Thank you for your suggestions and encouragement that I should be able to get this to work. We have the non-premium WP 2FA plug-in set to use TOTP only and to enforce 2FA only for users with Administrator, Editor, Author, and Contributor roles. These users must set up 2FA right away; we do not redirect after 2FA setup and do not have a front-end 2FA settings page.
The URL is generated within a page inside a custom theme using the expression wp_login_url( add_query_arg( [ 'item' => $item_id ], $wp->request ) );
which follows $item_id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'item', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT );
For example, when trying to access the protected page https://<host>/swine-information/?item=26743 the URL https://<host>/wp-login.php?redirect_to=swine-information%3Fitem%3D26743
wp-login.php is as provided by WordPress 6.3.1 excepting that I changed the logo (which still links to!) by overriding its style according to the instructions at Its login form includes <input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="swine-information?item=26743" />
When completing login for a non-privileged user with no 2FA, the form posts back to wp-login.php and the redirect_to happens correctly. When completing login for a privileged user with 2FA, the form posts back to wp-login.php where your 2FA challenge form is displayed. This form also include a hidden redirect_to, but the https:// protocol has been incorrectly added where a relative URL was intended: <input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="https://swine-information?item=26743" />
Having dug deeply enough to notice that, I tried prepending ‘/’.$wp->request and it is now working even after 2FA. (I had expected that $wp->request would include the leading / like Apache’s REQUEST_URI does, but it does not.)
I don’t believe your code ought to change the given redirect_to value, but at least I have found a workaround in specifying a root-relative URL instead of a page-relative URL. Perhaps a better title for this thread/issue would be “2FA mangles page-relative redirect_to”?
Thank you again for your response and assurance that redirect_to is handled.
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
David Brown. Reason: removed double-encoded quote after https://
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
David Brown. Reason: WP is mangling trailing quotes in