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  • Thread Starter agthalim



    Thank you so much !! Indeed I just suppressed the maxzoom parameter, and it works fine. Sorry for missing that.

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Thank you for this suggestion ; I’ll try it when I get more fluent with javascript !…

    Thread Starter agthalim


    I don’t know why, it seems today that localization has returned in its original pannel !…

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Hi, (never mind my last question), let me sum up things, and explain what I tried :

    What I want : a map and checkboxes corresponding to some custom taxonomy (let’s start with one) : the maps would show just the marks corresponding to the checked values of this taxonomy.

    So far I did two things :

    • added to the landing page checkboxes from which some javascript computes the shortcode which would correspond.
    • added to my landing page a custom field myShortcode in which there is the shortcode used by the template to display the map (using do_shortcode(), following your advice : thank you!)

      The original hope was to use the shortcode computed from the selected checkboxes to update the custom field and reload the page. But I cant’t find my way out of this. Would you have a suggestion ? Thank you in advance!
    Thread Starter agthalim


    Thank you !

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Dear Camille,

    Thanks for your great reactivity !

    Thank you for this answer. In effect, I had previously managed to use textual search, redefining search.php which used do_shortcode(…). But I need to build a page with checkboxes so that users can select the tax values they want to visualize.

    Here’s the dirty soution I come up with :

    • the global variable GLOBALS[myTheme][shortcode] is a string wirh the shortcode, initialized to show everything ;
    • when the page is loaded, do_shortcode(GLOBALS[myTheme][shortcode]), so that the page shows the map ;
    • with a javascript function, any click on a checkbox updates the shortcode sting in GLOBALS[myTheme][shortcode], and then opens the same url (so that the updated value of the global variable is used).

    Do you think such a solution would work ? Do you have any better suggestion ?

    What would be wrong with such a code as below ?

    $query = new WP_Query(
    'post_type' => 'post',
    'tax_query' => array(
    'relation' => 'OR',
    array ( 'taxonomy' => 'enjeu_environnemental', 'post_status' => array('publish'), 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => array('nucleaire') ),
    array ( 'taxonomy' => 'pays', 'post_status' => array('publish'), 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => array('algerie') ),

    array( 'taxonomy' => 'cttm-markers-tax', 'field' => 'name', 'terms' => 'hasmarker', ),

    Thank you again !

    Thread Starter agthalim



    Thread Starter agthalim


    Would using get_posts with some relevant query as an argument be a solution ?…

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Hello Camille,

    Thank you for this very interesting solution : using exerpts to display custom information corresponding to each marker. So far I wrote a function ‘texteHTMLPopover’ generating relevant things (title, one link to some other article whose id is in a custom field).

    Let me be more detailed for the whole structure : each article is either an ‘issue’ or a ‘creation’. I have a custom field (‘num_enjeu’), and if ‘creation’ $id is related so some ‘issue’ (which is described in article $numEnjeu) then then for the article $id, the custom field is $num_enjeu

    I can esasely get the ‘issue’ related to a given ‘creation’ :


    I’m having trouble getting a list of all ‘creations’ related to a given ‘issue’. I actually did this in the single.php page (probably a very unefficient solution) : the beginning of the single page fils some $GLOBALS table which keeps track of which is the article referred for each. For filling this table, I use two successive loops. And then I use it to list all ‘creations’ related to some ‘issue’.

    Now I tried to do the same thing inside the function which builds the exerpt, but it doesn’t work out.

    So I can’t find out a technical solution for getting the list of all articles which have some id in their custom field, in the exerpt.

    Can you suggest some way ?…

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Hi Camille,
    Thank you for this fast and clear answer.
    Does the exerpt have to be at the beginning of the single.php page, or can I define it independently ?

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Problem solved : I just used the shortcode inside my page (disable_clustering=true), rather than fiddling inside the code of the plugin.
    And it seems to work all right…

    Sorry !

    Thread Starter agthalim


    The stuff is resolved !
    Thank you. Indeed the parameter


    did the job. It worked when I inserted it inside the search results template search.php :
    <?php echo do_shortcode( ‘ [travelers-map minzoom=3 current_query_markers=true width=100% height=100vh post_types=post,page tileurl=”https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png?access-token=…” subdomains=”abc” attribution=\’\’ title=”Tiles Courtesy of Jawg Maps” target=”_blank” ] ‘ );?>

    Thank you again !

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Thank you for answering.
    However I tried straight to apply your answer, i.e. the page with search.php as model has this shortcode :

    [travelers-map current_query_markers=true minzoom=3 width=100% height=100vh post_types=post,page tileurl=”https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png?access-token=…” subdomains=”abc” attribution=’? <b>Jawg</b>Maps ? OpenStreetMap contributors’]

    But the page shows all markers, although it shows only a fex results.

    What did I miss ?…

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Thank you Camille,
    It’s fixed now. I couldn’t find why, but I installed a nex underscore theme, and the traveler’s map extension works gloriously !

    Sorry for having unnecesarily disturbed.

    Thread Starter agthalim


    Thank you for this instructive answer, Camille.
    Indeed I checked that header.php contains the line :

    <body <?php body_class(); ?>>

    and that footer.php contains the line :


    So this was deleted from my template. Thanks for the explanation.

    However, the closing </div>’s did correspond to a div (class:”container-fluid”) and a div for a row (bootstrap stuff).

    It seems that unfortunately, the question seems related to the plugin itself : a page without a map, based on that template works (e.g.
    Pour info, here’s the template :

    /* The template TemplateAnthologieCartigraphiee.php, qui sert de page d’accueil pour le site ecopoetique
    /* Template Name: TemplateAnthologie_cartographiee */
    <main id=”primary” class=”site-main”>
    while ( have_posts() ) :
    get_template_part( ‘template-parts/content’, ‘page’ );

    // If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template.
    if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) :
    endwhile; // End of the loop.
    </main><!– #main –>


    Now, if I just add the shortcode


    , I get the ”…leafletJS files are missing.”
    So now I’m considering supressing the plugin and installing it again. But of course I’m terrified at the idea that I could lose data.

    Do you have a ny suggestion as to how to proceed ?
    Thank you !

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by agthalim.
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