I manage my husband’s website: turnstyles.net
Suddenly the homepage responsive menu has disappeared – help!
Thanks, Judi
]]>Trying to change several things, like menu items, favicon, etc. Coming into these settings via: https://{site}/wp-admin/customize.php?theme=rams trying to “Activate and Publish” I get the error “Unable to save due to 1 invalid setting.” even when no settings have changed. Please assist.
]]>Hi there! I have selected “Summary” on the setting “For each article in a feed, show” in Reading. Still the excerpt is not displayed rather the whole article is shown in feed.
Can you help me with it?
]]>Hi, how can I get the excerpts on my homepage for this ��Rams�� theme to show a ��Read More�� button?
In other words, my home page here:
doesn��t show the the ��Read More�� button at the bottom of a blog post excerpt.
But on Anders��s example theme here:
it does show that button.
How do I enable it?
Thanks for any belp!
– Brooks
]]>Hi. I am trying to figure out how to replace the blog title text in the sidebar of the Rams theme with a logo image. I searched the Rams support threads and couldn’t find an answer to this question–but if I missed something, please point me in the direction of any previous answers that could help me. Thanks!
]]>I have read a couple of articles on placing images in line with my texts on my page and post. No matter where I place my cursor I get all this space around the image.
Inside the editor it looks okay, but when I view the page through the preview the page that is when I see all the space around the image.
Any assistance will be appreciated.
Thank you,
I’d like to change the default font for the body text in my pages and blogs
I thought I’d be able to do it through the “Additional CSS” feature in WordPress but nothing I put in there seems to work.
I can change the fonts with html span commands but it’s laborious
Any thoughts?
I am wondering how you can add a sub-menu drop-down as this theme:
When you drag the menu item under another it does not work as a sub-menu.
Appreciate your help.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for a wonderful theme.
I would like to change the background og the sidebar to an image, instead of just a color. Is this possible?
Thank you!
]]>There seems to be some extra padding pushing the admin toolbar down when you view your site in Safari on iOS. I know the toolbar is called bp wp_footer(), but I’m not sure what I’m looking for to adjust the padding. Any pointers would be awesome!
]]>Dear Anders,
Could you add a subtitle to the theme? Like your other theme Wilson has? It would be great if I am able to tell my visitors in a sec what’s my blog is about,
Try to work it out in the code but it didn’t become realy pretty… My CSS knowledge is minimal.
]]>Hi, I really like your design, but I have a problem with adding the possibility to comment my posts as well as adding search functionality.
I simply don’t know where to find and activate these features. Can you possibly help me? I’m a beginner at WP (maybe needless to state :))
All the best
Firstly, I use Rams on my personal blog and absolutely love it. Great work!
Secondly, I see there is an update available for a new version (v1.14), but there is no changelog available. It’s helpful for users to have some visibility with changes in versions so we know what to expect and test for after an update – especially those of us who are using a child theme to override small things here and there.
Do you have any plans on providing this in the future?
]]>I just activated the theme in my blog and found out something wrong with the title on my Chrome Tab. It was as if the title was not set.
After an element inspection and looking through the codes, I found that there was two <title>
tag. A quick fix would be to omit the code on header.php line 10.
<title><?php wp_title('|', true, 'right'); ?></title>
Hope this help
I’ve tried and this theme is not working with Visual Composer or Mapplic (when both plugin works geat with other themes).
I tried disabling all the plugins but visual composer or mapplic and same result.
Please help me!
]]>That doesn��t mean that Rams skimps on the presentation, though. The included gallery, video and quote post formats all come with unique and visually impactful styling.
But where is video post format? In a post admin just only have standar post, gallery and quote post format.
Thank you
]]>i like your theme, espcly rams themes.
and i want request some feature in rams themes like…
customizing base color schemes, sidebar text color, header sidebar background color like in twenty fifteen. pls
thank you
]]>Hi, I love the theme.
But I have only one issue, how I can adjust the size of the Portrait-size image or slider in the post?
]]>I love the Rams theme. It’s excellent. I’m wondering if there’s a simple way I can set it so that it’s mobile responsive appearance can be the default appearance on desktops/laptops too.
In other words, so that the colored title/menu bar that appears across the top on an iPhone or iPad also appears that way on a desktop/laptop, rather than the left-side bar. I would prefer a one-column theme without the sidebar across all device.
Thank you, in advance, for your time and attention.
]]>Hi everyone,
I’m a new wordpress user and I have a question, maybe you, the more advanced user, can help me with this.
I created a website with it’s own domain: vanoostnaarwes.nl
The theme is Rams.
I’d like to show advertisements to my visitors to earn some money for just the webhosting. I’ve created an account at Google Adsense and my request has been accepted. There is a specific place where I’d like my advertisement to be displayed: in the empty blue area in/under my main menu on every page.
When I try the Google Adsense plugin I’m not able to place my advertistement there. Is there anyone who can help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
First thanks for your beautiful theme.
I’m experiencing an issue after having installed it (v1.10) on a fresh WP install (WP v4.1.1):
When I go in “Setting / General” admin page (and only this page), I reveive an “ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE” error message on my browser (Chrome).
Did someone else experienced the same behaviour ? How to resolve this error ?
I tryed to uninstall the theme but the error persist. I have no other plugins or themes install.
Thank you.
Can I remove the ‘Theme by Anders Nor��n’ ?
]]>Is there a way to get the Read More button to take readers to the full post rather than taking them to where they were reading in the post?
]]>Hi everyone,
I’ve just submitted version 1.11 of Rams to the WordPress theme depository for review. It should be live within a month. Version 1.11 includes (long overdue) fixes to a couple of frequently reported issues. More importantly though, it also makes some fundamental changes to how Rams works. These include:
Why the changes? Previous versions of Rams included meta fields in the post editor to enable quotes and featured videos. Unfortunately, this was in conflict with one of the requirements for themes on the theme depository: “Themes must not define the generation of user content“.
In short, the meta fields shouldn’t have been in the themes in the first place. Despite this, Rams (and most of my other themes) were approved for release. When this was discovered, I was unable to submit any other updates to any of my themes until the meta field functionality was removed. For me to able to keep my themes updated, I had to make the changes listed above.
I apologize for any inconvenience these changes will cause. If you have any questions about the changes, let me know.
�� Anders
is there someone who can explain to me how to activate a Search Box for this theme? I noticed there is a search.php and searchform.php but I don’t know how to use these.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
]]>This theme also missing style at input type email.
Plugin I use is Contact Form 7
I can not find the login button to go to the Admin Dashboard from an
install version of this plugin. I am overlooking something in the activation of the theme.
Is there a way to install a login. I notice that this theme has no widgets.
How do I install a login on at least the home /front page.
]]>Hi there, thanks for the great theme. I love it!
Could you please tell me how i can edit my child themes header.php to insert the site-description/ blog-description.
I would prefer to insert a seperate div. For example:
<div class="blog-description">
<?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?>
I think it should go somerwhere in the following snippet of the header.php. But i can’t manage to get it appear -under- the site’s title.
<a class="blog-logo" href='<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>' title='<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'title' ) ); ?> �� <?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ); ?>' rel='home'>
<img src='<?php echo esc_url( get_theme_mod( 'rams_logo' ) ); ?>' alt='<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'title' ) ); ?>'>
<?php elseif ( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) || get_bloginfo( 'title' ) ) : ?>
<h1 class="blog-title">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url() ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'title' ) ); ?> �� <?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ); ?>" rel="home"><?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'title' ) ); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
Thanks a lot in advance!
]]>I included the “more-tag” in my article but I think the image is too big. Any idea how I can fix this? ??
Here is a screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/oyVHIPe.png
Trying to make some minor customizations with child theme and would need some help:
1 – How to add a small logo image above the title?
2 – How to add the site’s description below the title?
3 – How to modify the left sidebar’s width to a smaller value (ie 240 px) and keep the responsive layout working the same way with menu bar?
Thanks for any help.