• Hi,
    I’m using K-news 1.7.6 with WP 4.2.4.

    1) “Can’t read” link shows newsletter url (ie:’…/?knews=readEmail&id=3&e=1&k=3′) but leads to website home page.

    2) “Unsubscribe” link shows unsubscribe url (ie: ‘…/?knews=unsubscribe&e=1&k=d343a011&n=3&id=3’) but leads to website home page.
    User not unsubscribed.

    The htaccess line for Tracking pixel contains a path to ‘wp-content/uploads/knewsimages/’ directory which doesn’t exist. Is that ok?

    Tracking “Opened” and clicks seems to work though.

    Thanks in advance.
    Any clue would be welcome.



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  • Thread Starter hand_coding


    Thank you for your help.
    Actually I found your post shortly after I posted this.
    Removing the forgotten wp-config file did solved the problem.

    Ironically, now it’s broken again for me.
    No idea on what’s happening.

    Thank you anyway…

    Did you update to the latest after that? If so, the file is also in the latest update.

    What error are you getting?

    Thread Starter hand_coding


    Hi again,
    I didn’t noticed there was an update until you mentioned it (?)
    I just updated now, removed the silly wp-conf but still no luck with tracking pixel.
    Frankly, I’m not willing to put much effort with this plugin.
    At least it works for the most part and I’m very doubtful it is reliable at this point.
    1) No kitten.
    2) No change log for 1.7.7 update.
    3) Stupid forgotten php file.
    4) The first custom constant I tried to configure (following the examples here is just totally ignored.
    5) Did you try the ‘subscribe’ form on their website? Lot-of-fun experience for me (tested with Firefox 40 and Safari 8 on Mac).


    Thread Starter hand_coding


    When I say ‘Thanks’ I mean it.
    Thank you for your time.


    Plugin Author creverter


    Hello! About home page on “can’t read”, “unsubscribe” and “confirm link”: check in the JavaScript console log: should be a bug on JavaScript, maybe it breaks the JS execution?

    About the “missing” tracking pixel: the file is virtual, never will exists! It’s just a tracking PHP to flag stats and then return a pixel. It needs the htaccess mod. Check if you see the cat on the Knews config page, if you can’t see it, the htaccess doesn’t do the trick.

    Thread Starter hand_coding


    Hi Carles,
    The can't readand unsubscribe problems are solved since it was my fault (I messed up with the % shortcode).
    As for the tracking pixel issue, it worked once, but now it’s gone.
    I guess an htaccess rule prevents it to work properly.
    I’m reluctant to work on it right now know because the website is in production.

    1) What I’d like now, is to get a valid KNEWS_CUSTOM_SPEED constant.
    But when I define it, it’s just ignored.
    2) As I wrote earlier, the subscribe form on your website is totally broken for me.
    It’s a shame for a website dedicated to a newsletter plugin and a bad signal for customers.

    Thanks for your time,

    Thread Starter hand_coding


    Plugin Author creverter


    Thank you for the form warning. Now solved. It’s a website related issue, not Knews issue.


    simply define it on wp-config.php on root. should work…


    Thread Starter hand_coding


    The KNEWS_CUSTOM_SPEED constant definitely doesn’t work for me.
    Any value defined here sets the default speed to 2 test mode in the admin.

    However, I found the source of the tracking pixel problem thanks to your last post:
    “simply define it on wp-config.php on root”, you wrote. “on root”.
    Wordpress installation allows, and even recommends, that we put the wp-config.php OUTSIDE the root folder. Into the root’s parent folder if we have permissions to do so.
    I do that because it’s far more secure and anybody being allowed to do so should.
    Bringing the wp-config back to the www folder bring back the kitten but I won’t do it.
    I’d rather keep the wp-config at the top level.
    Do you think you can change that?


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