• Hello,
    The theme I have uses Genesis eNews Extended. I implemented the action form code from my mail chimp list. When I tried to do a test sign up I received the message: Recipient “” has too many recent signup requests. I’ve found that this may be caused when a browser auto-fills the fields. By default, the MailChimp signup form includes a hidden HTML field that’s suppose to trap spam bots that automatically fill out the signup form:

    <!– real people should not fill this in and expect good things – do not remove this or risk form bot signups–>
    <div style=”position: absolute; left: -5000px;” aria-hidden=”true”><input type=”text” name=”b_98b752164e5f27815c50336ea_245ab27248″ tabindex=”-1″ value=””></div>

    The suggestion on MailChimp is to remove this code. But if in the plugin I am only inputting the action form line how else can I correct this?


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  • Thread Starter ninabakescakes


    Where you able to do something about this? I’m having the same issue! By the way, I love your website!

    Thread Starter ninabakescakes


    Hello there,
    Unfortunately not. I’m still on the search for answers :(. I’m thinking about signing up for something other than mailchimp but really don’t want to leave them. I’ll come back here and post an update if I find anything.
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter ninabakescakes


    @daydreamintoreality I couldn’t find a work-around using the Genesis eNews Extended and we haven’t received a response so I reverted back to not using the plugin and just adding a TEXT widget and entering the sign up form code from mailchimp. It is working now…your site is beautiful by the way.

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    Could y’all try putting it a full URL including protocol in the form action, e.g. https://somethingsomething instead of only //somethingsomething?

    I’ve had reports that’ll resolve it too. I’ve had trouble duplicating this on my end to confirm, but I can add some code to force that if it does resolve it.

    Thread Starter ninabakescakes


    @kraftbj just tested with your suggestion, did a test and received the same error message.

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    Thanks for testing it out. It’s a bit frustrating—I haven’t been able to duplicate on my devices (yet) and eNews never carried the code that MailChimp suggests removed.

    My read is something is buggy in iOS Safari, but I’d like to pin it down so we can work around it until Apple fixes it. Thanks again for trying.

    I tried too! But this is happening from Chrome as well! ??

    Hi Brandon,

    I’m getting the same error on my site, ShawnHesketh.com. Have tried your recommendation to add the https://, but still getting the same error. I’m seeing it in iOS Safari, but also in Safari 10.1 on the desktop, Safari Technology Preview 22, and Chrome 55.0.2924.87.

    Let me know if I can help troubleshoot this further.




    I am having the same issue with Mailchimp and the e-news extended widget. I was receiving the error message recipient has too many recent sign ups page so I entered EMAIL all caps in the email field and that fixed it for me on desktop and mobile so I thought, it is currently working for some people because I am receiving the sign ups but others are showing the too many recent sign ups error and I have no clue what to even do at this point. Is there a fix for this that works while still being able to use the widget? Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    This is an odd one. I just can’t get it to duplicate for me anywhere. It frankly sounds like Safari broke something and isn’t passing something properly over or something to that effect.

    I get the error on both of my sites, in chrome, and so did the mailchimp support people. I am using the widget with the form action code, and then a hidden field with a check box as checked.
    both sites have errors, and i might have to find another plugin if we cant fix it:
    via mailchimp:
    “Taking a look at the signup form code on the site, what appears to be occurring is that there is an issue with the code that is causing that initial signup to not go through properly. When I typed in my sample email signup, it responded with the error mentioned previously: https://cl.ly/0T1a040C3b3t . However, on this page that displays the error, if the information is filled out again here, it does indeed submit those changes which is indicative that it is the initial signup form on the main page that is having some issues as this follow up signup form in the screenshot is indeed working.

    What I would recommend is to head over to the integration or plugin that is used to create the original form, and re-create that form once more double checking the code being used to ensure that it’s formatted correctly. When the error displays it mentions that [recipient ” ” has too many recent signup requests] which means it may not be correctly capturing the first name and details of the subscriber as it’s pointing to ” “. That aside, it’s recommended to reference the embedded form on the MailChimp account to see how that code is formatted to function. This is found by going to the list on the account > choosing signup forms > embedded forms, and the code is found in a box on that page.

    Overall, the list itself is up and running and accepting signups and the MailChimp hosted forms are working without issue as well so it may just be that plugin”

    Any updates here?

    Someone else posted the same thing on youtube, i think its a plugin issue: [see comments] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSqQFwlWE1M

    Thread Starter ninabakescakes


    @emilyperryyoga I couldn’t find a work-around using the Genesis eNews Extended so I reverted back to not using the plugin and just adding a TEXT widget and entering the sign up form code from mailchimp. It has been working fine. Would love to use the plugin but can’t afford to miss any opportunities for signups

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