• chasman123


    I changed the attributes of 2X, 3X, 4X and 5X sizes from +$2, +$3, +$3, +$3 to +$3, +$4, +$5, +$6 respectively. The markups changed globally (for every device) in the ‘choose an option’ dropdown but the description price did not change (The description price reads $15.00 – $18.00 but it should read $15.00 – $21.00). Option 1 below is working but I do not see option 2 or 3 (perhaps I’m looking in the wrong place). Thank you.

    1. There’s a new Reapply markups to prices option in the variations bulk-actions menu of each product.
    2. There is a repricing icon (? Reprice) beneath the attributes on the All Products list. One click updates all that product’s variations.
    3. And, there is the new Reapply Markups bulk action on the All Products list. You’ll see a progress bar as each product updates.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Mark Tomlinson



    Size: Adult 5XL (Add $6.00)

    Product price $15.00
    Add $3.00 for Adult 5XL


    That appears to me that 5XL was set to $3.00, and changed to $6.00, but the markups were not reapplied. Notice that the price, $18.00, also remained at the $3 markup plus the $15 regular price. This means that more than the description didn’t change. However, you said you used, Reapply markups to prices, so I’m not sure what’s happening here.

    I’m testing a new version right now that I hope to get out tonight. Maybe I can reproduce this error.

    Another person mentioned they did not see options 2 and 3 above (the Products ? All Products page). I’ll look into that as well. Those functions are performed by JScript, and old stuff may have gotten cached somewhere en route to your browser.

    Thread Starter chasman123


    FYI, When I first noticed that the description didn’t change, I didn’t even realize that the actual markups didn’t change, I thought it was just the description.

    Also, I didn’t use ‘Reapply markups to prices’ on the example URL I sent you since I wanted to show you what was happening. ‘Reapply markups to prices’ does work and I’ve been using it on other products.

    Thank you for your help in this matter

    Plugin Author Mark Tomlinson


    I just pushed up version 4.2. Among other things, it should handle the price range issue on the customer-facing page. Turns out, WooCommerce has a fairly complex caching system, and if you don’t clear it completely out, things like this will linger.

    I also suspect the problems with the options not appearing on the Products ? All Products list might be fixed. I have no way of testing that, as I cannot recreate the issue. But, the option to show the attributes column or not show it is now gone. That’s what WordPress Screen Options are for. I think this duplication of effort might have been introducing the problem.

    Let me know if it works.

    Thread Starter chasman123


    The (? Reprice) beneath the attributes on the?All Products?list and the Reapply Markups?bulk action on the?All Products?list are showing up and they are working. There is another problem though. They are changing the base price of the products. For instance when I did the Reapply Markups?bulk action on the product category ‘Kentucky Virtual Academy’ it changed the base prices of the products from $12 to $15, from $25 to $30, from $30 to $25 and from $35 to $15. Also on the product category ‘You Are Loved’ it changed the base prices from $15 to $18 and on the product category ‘New Carlisle Fire Dept’ it changed the base prices from $20 to $15. I had to go back in and change the base prices back. Once I changed the base prices back I did the Reapply Markups?bulk action again on the above categories and it didn’t change the base price.

    Plugin Author Mark Tomlinson


    Good that you got it working, but I need to look into why the initial time you tried it did not work. I have some suspicions. Do you know if you ever used the Set regular prices function on them? I’m assuming you did, most people would not go through pricing every variation individually.

    And, while we’re at it; I see Add $3.00 for Adult 2XL (Add $3.00) in the description of products with a markup. That (Add $3.00) part is because you are using the Add Markup to Name feature to accommodate your theme. But, that creates a redundancy in the description. I’m going to fix that and push out a patch shortly. Once you get the patched release, a simple Reapply Markups will correct all the descriptions.

    Thread Starter chasman123


    Yes, I always use the set regular prices.

    I used Reapply Markups?on each category. When I do this (each time on a different category) it changes the base price and I have to go back and change the base price of each item. It doesn’t seem to matter if I use the Reapply Markups?or (? Reprice). Also sometimes it doesn’t show the final price after markup (see image link below). It doesn’t seem to have a pattern for not showing the final price. But then if I do another (? Reprice) on the product it will show the final price.


    • This reply was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by chasman123.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by chasman123.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by chasman123.
    Plugin Author Mark Tomlinson


    Markup-by-Attribute doesn’t have any control over whether the final price shows on your page or not; that’s a function of WooCommerce and your theme. However, it might provide some insight as to what’s going on. If an item shows up without a final price in your shop, before you reapply the markups, can you look to see if that particular variation has a price in the admin console? No price is different from a price of 0.00. Items with no price are supposed to show as unavailable, but they are also not supposed to have attribute pricing information either.

    Regarding setting the base price to the wrong value. Markup-by-Attribute stores the current base price for products in the WordPress database. The first thing it does when repricing is look up the base price. So, it sounds like the base prices aren’t getting saved(?). Do you have access to the debug logs? If so, can you do a quick search for any lines that contain “mt2mba”?

    Thanks for your cooperation. The first step in debugging is to reproduce the problem. I’ve tried on two test systems and one production website, and I can’t.

    Thread Starter chasman123


    The plugin works correctly about 50% of the time. I had (2) different categories each with (8) products and each priced the same ($15, $18, $24, $30, $15, $18, $24, $30, respectively). When using?Reapply Markups?on each category the first one worked fine but the second one changed the base prices to $15, $18, $25, $25, $15, $18, $25, $25). There doesn’t appear to be any pattern to the price changing.

    Plugin Author Mark Tomlinson


    It’s frustrating that I can’t recreate the problem or identify a cause in the code. Nor have there been any other complaints where I can compare and contrast to identify a cause. I don’t understand why it treated one of your categories differently than the other, since Markup-by-Attribute never looks at product categories or tags. Normally, I would ask about other plugins or themes that might interfere. But the base price is kept in a uniquely named record in the WooCommerce _postmeta table, which would have to be deliberately overwritten to cause this issue.

    I am adding a ‘Base Price’ column to the All Products list view. This will provide insight into what the plugin is working from when it reprices the product variations. I know that doesn’t solve your issue, but it will make it easier to solve. And, frankly, it’s a bit of information that probably should have been available all along.

    Expect to see that within the upcoming week. Sorry that this isn’t getting fixed any faster.

    Thread Starter chasman123


    I’ve been continuing using the plugin and it seems the more I use it the less it changes the base prices. In fact, the last 6 categories I used it on worked perfectly. I’m not sure that this couldn’t have been a problem on my end even though I’m not sure what that could have been.

    FYI, I’ve changed my review to reflect the new conditions.

    Plugin Author Mark Tomlinson


    Thanks on the review.

    When trying to debug this problem, I became frustrated that I actually needed to watch the WooCommerce database to know what the base price for a product was set to at any given point. It’s also listed in the description fields of variations that are marked up, but that requires a little digging between tests, and isn’t solid confirmation of what the database is set to. That’s when it occurred to me that you, the customer, have no idea what the base price might be except by trying to track it yourself, or digging into the variations’ descriptions. Hence, if it is an ‘operator error’, that’s perfectly understandable.

    Hopefully, adding the base price in an obvious place will make the plugin easier to use and less cryptic. It doesn’t mean, however, that the plugin isn’t misbehaving. So, I will continue to research it.

    Thread Starter chasman123


    I appreciate your continued research into this matter. Just an FYI, I do keep records of the original base prices of all products. The owner makes spreadsheets of what she wants on the web site and I work off the spreadsheets.

    Plugin Author Mark Tomlinson


    I’ve added the base price to the All Products page and the General tab for variable products. If you are at the current version of the plugin, you should be able to use that to confirm that the product prices are recorded properly.

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter chasman123


    For some of the items the Price is not the same as the Base Price (see image in the link below). You said that I can use that information to confirm that the product prices are recorded properly. Could you explain to me what this means and what I need to do to correct this.

    Thank you.


    Plugin Author Mark Tomlinson


    I’m confused by what I’m seeing in your screenshot. The Price column should have a range of prices, like this, https://ibb.co/Kxw4MK1.

    For the tee-shirt in my example, I’ve set the base price at $12.34, and created variations by color, size, and something I call “it”. The lowest priced item, $9.57, arrives at that price like this:

    Product price $12.34
    Subtract $0.62 for X-Small
    Subtract $0.90 for Yellow
    Subtract $1.25 for Less of it

    The highest price, $14.83, arrives at that price this way:

    Product price $12.34
    Add $0.62 for X-Large
    Add $0.62 for Blue
    Add $1.25 for More of it

    My admin page for the tee-shirt looks like this, https://ibb.co/m45XCtT. And, for example, my size attribute page looks like this, https://ibb.co/4tQK6zr (I’m using percentages).

    What I’m seeing in your screenshot is that you are only varying by size and not color. Somehow, all size variations within the product appear to be using the same markup. For instance, the Royal Blue Short Sleeve T-Shirt appears to either have only one variation, which is marked down $3 (xx-small?), or all sizes are marked down $3. Likewise, the White Long Sleeve T-Shirt appears to either have only one variation, which is marked up $2 (x-large?), or all sizes are marked up $2.

    I’m trying to recreate the problem on my end, but I can’t, and I suspect I’m missing something. Can you take a screenshot of the admin page of one of the troublesome products? I’m interested in the [Variations] tab. You can email it to [email protected] so that you don’t have to share it here.

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