I have created test orders and each time I place an order it does not deduct any inventory stock. It does show in the quick order view that the store has been assigned, but it doesn’t actually deduct the stock quantity purchased.
]]>By having variables in stock locations, the quantity or the Out of Stock notice on the front disappears.
But when the item has no variations and only 2 holds, there is no problem and it works well and appears if it is Agitated or Quantity available.
I think this started a few days ago when WooCommerce was updated.
I hope you can help me.
]]>Hello. I’m testing the plugin and it seems to be working very well.
I found a problem, if the stock is 0 and I select allow reservations, when I want to add to cart it doesn’t allow it because it says there is no stock.
I read that other users also had this problem, but I didn’t find the solution.
Hello friends, I have the following problem. I have 2 locations but when the customer buys 1 product, the stock is not discounted, I hope you can help me (I run cron and there are no changes either)
I’m experimenting a problem with CSV update of products and the stock locations. I’ve in my website several products with two or three locations of Stock Location Pluggin.
I’m doing the next:
1. For example, I want to update, between others, the amount of existences in “Gipuzkoa” for this product, that actually have only “3” in stock and their SKU is “76 31 7105265” (the url of the product is this: https://www.ropamotobmw.com/pinlock-casco-system-7-carbono-evo/):
2. Prepare the .CSV file with the fields “SKU” and “Meta: _stock_at_XXX”, where XXX indicates the number of location. In my .CSV, the previous product It seems like this:
3. Going to “Products” menu > “All products” and select “Import” button and I complete all the steps without problems. Import proccess sucesfully ended. But when I visit the product page again, it still show only 3 in stock. However, when I manually go to edit this product and I check the “Stock locations” tab I can see the next:
As you can see, the amount of “Cantidad de existencias” it’s correctly updated via .CSV. The problem is that “Existencias totales” still keeps the previous amunt.
I’ve been doing several test and the I have observed that, if I press manually the button “Update” in the product, “Existencias totales” it will take the correct number of stock locations; but if not, the product will keep unupdated. The problem is that I have a lot of products in my shop, and I can’t update manually every product everytime I want to update the stock.
I keep for your answer.
Thank’s a lot.
Rubén Donoso
]]>Hello! When importing products through the WP All Import plugin, the product stock locations are not activated automatically and have to be enabled manually. How can we make them activate automatically during the import process?
]]>hello in the product at “stock location” I have this information
You need to add a stock location to this product.
But HOW add stock location to a product?
First of all I don’t need show locations in frontend
I just need sum the quantities of each variable in the differents location
To upgrade the stock I send differents files to woocommerce from my managment software
Each file has the “tag” warehouse=Location1 // warehouse=Location2 and so on
How I say to the plugin that has to take this “tag” as location?
]]>Hello, I would like to know if this plugin is compatible with WordPress multisite.
]]>We are looking to add your add Stock Location to the existing woo commerce platform.
When adding is there a way to sync our current stock levels into the default stock location #1 (without losing the data) and making the stock location #1 as where the stock levels are reduced from for online orders.
Then adding in Stock location #2 as the secondary warehouse for stock
We are finding that auto allocation does not always work. We have 3 stock locations set with priorities 1 to 3 and normally orderd get auto allocated across these 3 locations.
Occasionally though, the items do not get allocation, even though stock is available. We then have to manually allocate the stock in the order screen.
Any help advice would be greatly apprecaied.
]]>Hello! I would like to use your plugin, but there is an error about feature: ?High-performance order storage.
Error display: WooCommerce has detected that some of your active plugins are incompatible with currently enabled WooCommerce features.
?1 Incompatible plugin detected (Stock Locations for WooCommerce).
Thank you in advance!
first of all the plugin looks great, our company is considering to buy long term support. However we have a few questions about it:
– does it support different VAT for different warehouses? for example if i have a warehouse in Europe and my customer is located in Germany the VAT is different than in the Netherlands or other countries, but there is no VAT when US warehouse is selected and the order is coming from the US. And these must be considered based on the selected warehouse.
– same for shipping. does it support (or integrate into) Woocommerce shipping settings (flat rate etc.) and considers which warehouse is selected and can calculate the shipping price based on that?
– does the plugin support automatic warehouse detection? so ie. based on maxmind geoip, can it recognize where does my customer resides, and automatically switch to the nearest warehouse?
– does it support different currency for different warehouses? for example warehouse in US should have $, in EU should have euro and Australia should have AUD?
Thanks for your answers in advance!
]]>I am getting a error, it spits out every second, so server crashes:
[22-Aug-2024 19:26:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SLW\SRC\Classes\Frontend\SlwFrontendCart::$plugin_settings is deprecated in /home/1225694.cloudwaysapps.com/hdsszmjkec/public_html/wp-content/plugins/stock-locations-for-woocommerce/src/classes/frontend/class-slw-frontend-cart.php on line 31
[22-Aug-2024 19:26:25 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SLW\SRC\Classes\Frontend\SlwFrontendProduct::$plugin_settings is deprecated in /home/1225694.cloudwaysapps.com/hdsszmjkec/public_html/wp-content/plugins/stock-locations-for-woocommerce/src/classes/frontend/class-slw-frontend-product.php on line 28
We installed the woocommerce Stock location plug in succesfully.
Please assist in where we need to update the plugin to add stocklevel.
We have recently installed your plugin and are currently exploring the settings and features it offers. We would appreciate your assistance with the following issues:
I would like to ask for assist on several issues below:
We would greatly appreciate your help with these issues.
Issues Images: https://prnt.sc/33ap2kXSp310 / https://prnt.sc/mvXJzSQxarmU
]]>All texts do not use translations correctly and appear in the wrong language, always in English.
Example text “available at”.
These texts cannot be translated with Loco translation.
Texts visible to the admin are fine, but publicly visible to the visitor.
I can’t see the Stock at location column, how do I show this column?
We are trying your plugin and will buy the pro version if it is possible to just show if product in stock or not we have online dropshipment and a local store. And if it is possible to use a importer to schedule import?
]]>Hi Mahmood,
We have had a problem for some time now, where ‘Auto Allocate’ does not always work, which means that customers end up placing orders for items that have already been sold. We have 3 stock locations – all set to Auto Allocate with priorities 1, 2 & 3. In most cases, stock is correctly allocated, but occasionally, the stock is not allocated and has to be done manually within the order itself in order to correctly update stock level.
Could this be related to products which are set to allow back orders ?
Any ideas on how to fix this would be much apprecaited.
Simon Silver
I was wondering if and when this plugin will become HPOS compatible. Are there any plans for that? Right now we are getting an error regarding this. You can see the error in WooCommerce Settings -> “Advanced” tab -> “Features” section.
thanks for a quick info
The plugin seems to work well, but I can’t yet get it to work completely according to a scenario where I have 3 locations (warehouses) – the main one from which wholesale goes through the store (site), an additional one where there are stocks that get produced (also wholesale through the store site) and a 3rd so called physical box in the shopping mall where there are to be stocks that can’t be sold directly through the store – site only to be sold by manually adding such an order in woocommerce, in general, everything looks ok, however, manual selection in the order of stocks to use as if it does not quite work, wholesale orders through fronted are to be handled automatically without the customer choosing from which warehouse he wants products, first takes the main warehouse then the additional, box skips, can someone tell me how to configure it well if possible to make such a scenario work?
]]>We have an event with a limited number of tickets.
Somehow, with only 3 tickets remained in-stock, a customer was able to purchase 4 tickets.
At this point, the stock did not update (it remained at 3).
One minute later, the same customer ordered one more ticket.
This second order went thru and WooCommerce says “was updated in -1 for the product”, yet the stock remained at 3.
A different customer ordered a single ticket for this event a few hours later, and the quantity seems to have been subtracted correctly (only 2 tickets remain in-stock).
Yesterday, when trying to reproduce ordering more quantity than remains in stock, we are unable to do so. The input field on the product purchase page would not allow to enter a quantity more than the number that’s in-stock (2).
Today, even though there are still only 2 tickets remaining in-stock, when I test attempting to purchase more tickets than available, I am limited to only purchasing 1 – even though no more ticket orders for this event have been purchased. There seems to be some delay in the quantity being updated. I’m curious how/why this could be happening.
I installed it with the latest version of woocommerce and it is incompatible, not allowing me to save stock and price, is there any prediction for a resolution? I have the latest version of woocommerce.
]]>Dear Developers,
First of all, thank you for providing such a great solution.
I have encountered a problem with products for which I haven’t chosen any location. I don’t use Stock Locations for each product; for some products, I simply don’t need it. When a user places an order and pays for it, normally (when the SL plugin is inactive), one item is deducted from the stock. However, with the SL plugin active, the quantity remains the same for these products.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
I am unable to set stock quantity or price. After saving the page, the stock quantity is always set to 0 and the price field is empty. I have the same problem for both simple and variable products. Here’s the video showing the problem: https://tinyurl.com/yc876sj8
Hopefully I am not missing something regarding plugin configuration.
This is the latest version of WooCommerce – 9.0.1. Also, I disabled all plugins except yours and WooCommerce and enabled Twenty Twenty-Four theme.
Thanks in advance for your help!
We have noticed quite a significant impact on speed in admin when displaying either the products list page or the orders list page. This increases the page generation time from around 2s to around 4s and seems to be cuased by the following query:
SELECT p.ID FROM 1e_posts p, 1e_postmeta pm WHERE pm.post_id=p.ID AND p.post_type=s AND p.post_date>=date_sub(now(),interval 1 hour) AND p.post_modified>=date_sub(now(),interval 1 hour) GROUP BY p.ID
do_action(‘admin_init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wc_slw_admin_init, slw_update_products
This is taking around 2.3s to execute.
We have arounf 10,000 products in 3 stock locations
Is there any way to improve this ?
Simon Silver
We got an error when completing an order with the plugin enabled, I must comment out all the if block at line 142 to proceed but this has counter-effects I think during auto update of product availability (that I Need)
2024/06/04 09:37:29 [error] 12558#12558: *539124 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: method_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, bool given in /home/forge/{website}/public/wp-content/plugins/stock-locations-for-woocommerce/src/helpers/helper-slw-order-item.php:142
Stack trace:
#0 /home/forge/{website}/public/wp-content/plugins/stock-locations-for-woocommerce/src/helpers/helper-slw-order-item.php(142): method_exists()
#1 /home/forge/{website}/public/wp-content/plugins/stock-locations-for-woocommerce/src/classes/class-slw-order-item.php(908): SLW\SRC\Helpers\SlwOrderItemHelper::allocateLocationStock()
#2 /home/forge/{website}/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): SLW\SRC\Classes\SlwOrderItem->newOrderItemAllocateStock()
#3 /home/forge/{website}/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#4 /home/forge/{website}/public/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
#5 /home/forge/{website}/public/wp-content/plugins/woo” while reading response header from upstream, client: xxxxx, server:?https://{website}, request: “POST /?wc-ajax=checkout HTTP/2.0”, upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock:”, host: “{website}”, referrer: “https://{website}/checkout/”
We have 3 stock locatons and all three have been configured to ‘Auto Order Allocate’
This works fine for 2 of the locations but the highest proirity location never auto allocates even if it is the only location for a particular product and it’s always necessary to manually allocate the stock for any products with that location in the order.
All locations are enabled correctly.
Any suugestions on what might be going wrong ?
Simon Silver
I would like to know if its possible to add multiple warehouse locations only on the backend and to be selected automatically depending on the country of customer for example Greece – Greece Warehouse. Also i would like to add a ip banner similar to this to select the customer country https://demos.welaunch.io/wordpress-country-selector/demo/?country=debug .Are there compatible plugins or built in function to achieve this with the stock locations? Thank you