• Anonymous User 13545031


    This week a user told me, that he gets a warning when accessing our site via the link in the notification email.

    After some research I found out, that the link to the daily post was preceeded with https:// instead of https://. Since our hoster uses a shared certificate, a user gets a warning when accessing the site via SSL.

    As far as I can remember the links to our post were https:// links only, otherwise this would have happend a lot earlier. We are up and running for about 2 years and are doing all regular updates of the plugin.

    The next day the notification email went out with an https:// link, today’s mail was https:// again.

    Any idea what this could be and how I could force non-SSL links?

    Thanks, Georg


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  • @ansiman / Georg,

    Are you using SSL for admin or any SSL plugins?

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 13545031



    No SSL for admin (though maybe I should…). After I noticed the issue, I installed the “Force non-SSL” plugin, but it didn’t do the trick. What has me puzzled is that sometimes it’s SSL, sometimes it is not…

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 13545031



    I am using custom permalinks though: the pattern is


    @ansiman / Georg,

    Your permalink structure looks fine. Strange that this is not consistent. Have you checked for plugin conflicts because I have never encountered this before.

    Hi Mattyrob.

    I have a site that also runs this plugin. I received an email today saying the same as ansiman. Subscribers have received emails with https rather than http. So they get a browser warning.

    Permalink settings are normal (postname) and the site is non https.

    Is there a fix for this issue?

    Many thanks.


    Can you list your current plugins so we can perhaps compare with @ansiman to see if there might be a common conflict.

    Also, are these emails coming from ReadyGraph or direct from Subscribe2?

    Hi Mattyrob.

    The emails come straight from subscribe2.
    It’s a strange one as most emails are http. Some then come as https.
    There is nothing different about the post from one to the other.

    Plugins used:
    AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget
    Advanced Custom Fields
    Awesome Weather Widget
    Display Widgets
    Flickr Photostream
    Google Analytics by Yoast
    InfiniteWP – Client
    Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin
    Recent Comment Avatars
    Simple Share Buttons Adder
    Sweet Captcha
    Twitter Widget Pro
    Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget
    Wordfence Security
    Wordpress Ad Widget
    WordPress Importer
    WordPress SEO
    WP Category Tag Cloud

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 13545031


    Here’s my list:
    Advanced Custom Fields
    CodeStyling Localization
    Configure SMTP
    Cron GUI
    Force non-SSL (doesn’t help)
    Google Analytics
    Post Thumbnail Editor
    Simple Optimizer
    Smart Archives Reloaded
    Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin

    as well as 3 custom plugins that I wrote, but none of them mess with neither mail nor permalinks in any way.

    Our mails also come directly from Subscribe2.

    HTH Georg

    We can rule out Akismet, Configure SMTP and Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin as I use these and have never seen this issue.

    The only common widget you are then both using is Advanced Custom Fields. However I can’t find anything in that could using SSL or HTTPS apart from some connections to github.com code.

    What version of Subscribe2 are you both using?

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 13545031


    I am on the current version 10.17.2

    Are you using per-post or periodic / digest emails?

    You could try adding this filter plugin to replace and instances of https:// with https:// in the email content:

    function https_to_http( $content ) {
    	$content = str_replace( 'https://', 'https://', $content );
    add_filter( 's2_html_email', 'https_to_http' );
    add_filter( 's2_plain_email', 'https_to_http' );
    Thread Starter Anonymous User 13545031


    I send an email for each post. There is mostly only one post per day, scheduled to go online a 6pm. At 6.05pm a cronjob makes sure, that the post gets published. The notification email is then sent at about that time every day. Users can comment but cannot publish posts.

    I will give the filter a shot and let you know.

    Thanks for your continuing efforts! Really!

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 13545031


    Actually putting in the code broke sending the mails completely. There were just no notification mails going out. When I removed the code, the mails were sent again (the next day). Although I can’t understand why. The code just adds a function and two filters so this shouldn’t break anything. I put the code at the bottom of one of my custom modules. I’ll try the functions.php next.


    The code isn’t complete – my mistake and my apologies. After amending the content it needs to be sent back:

    function https_to_http( $content ) {
    	$content = str_replace( 'https://', 'https://', $content );
    	return $content;
    add_filter( 's2_html_email', 'https_to_http' );
    add_filter( 's2_plain_email', 'https_to_http' );
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