyone know a smart solution to truncate the facebook event description professionell? (Not as I did with limited container height and hidden overflow).
I am searching a solution like this that I am not able to realize because it needs scss.: https://codepen.io/natonischuk/pen/QbGWBa Description here: https://hackingui.com/front-end/a-pure-css-solution-for-multiline-text-truncation
Thanks for help and regards from Berlin
I’m having an issue with the link that is generated that leads to the FB event on mobile devices.
When you click on an event on a desktop it sends you directly to the event page on Facebook.
However, when you click on an event on a mobile device you get an error from Facebook saying “Sorry, something went wrong. We are working on it and we’ll get it fixed as soon as we can.” Is this something that can be fixed on the widget’s side to generate a URL that mobile devices can use?
]]>I am trying to setup this widget to pull events from a group calendar.
I already have an access token. I entered the info in the widget form but I keep getting “ERROR: A user access token is required to request this resource.”.
The access token was used for another plugin so do I need a separate one? Also I am not the owner of the group page just an admin so I my account to set up the token for the first plugin. Do i need to get the page owner to setup the token?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank You
Plugin Version: 1.9.14
I installed this plugin about 2 years ago. Every Month, since the beginning, I have had to remove the access token, save, and get new access token. This happens Every Month. I know it’s time to get a new one when all the events on my page disappear on a monthly basis.
How can I make it so I don’t need to get a new token every month?
Thank you.
We are running WP 4.6.1 and the latest update of the facebook event’s widget. We are in the eastern timezone (UTC -4). However, events being pulled over from Facebook are being displayed as UTC (4 hours ahead of where we are.) How do we fix this?
is there a way to get a permanent Access Token?
The Access Token on my Page is always expired after a short while.
Is there a way that I can show events from a closed facebook page on my wordpress website?
Thank you,
I keep getting the error No node specified for this widget. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Website is: https://upstategmtrucks.com/
]]>Hi! I need a info. I want change the default size of img of the events. Now it’s 50x50px from facebook database. How can I change this origin value, not in the style css file?
]]>A year ago, this came up:
With the current version, I’m getting my upcoming (future) event at the top, then it shows the very first past event from way back (Dec. 1, 2014), then the next event (Dec. 15, 2014). Now my listing looks like:
June 9, 2016
December 1, 2014
December 15, 2014
I see in your code you’re doing some sorting differently than in the previous version. How can I get my events to show up this way:
June 9, 2016
May 20, 2016 (It *was* a listed future event, but when that date passed, it fell to the very end of Past events)
April 8, 2016 (Yet another recent past event)
2015 events (too far down the list to actually display in widget)
2014 events (too far down the list to actually display in widget)
I want *all* of my events to be listed in descending order.
]]>After this recent update, my Facebook events are now tagging events as 7 hours earlier. Reverting back to the previous version of the widget fixed this.
An earlier post here mentioned a time setting. Other than my WordPress time zone, which is correct, is there a setting for this widget? Shouldn’t it just use the WordPress setting?
after the update, the widget shows “ERROR: An access token is required to request this resource.” at the frontend.
In the backend, when i go to the widget there is the button “Get Facebook access token”.
When i click the button i get redirected to facebook showing the following error message:
App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don’t have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.
What do i have to do?
WP Version 4.5
Widget Version 1.9.16
]]>Hi, when I post more facebook-events in a page comes following error message:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare compare_events() (previously declared in home/wp-content/plugins/facebook-events-widget/facebook-events-widget.php:391)
if I post just a facebook-event in a page comes it goes perfectly!
]]>The host in this case is not running php 5.4 is there a way round this problem?
]]>I was using the widget, it was working perfectly until December, when every year I’m not doing events until April (MTB friends team that are skiing during the winter).
I’ve just activated it another time because there is an event for June and that message appear in the main page.
I’ve checked all configuration another time, but when I’m clicking into Get Facebook Access Token, because it’s empty, there is a message in Facebook that say: The configuration of the app not allow that URL: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App’s settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App’s domains.
I’ve deleted the widget and I created a new one with the same data, the same happen when the plug in is looking for “get facebook access token”.
please help
]]>I’m assuming I’ve put in all the correct info as no error messages are showing. However, in the box it just says “There are no events.”
I’m trying to show events from a Closed group that I admin. Could this be the issue? Does this plugin only work with public pages?
]]>waste of money!
]]>I know there is a similar post with ‘resolved’ in front but i have no clue how it got resolved…
Do you have any idea of where the error might be coming from?
It’s my first time trying to integrate a facebook content to the site and not finding it easy.
I have managed the app id, secret, and access token and entered the url of the page where I want the event to be displayed.
the page is : https://www.2cvdejersey.co.uk/?page_id=23
I will gratefully receive and try to implement any suggestion. Thank you
]]>May I know if it is possible to list the events on the widget in a horizontal rather than a vertical fashion?
]]>I’m crossposting this to Facebook Events Widget and Facebook Album support areas to report an incompatibility issue.
Plugins both work by themselves, but they fail quite brutally when activated together.
-at the bottom of rendered pages I get:
Fatal error: Class ‘Facebook\FacebookSession’ not found in /xxxx/wp-content/plugins/facebook-events-widget/facebook-events-widget.php on line 111
-pictures are renderd by Facebook Album but in js console I get:
Uncaught TypeError: $(…).colorbox is not a function
-the widgets control panel in the admin fails to load any javascript, and therfore can’t drag&drop widgets or open sidebars, and some sidebars are not present
My analisys is quite shallow, but a search for “FacebookSession” through all the php of the site tells me that there are two copies of the facebook sdk v4. Likely they are two diferent and incompatible versions vs they are the same or incompatible but are loaded in a way that prevents the other to function.
I don’t think that it is uncommon to use both plugin at once so I suggest both developers to investigate.
Feel free to ask me for help
Thank you
]]>Fix events query – what is this option for?
turned it on and couldn’t figure it out ??
Thank you
]]>Hello! Thank you for the plugin, but I’m not able to mak it work:
I compiled page id, app id and secret but when I push Get facebook access token the field remains empty and also the front side of the widget tells me so.
I’m 50% sure to have set the site url and app domain right in facebook app:
when they where blank I had a clear error message and now it’s gone, but I’m a bit perplexed because https://forsailing.it/ is not, of course, the precise url of this wp installation (missing subdomain and folder).
I’m quite a newbie in fb programming, so I feel a bit lost, could you give me some hint for debugging? Thank you
]]>I’ve been using this amazing plugin for over a year – I just upgraded to the latest WordPress (4.2.2) and downloaded the latest version of the plugin (Version 1.9.13).
I keep getting this error on my site: ERROR: Invalid OAuth access token.
I’ve tried to add my site to the APP DOMAINS section but it gives me this error:
“This must be derived from Secure Canvas URL, Unity Binary URL, Site URL, Mobile Site URL or Secure Page Tab URL. Check and correct the following domains…”
I have these settings in the ADVANCED section:
Native or desktop app? YES (I’ve tried it set to NO as well)
Is your App Secret embedded? YES (I’ve tried it set to NO as well)
Client OAuth Login: YES
Embedded browser OAuth Login: YES (I’ve tried it set to NO as well)
Valid OAuth redirect URIs
The strangest thing is that I can’t seem to add an APP DOMAIN. I have all of the APP SECRET / Access Token / Page ID etc…
Any help would rule,
Thanks a lot.
]]>I’ve tried to update the plugin (have had it installed for about 2 years now and it’s worked great). Looks like Facebook updated their system so I reinstalled the plugin & created a new app on Facebook but now I get this error: Could not resolve host: graph.facebook.com
Any thoughts?
I am VERY new to this. How to I get a Facebook Access Token?
ERROR: An access token is required to request this resource.
I recently ran updates to this site and now this plugin isn’t working. The error on the widget says
“ERROR: An access token is required to request this resource.”
When I try to get an access token at first I got this error message.
“Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App’s settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App’s domains.”
So, I went in and edited my Facebook app to remove the https://.
Now I get this error message.
“Invalid Scopes: offline_access. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid permissions at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions”
Please advise and thank you for your help.
The site can be found here. https://therubytearcatcher.com/