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  • Thread Starter georgedumontier


    Ah, ok good to know, Thanks!

    Great theme by the way!

    Thread Starter georgedumontier


    Hey Denzel,

    Thanks for the heads up about the photos. I knew I had some big ones, but jeez — 5k pixels is way too many. I’ll be sure to scale those down.

    But I still suspected there was something else slowing me down.

    Turns out my client’s host was running PHP 5.2 -_-

    Upgrading to 5.6 made a huge difference! It’s night and day faster. But honestly I’m impressed that Customizr is even compatible with 5.2. Props to the devs for backwards compatibility.

    Thread Starter georgedumontier


    So I made a file called category.php and added it to the child theme.

    I’m working off the custom page example, and this is what I have. I commented out the left sidebar hook and added this after the article closes

       <div class="span4 right tc-sidebar">
                        <div id="right" class="widget-area" role="complementary">
                          <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'right' );?>

    It’s working right now, but I’m not sure this is the best way.

    Template Name: Custom Page Example
    <?php do_action( '__before_main_wrapper' ); ##hook of the header with get_header ?>
    <div id="main-wrapper" class="<?php echo implode(' ', apply_filters( 'tc_main_wrapper_classes' , array('container') ) ) ?>">
        <?php do_action( '__before_main_container' ); ##hook of the featured page (priority 10) and breadcrumb (priority 20)...and whatever you need! ?>
        <div class="container" role="main">
            testing testing testing testing
            <div class="<?php echo implode(' ', apply_filters( 'tc_column_content_wrapper_classes' , array('row' ,'column-content-wrapper') ) ) ?>">
                <?php //do_action( '__before_article_container' ); ##hook of left sidebar?>
                    <div id="content" class="<?php echo implode(' ', apply_filters( 'tc_article_container_class' , array( CZR_utils::czr_fn_get_layout(  CZR_utils::czr_fn_id() , 'class' ) , 'article-container', 'span-8') ) ) ?>">
                        <?php do_action( '__before_loop' );##hooks the header of the list of post : archive, search... ?>
                            <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
                                <?php while ( have_posts() ) : ##all other cases for single and lists: post, custom post type, page, archives, search, 404 ?>
                                    <?php the_post(); ?>
                                    <?php do_action( '__before_article' ) ?>
                                        <article <?php czr_fn__f( '__article_selectors' ) ?>>
                                            <?php do_action( '__loop' ); ?>
                                    <?php do_action( '__after_article' ) ?>
                                <?php endwhile; ?>
                            <?php endif; ##end if have posts ?>
                        <?php do_action( '__after_loop' );##hook of the comments and the posts navigation with priorities 10 and 20 ?>
                    </div><!--.article-container -->
              <div class="span4 right tc-sidebar">
                        <div id="right" class="widget-area" role="complementary">
                          <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'right' );?>
               <?php do_action( '__after_article_container' ); ##hook of left sidebar ?>
            </div><!--.row -->
        </div><!-- .container role: main -->
        <?php do_action( '__after_main_container' ); ?>
    </div><!-- //#main-wrapper -->
    <?php do_action( '__after_main_wrapper' );##hook of the footer with get_get_footer ?>


    If you add this code to your functions.php file in your child theme, it will add an image above the main container for all blog posts. Be sure to replace the image source with the url for your image.

    add_action('__before_main_container', 'add_image', 5);
    function add_image(){
    		echo '<img src="your/img/url/here">';
    		echo '';
    Thread Starter georgedumontier


    CSS loading issue SOLVED:
    I changed the __before_body hook to __before_header. I was loading my div in the head before my stylesheet. That’s why the css took a second to load.

    Still trying to get the splash page to load up without seeing a split second of the real site hidden underneath. I tried changing the main page (#tc-page-wrap) to display:none and then changing it back to display:block during the fadeout. It works well except it messes up the carousel slider. The images load really small in the corner of the carousel.

    Let me know if you smart people have any other ideas for me to try?

    try putting ‘.home’ before your other css selectors.

    .home .tc-sticky-header #tc-reset-margin-top {
        display: block;
        margin-top: -40px !important;
    .home .sticky-disabled .tc-header {
        top: 0;
        background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.0);
        border-bottom: none;

    hmm slider looks good on mobile for me. Your screenshot link isn’t working for me though.

    Hmm, you should be able to type the upside question mark by using the ascii code. It’s alt + 168, or the upside down exclamation point is alt + 173.

    Is it not showing up on the site? Could you post a link maybe?

    Thread Starter georgedumontier


    Yep, I’m a dum dum.

    For some reason the changes weren’t applying to my site. But I just deleted the menu and made a new one and it worked no problem.

    Maybe try position:absolute and top:0 on the slider. Then adjust the z-index of the other header elements?

    Do you have a link to the site?

    Maybe try making the slider position:absolute and then adjusting the z-index of the other header elements?

    Do you have a link to the site?

    You should be able to do this with CSS. Do you have a child theme and a style.css file?

    Also, can you share a link to your site?

    Thread Starter georgedumontier


    Hi George,

    What you’re looking for is a conditional statement. Try this:

    add_action('__before_main_container', 'pec_mtd_filter_content');
    function pec_mtd_filter_content(){
    	if(is_page( 'meet-the-doctors' )){
    		function pec_change_mtd_content($stuff){
    			$stuff = 'blablablablabla';
    			return $stuff;

    This seems to work, but I’m not totally sure if the syntax is right. It might be a little ugly or stupid looking.

    Next time spend some more time googling your question before you post to the forums!

    Thread Starter georgedumontier


    I think ‘the_content‘ might be the hook I’m looking for, but is there a way to only apply to it to one specific page?

    Is this something I would use a page template for?

    Thread Starter georgedumontier


    Oh, i just checked it in Firefox and it’s <footer id=”footer” class=””> and In Chrome it shows <footer id=”footer” class>

    Chrome must ignore empty quotes.

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