• Resolved jj11


    Is there any way I can create non-clickable parent menus using Allwebmenus (I’m using this to get hover across menu items and it takes its menu structure from the Appearance / Menu data )? I aseem to have spent most of the week trying to get this to work.

    Reading an old forum answer, someone said:

    Custom link —> fill in anything after https:// —> give it a name (label) —> add to menu
    —> delete the url, but leave the label —> add child pages to this non-linked parent —> save menu

    However, when I do this and delete a parent page and then click on parent page label, my website disappears and all I get are some scrappy menu items on a white page. The address bar shows me that it has taken me to the deleted page url (only page is now empty).

    Is there any way to just make this link to a no-longer existing page not go anywhere???????

    Would LOVE to solve this as it seems a major drawback of WordPress that you can’t have non-clickable menu items.

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  • Thread Starter jj11


    I’ve also tried deleting the URL fromt he Custom Link on the Appearance /Menu screen but now I get “Oops This link is broken” error message – is there any way to add some code into the Custom Link url line to say “stay on the same page”?????

    For some reason, WordPress does not give me a “link target – same window or tab” option that I’ve seen in another solution.

    so you are setting up the menu in the appearance -> menu correct?

    Just set the link in the custom link option to # and name it what you want, works great for me for non-clickable parent items

    or maybe it was https://domain.com/#

    one of those will work

    Thread Starter jj11


    Just set the link in the custom link option to # and name it what you want, works great for me for non-clickable parent items

    Clicking on a link with https://# takes me to to a screen with the following error message:

    The address is not valid

    Most likely causes:
    There might be a typing error in the address.
    If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date.

    What you can try:
    Retype the address.

    Go back to the previous page.

    The address bar at the top of the screen says https:///

    Can anyone tell me why this is?

    then just use your domain, with # like the second example I showed.

    I had set my menu up a bit ago, and couldn’t quite remember exactly what I’d put

    like https://domain.com/#

    or just # like I said

    not https://#

    delete the https:// part

    Try using your themes url and the hash ‘#’, problem is it takes you to the home page, like for this website.


    Another option with the menus, not sure if yours is customisable.

    Say for News items menu ‘twenty ten’ custom menu using categories

    [News] type=url link to ‘local-news’ category
    -[Local News] type= category ‘local-news’
    -[Regional News] type= category ‘regional-news’
    -[National News] type= category ‘national-news’
    -[International News] type= category ‘international-news’

    So anyone selecting the top level or first item gets ‘local news’



    yeah, I just went and checked my menu to make sure I knew what I was talking about.

    I just use #

    no domain, no http, just #

    That way you stay on the current page…just tested that too

    Top of Page

    Ok the code above I will add some spaces to
    < a href=”#”>Top of Page </ a >

    The hash # works like this so the menu must be adding the https:// if it is not working!


    well ya….lol, I guess I forgot that part, as my menu is up there!

    I guess this solution works great, as long as you don’t have your menu in the footer!! ??

    Thread Starter jj11


    Rev Voodoo – fantastic!! Many many thanks !!!!!!!! # has worked just fine. After quite a few stressful days and a few sleepless nights I now have a solution to this. Great!!!!

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