Hi @josh1324,
It depends what links are pointing to https:// rather than https://. If they’re actual hrefs in your SVG, then, unfortunately, there’s not a way for Safe SVG to automatically fix these. You’d need to change the links in the SVG file and re-upload them.
If you’re talking about the SVG namespace (https://www.w3.org/2000/svg) then I’m sorry to say that these are set by the W3C. That said, they shouldn’t be seen by the browser as URLs, therefore shouldn’t trigger an insecure content warning.
You can try switching the namespace declaration to the https version, but I think this will break the SVG in older browsers (https://www.w3.org/2000/svg). The namespace will have been initially added by whatever application was used to generate your SVGs.
You can see another explanation on namespaces here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39960017/does-svg-xmlns-attribute-value-requires-protocol-can-it-be-https-or-relative