As of WordPress 6.7.2 update, this plugin thows a PHP fatal error.
I noticed that is I use a code snippet which has “+” (plus) sign, the plus sign is stripped out in preview of the article.
For example, adding this in pastacode block:
makes it display as:
It seems it’s independent of the highlighting I use.
]]>I’m using the Classic Editor plugin. After update to version 3, Pastacode shortcodes didn’t work, and the poastacode intymce button disappeared from my wysiwyg.
The upsate said this would continue working, and I didn’t see any new setting. Is there something special I need to do?
]]>Hello everyone, all is in the title.. how to use pastacode in visual composer?
Shortcode, or HTML code embed,.. ?
Bonjour, l’icone panacode n’appara?t plus dans mes blocks gutenbergs, Quelqu’un a une idée de se qui se passe?
Je l’ai déjà désinstallé et réinstallé, sans succès..^
Ou, en d’autres termes, comment place t’on du code dans un article? ??
]]>Bonjour, quand pastacode est installé sur mes articles, ceux-ci sont “cassés” sur mobile (quand la sidebar ne s’affiche pas). Le container principal a un problème de débordement de div.
Cela vient probablement de mon intégration. mais toujours est-il que je trouve pas la raison. j’ai essayé des overflow:hidden et chose du genre… je n’y arrive pas.
Avez-vous la solution ou peut-être déjà le problème sur d’autre site par hasard ?
merci !
]]>I would like to add a new code language to this great plugin ?? , I see Codemirror has the libraries .js
Would I just need to add to the eixsting arrays , $pvars[‘scripts’], language_mode, $pvars[‘language_mode’] and $langs
Using functions.php
]]>Il semblerait que Pastacode provoque une erreur dans l’éditeur, une petite modale appara?t, elle contient le message suivant : “Failed to initialize plugin: pcb”.
Si je désactive Pastacode, l’erreur dispara?t.
When editing an existing comment as an administrator, this plugin forces the tinymce editor.
There is a setting in the plugin called “Activate Pastacode for comments”, but this setting is not checked in the function pastacode_admin_comment_editor_settings()
Here is a rough patch for the change needed to fix.
diff --git a/wp-content/plugins/pastacode/pastacode.php b/wp-content/plugins/pastacode/pastacode.php
index 4b8a3542..8e4e4e93 100644
--- a/wp-content/plugins/pastacode/pastacode.php
+++ b/wp-content/plugins/pastacode/pastacode.php
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ function pastacode_shortcode_in_comments( $content ) {
add_filter( 'wp_editor_settings', 'pastacode_admin_comment_editor_settings', 10, 2 );
function pastacode_admin_comment_editor_settings( $settings, $editor_id ) {
- if ( is_admin() && 'content' == $editor_id ) {
+ if ( is_admin() && 'content' == $editor_id && 'y' == get_option( 'pastacode_comments_opt' ) ) {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if ( 'comment' == $screen->base && 'edit-comments' == $screen->parent_base ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'mce-view' );
Lorsque Pastacode est activé sur WordPress 5.0, l’editeur classic plante et on ne voit pas le contenu dans l’interface admin.
Désactiver l’extension permet de retrouver son contenu, mais nous perdons alors l’affage de code dans les articles existants.
]]>Bonjour @willybahuaud
Impossible d’utiliser votre plugin avec le constructeur de page Elementor, j’obtiens une erreur quand j’édite une page et elementor ne veux pas ouvrir la page, quand je désactive votre plugin, plus aucun souci.
Est-ce possible de créer un petit widget Elementor ? (voir WordPress, tant que c’est compatible)
J’ai testé d’autres plugins, il existe aujourd’hui aucun plugin de ce genre compatible avec Elementor, je n’en reviens pas que personne à eu l’idée de créer un petit widget Elementor, pourtant très populaire. On ne peut donc pas partager du code sur nos articles de blog !
Il y a une doc Elementor pour savoir comment créer un widget personnalisé:
Je ne sais pas comment l’utiliser avec votre plugin, je n’ai pas assez de connaissance, mais je veux bien un coup de main ??
]]>Could add support for assembly
Thank you
Thank you for this awesome plugin. Do you have any plan to add additional themes like Github Gist??
This will be a great help.
]]>is it possible to add an elementor widget to add pastacode in edit mode via the page builder ?
Est-ce possible d’ajouter un petit widget wordpress pastacode dans elementor ?
I am getting this message instead of code: {STRINGCACHE:MD5:6ad2753c099942b90b1fa9f51ae525c2}
Please help me solve the problem.
]]>Hi Willy,
First off, yours is the absolute best that I have found for it’s purpose! Love it! As my main focus is tutorials for various WP plugins and themes, I need an easy, reliable, and solid method to display code that is used in these tutorials.
Just wondering if you would be able to update the “Last updated:” and “Tested up to:” items in the listing. I recommend the plugin on numerous forums where relevant and it would be nice to see that it is “current” ??
This plugin has been identified by my webhost as having a possible exploit.
Critical! – Directory Access Disabled – Jan 2 15:22:44 beryllium [‘/home/borpinco/’] – Known exploit = [Fingerprint Match] [RFI Exploit [P1419]]
Can this be investigated please.
]]>I need the support of many languages, so i have downloaded prismjs.js with all language supported.
How to add all language in pastacode ? please
Thanks in advance.
]]>Regarding Hex Values Like this:
I need these kind of values to show as they are (meaning as text), but they gets converted into Special Characters when I add them in code editor.
Can you please suggest a work around?
]]>Hi y’all,
Thanks for the great plugin. I need to support YAML on some blog posts. Any chance you’d be interested in rolling a new version that includes support for that?
Alternatively, perhaps the plugin could get the prismjs from a CDN source, allowing site owners to pick and choose their supported languages as a plugin setting?
Thanks again,
I’ve started to use Pastacode, very nice plugin.
I was wondering it is possible to add icons next to code snippet for the user to copy it ?
Thanks a lot.
]]>I can’t change my Editor appareance, the appareance always be the default Ambiance.
I don’t know why.
I hope u can help me! thanks!
We are using the Crayon Syntax Highlighter but it seems that the developer is MIA as a lot of users are experiencing an issue with it since last WP update.
Quick question – are we able to use this plugin for front-end commenting? We do not allow users to access the WP backend to edit posts, questions or answers. Everything is handled via front-end.
Also, as we currently use Crayon – if we start using your plugin instead, will all current code snippets revert or will all current code snippets be striped? We have over 300 users posting snippets so if I have to revert all those posts manually to use Pastacode, that would be pointless.
Thanks in advance!
]]>The highlight is off by a line. Say, instead of highlight Line 5, it’s highlighting Line 6.
I’m not sure if there is a theme conflict but so far, I have not found any.
Tested on the following, all positive:
1. Ridizain theme
2. Timeturner theme
3. “Manual”
4. “Gist”
What I did, temporarily, is add this in my personal CSS file to override:
.line-highlight {
margin-top: initial;
Is there a way to have a custom line number start?
For example:
[pastacode lang=”php” path_id=”1edf44b7caf1fa8aaed1″ file=”functions.php” highlight=”3″ lines=”124-130″ provider=”gist”/]
I had to use highlight=”3″ because the output of lines 124-130 gives lines 1-7. If I use highlight=”126″ it loads a long list of empty lines and highlights line 126.
If I use I remove the lines data, then the output will display the whole file, which is pretty long.
I’m thinking, maybe there is a data attribute I am not aware of that will make the line numbers start at a particular number?
Or perhaps, as a suggestion, if there is a “lines=”” attribute, the output should automatically adjust the line number in the output to the same?
Live sample:
Thank you.
]]>For some reason, Pastacode seems to display https:// links as https:// no matter what I do.
I’ve edited and saved, edited and saved again, double-checked that it says https:// in the dashboard “text” view and visual editor, then updated the page and on the front end it says https:// …
I thought it might be a caching issue, but no. Every other edit I make to the Pastacode embed is saved and displayed properly, but https:// keeps reverting to https://.
Screenshots here:
… Any advice? Thanks.
]]>I get the following for HTML, unfortunately:
When I insert a code in an article with Pastacode with the Editor rights, < pre > < code > is htmlencoded, but the problem doesn’t apply when I use my user with Admin rights.
]]>PastaCode introduces arbitrary line feeds that do not exist in the original code. There should be no spacing between the lines in this live example: Pastacode Demo
My demo page also shows the same code displayed by another plugin – it matches the original exactly. I’d prefer to use Pastacode if this bug can be fixed. Thanks!
]]>Love the plugin!!
Is there any way to set Pastacode to display all lines by default?