Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Direct Stripe] Modify user and admin email content after successful paymentHi Nico,
An update. The failed page redirection is not working with the filter email add-on activated. With it is deactivated, all working fine. I will continue testing and update you in case of any breakthrough. But if you have any pointer, please let me know. Thanks in advance.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Direct Stripe] Modify user and admin email content after successful paymentJust to add. I’m using the DS for payment (and not for Subscription). Here is the event log of another payment,, which got stuck as well.
I tried a random email, the payment got through ‘200 OK’ and a failed mail delivery, which was expected.
Thanks in advance,
Ankit- This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by ankit2694.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Direct Stripe] Modify user and admin email content after successful paymentHi Nico,
Thanks very much for your reply and the code cleanup. It works like a charm for emails. But now the payment screen gets stuck. Following your forum, and I deleted users from WordPress and also on Stripe. The payment gets through, but payment screen freezes. All my stripe logs are ‘200 OK’ (
Thanks in advance.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Direct Stripe] Modify user and admin email content after successful paymentHi,
I managed to create an add-on. as below:
*********** code below *********************
* Plugin Name: Cirect Stripe Success Email
* Description: Cirect Stripe Success Email Content
* Author: nahuel
* Author URI:
* Version: 0.0.1
*/add_filter( ‘direct_stripe_success_user_email_content’, function( $message, $token, $amount, $currency, $email_address, $description, $user_id, $button_id){
$message = ‘User ‘ . $email_address . ‘ have been charged ‘ . $amount . $currency . ‘ for ‘ . $description;
return $message;
}, 10, 8 );
add_filter( ‘direct_stripe_success_admin_email_content’, function( $token, $amount, $currency, $email_address, $description, $user_id, $button_id, $message){
$today = date(“j, n, Y”);$user_info = get_user_by(’email’, $email_address);
$user_email = $user_info->user_email;$message = ‘<h1>TEXT –</h1><br/>’ .
“https://{$_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]}<br/>” .
‘TEXT – ‘ . $email_address . ‘<br/>’ .
‘TEXT- ‘ . number_format( $amount/100, 2) .’ ‘. $currency . ‘<br/>’ .
‘TEXT – ‘. $description . ‘<br/>’ .
‘TEXT – ‘ . $today . ‘<br/>’ .
‘TEXT – ‘ . print_r($user_info) . ‘<br/>’;$message .= ‘User – ‘ . $user_email . ‘<br/>’;
return $message;
}, 10, 8 );
*********** code above *********************
But now with that activated, I don’t receive user or admin emails.
Thanks in advance.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] delete top margin from Customizr theme's web pageThanks d4z_c0nf and Bojan. I also read some of your other posts.
Surely hundreds like me appreciate your help.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] delete top margin from Customizr theme's web pageHi All,
I found a solution. Though, it may not be the best, it works even if your html code is messy.
I installed Raw HTML Plugin, and then put my html code in between [raw]……[/raw].[raw]
The plugin disables automatic formatting like smart quotes and automatic paragraph creation, and use raw HTML/JS/CSS code in your posts without WordPress messing it up.
Hope this helps to future visitors and newbies like me!
All the best.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] delete top margin from Customizr theme's web pageYes d4z_c0nf,
You may be right. This forum thread ( suggests the same that I should not paste my html code into text editor of wordpress.
I’m reading other forums about Enqueue Scripts!
Could you please let me know, the right way to put my code into WordPress!
Thanks.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] delete top margin from Customizr theme's web pageHi Boyan, Hi d4z_c0nf,
I’ve created functions.php in my child theme (following this – and then added the code “remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’ );”, into functions.php.Sorry, but white-space still remains!
Any other suggestion!
Thanks for your support.
AnkitForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] delete top margin from Customizr theme's web pageHi d4z_c0nf, thanks. I just posted above my html code above. Would your recommendation be still valid! If yes, how do I add your code into functions.php? my child-theme has only style.css. Do I create an empty functions.php file and then add your code into it?
Sorry, I am new in this ‘game’. Could you please elaborate.
Thanks in advance,
AnkitForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] delete top margin from Customizr theme's web pageThanks Bojan for your input. Yes, I could see ‘<p>’ and ‘break’ tags in Firebug. But I don’t know, where they come from. Here is my html code,
When I paste this code in html testing sites, it works perfectly fine. But white-space appears at the top only when I paste my html code into WordPress text editor.
I found in another thread ( that it’s possibly because of scripts and styles are in the same html! I’m not sure, if this is the issue in my case.Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance,
AnkitForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] delete top margin from Customizr theme's web pageThanks d4z_c0nf. Yes, you’re right. I’d like to remove whitespace at the top. Themes and Templates
In reply to: delete top margin from Customizr theme's web page.Hi There,
I’m a WordPress newbie.
I am running my website on Customizr-Child theme (using Child Themify plugin, I try to write html code in a webpage, there seem to be unnecessary margin at the top of the page, ex.,
I would like to get rid of this top margin.
My Child theme Appearance > editor tab has only style.css file.
Can somebody guide me please how to resolve this issue!
Thanks in advance,