Popup pictures & facebook
Situation on my wordpress: wp version 4.0 ; plugin shashin using prettyphoto ; plugin facebook (and others).
1\ On the pop-up picture the activation of the social sharing well brings the button and links to share.
On the facebook button, the shared linked is https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p%5Bimages%5D%5B0%5D={image_url}&p[url]=https://my-wordpress.com/post/?shashin_photo_key=XXX&p[title]={title}. When sharing it, I don’t get the expected result (miniature of the popup picture + direct link to the popup picture) but I only end with a link-preview to the post https://my-wordpress.com/post/.Is it supposed to work this way ?
How can I share the link to the popup picture on facebook with miniature of the popup picture ?2\ Moving forward, I would like to add facebook-comment for each of the popup picture. Facebook comment are already added on the post (with facebook plugin). So the script should be already in use on the page.
I made several attempt into prettyphoto/jquery.prettyPhoto.js and in the social_tools part without any result.
By looking on the web, I only saw a comment saying that “fb comments have to be initialized each time for the pop-up picture”. But don’t know how to do such of a thing. Any hepl with this ?
Thanks !
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