I can’t view the site or the admin panel. I haven’t been able to disable or delete the plugin, so I’m basically dead in the water ….
Fatal error: Internal Zend error – Missing class information for in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas10_data02/41/3607841/html/wp-content/plugins/tweetthis/includes/share-handler.php on line 9
]]>Great plugin! I had conflicts with two other social sharing plugins, though.
With WWM Social Share active (which shares images), an underline was being added to the image on hover, making the text below that jump around. When I disabled WWM Social Share that behavior stopped.
With Simple Share Buttons Adder active, the “Tweet this” link on your plugin would jump into a narrow column on hover, and the SSBA buttons would go crazy and form into a column on hover. Disabling that plugin removed the first of those behaviors.
Ideally I’d like to have all three working, of course!
]]>Installed Tweet This plug-in.
Created a post using it.
Resulted in: Fatal error: Internal Zend error – Missing class information for in /home/content/71/9507871/html/wp-content/plugins/tweetthis/includes/share-handler.php on line 9
Website is crashed.
and ideas?
Not sure what I’m doing wrong but encountering two issues:
1. All tweets show show html in the tweets (i.e. em, p tags, etc).
2. Even very short tweets are over the character limit because I believe it is counting the URL link as characters.
Looks like this could be a great plug-in but clearly I’m doing something wrong.
Any help appreciated. Thank you.
]]>Just wondering if we can move the render-blocking JavaScript tweet-this-box.js
]]>I LOVE using this plug-in. It is truly the best of it’s kind but I noticed that it has not been tested with the last few versions of WP. Can you please confirm that it is still being supported and kept up to date? I would like to install it on a couple of other sites, but am hesitant to do so if it is no longer being updated. Thank you!
]]>Using Google Chrome (latest) on an iMac, the embeded tweet this doesn’t display properly. It only display the gray box and the 2nd line that contains “Powered By the Tweet This Plugin”. The actual tweet doesn’t appear. How do we solve this?
2nd issue is using a Safari browser on iMac, after typing the tweet and clicking on the insert tweet button, nothing happens once it’s back on the editor. What gives?
Thank you.
]]>Is there an easy way to default to “Tweet This” in every post? Am I missing something obvious?
I have Tweet this version 1.6.1
In edit mode for my pages and posts:
1. Add media button does not work
2. Entire page is scrolling instead of post part that needs editing
3. Text mode button does not work
This is the plugin that is interfering with the edit mode.
]]>Can’t seem to find if there is some way to track the number of clicks on the Tweet This plugin on a post.
]]>When I fill in all the text and info and click insert shortcode nothing happens. Why?
]]>When I fill in all the text and info and click insert shortcode nothing happens. Why?
Also, here is the Console response.
It looks like it’s all good, but there is nothing in the editor.
]]>Hi there! Love this plug in!
But I had to deactivate it because it started causing an error that was intermittently shutting down my site. This is error code (just appeared as black text on white background instead of site loading…both when working in dashboard and actually trying to look at site):
Fatal error: Internal Zend error – Missing class information for in /home/content/01/12403001/html/wp-content/plugins/tweetthis/includes/share-handler.php on line 9
Thanks in advance!
]]>Clicking on the blue bird icon in the WordPress post editor appears to do nothing. Checked my javascript console and found this:
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'open'
m.extend.error @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.2:2
(anonymous function) @ widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
m.extend.each @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.2:2
m.fn.m.each @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.2:2
a.fn.(anonymous function) @ widget.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11
ed.addButton.onclick @ tinymce-plugin.js?wp-mce-4109-20150505:16
i @ tinymce.min.js?ver=4109-20150505:7
e.extend.fire @ tinymce.min.js?ver=4109-20150505:7
e @ tinymce.min.js?ver=4109-20150505:7
i @ tinymce.min.js?ver=4109-20150505:2
m @ tinymce.min.js?ver=4109-20150505:2
If I put in the the [tweetthis][/tweetthis] delimiters in manually, everything works fine. But the users I’m developing this for will definitely need the dialog box functionality.
Any ideas on how to remedy this? Thanks for the plugin.
I installed the plugin and clicked on the “get started” link. It sent me to a site that all of a sudden is blocked as possibly infected by malware.
Just a heads up.
Or, is this something I don’t have to worry about?
]]>Thank you for creating this plugin!! It works great!
I have the default Display Mode setting as a box, but there are times I would like to use just a link.
I realized that if I add display_mode=”button_link” to the shortcode that it overrides the setting.
Is is possible to add this to the Shortcode Creator in the post editor?
I can do it manually, but it would make life a little easier.
i’m using Version 1.5.2 of your plugin. Whenever I activate Express Curate plugin I can’t use Tweet This. When I try to generate a shortcode i just see a grey screen. When I deactivate Express Curate, then it works normally.
]]>Hi There!
I’m trying to figure out how to incorporate Cleverwise Daily Quotes into TweetThis (or something similar). Basically what I need is for my auto-loading daily quote to be tweetable. I played around a bit but was unable to figure out how to get TweetThis to output the Daily Quote short code. Would be happy to donate to the cause if you can figure this out for me.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Just started using Tweet This on our blogs. However, when i use it — they mess with the formatting on the blog for the folks that are email subscribers to the blog. Is there a way to fix this?
]]>Very very strange.
I have almost 600 posts. I’ve installed & insert a tweet in a post, we can call it postA. It works properly but after that any post that I open does not matter, wordpress open postA
A piti… I liked the idea
]]>Great plugin!
I used the below CSS, I would like to center the box on the page, what do I need to add to do that?
Thank You
div.TT_wrapper { background-color: #FFF; width: 25%; }
div.TT_wrapper div.TT_text { font-size: 18pt; }
My tweet this plugin is not using the shortlink for the post even though I have the “use shortlink” option checked. I’ve discovered that it’s a conflict with a shortlink plugin I’m using https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/shortnit/
I want to be able to use both plugins.
What happens when I have the shortnit plugin activated is that your plugin uses my entire post URL, even though I have your “use shortlinks” option checked.
When I deactivate the shortnit plugin, your plugin will use the default wp shortlink.
]]>Uploaded widget okay. In post I press the icon and input box pops up and let’s me fill in details but the green get shortcode button doesn’t work
]]>Hi! Is it possible to customize the tweet box? Like change the gray background to white or opt for a smaller text?
]]>The form that opens when I go to add a tweetthis box, the editing form seems to have lost all formatting and though the fields are there, when I click on the Insert Shortcode button, the form resets and the code isn’t added.
I have tried disabling all of the plugins and reactivating them one at a time, but I couldn’t find the culprit.
The frontend tweets that we’ve created in the past are all working fine.
]]>After the last WordPress update, my edit functions are displaying vertically, which is incredibly cumbersome. They should be displayed horizontally. By process of elimination, I have discovered the problem is being caused by the Tweet This plugin. Since I am using this plug-in on current daily posts, to deactivate it would create a need to edit all posts, which I don’t want to do. Is there a way to fix this?
1) Incorrect Display, with Tweet This Activated.
2) Correct display, with Tweet This Deactivated
My website is The Doglady’s Den
Thanks in advance!
I’ve installed the Tweet This plugin, but when I attempt to use it, the info box pops up but the whole WordPress dashboard goes light grey and I can’t press any buttons or do anything. It’s like looking at my dashboard through a grey screen. I’ve tried signing out and signing back in…I have a screenshot but don’t know how to include that here, so apologies if this isn’t clear.
]]>Hi John,
Great plugin. One tiny issue I have:
I have my URL automatically inserted by the plugin following the text appearing in the Tweet This box. However, by default, when the Twitter popup appears, there are 3 spaces between the text and the link.
Aside from the fact that I would only prefer one space (two at most) and so this is a tad unsightly, the more important reason why this is an issue for me is that my tweets usually tend to be on the long side and so I actually need every single character (including spaces) I can get. Is there anything that can be done to close up those extra spaces?
Thanks for your time and assistance with this!
Best regards,
Josh Smith
This may well be an interaction with my other plugins, or something I have setup on my site, but I’m having an issue actually using the plugin as the dialog that pops up causes JavaScript errors…
Tweet This :: Error getting parameters passed to dialog with 'var args = top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams();'. Trying parent instead of top.
tinymce-dialog.html:215 Tweet This :: Error getting parameters passed to dialog with 'var args = parent.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams();'. Dialog cannot function without this data.
tinymce-dialog.html:221 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'jquery' of undefinedtinymce-dialog.html:221 (anonymous function)tinymce-dialog.html:512 (anonymous function)
Any ideas? Cheers!
]]>We are getting mixed content errors and blocked assets loaded within this plugin in the plugins/tweetithis/assets/css/themes CSS files. In the first line, the @import script calls using https://, causing sites with an SSL certificate to block and alert on that content.
Any chance you can include this fix in the next update? Just changing the https:// to // should do it! Thanks!